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El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
My remarks were not directed at anyone in particular...

Nope. You were directing it at everybody that posted about having a problem with the airplanes crashing the way they did. You're certainly entitled to your opinion. However, you're not entitled to be rude to others while expressing it. Telling those who didn't like that visual to "let it go" is being rude. It's telling other people that their reasons or criteria are "wrong", and they should just let it go. So again I'll say, No. You watch it for the reasons you have, I (and others) won't watch it for the reasons we have, and I'd appreciate your not telling me and others what we should or shouldn't ignore and why.

That the show has the mentioned mistakes does not "bother" me. It can suck all it wants, and it won't bother me. It is however, part of the criteria I use to determine whether a show is worth it to me to watch. I stated what such mistakes are indicative of to me, and why those indicators are the reasons I won't be watching it.

I have however, been following this thread to see if other peoples experiences with it indicate that it might be worthwhile despite such mistakes, based on my preferences. So far, I haven't read anything here to change my mind. I have a limited amount of time for such entertainments, which leaves me wanting to fill that time with the ones that will be the most satisfying to me. This one isn't making the cut. That's not "being bothered", it's just simple pragmatism.
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First Post
Charlie and her useless brother are completely separated, so until they fix that it will bother me.

Useless? I thought the brother was so much more active than Charlie was. At least he stood up to the militia and even escaped. All Charlie did was be mad, struggle with her crossbow, and make googly eyes at an enemy.

My girl and I found it to be meh. It's a show that hasn't fully committed to its premise. And not just with the falling planes or the MacGuffin USB drive. The characters don't feel like they belong in a post-apocalyptic world devoid of electricity.


Useless? I thought the brother was so much more active than Charlie was. At least he stood up to the militia and even escaped. All Charlie did was be mad, struggle with her crossbow, and make googly eyes at an enemy.

I'm not a big fan of hers, either, to be sure. But the kid got his dad and a bunch of others killed, to no good purpose. Nervous kid with crossbow < a dozen militia, muskets, and a Desert Eagle.

And he has done nothing so far to redeem himself to me, or even make him remotely interesting. Frankly I don't care if he escapes the bad dudes or not.

I think the the only two characters I care at all about are the drunk uncle and the old nerd, and those two barely. But again, pilots can start weak so I'll wait and see.

Telling those who didn't like that visual to "let it go" is being rude.
Sorry. I simply can't quite grasp that the statement, "Let it go," - in the context I gave it - is actually rude. I'm not insulting anyone's intelligence or parentage here. I'm just suggesting that dismissing the entire show over a couple of issues in the pilot strikes me as excessive given that it's just a TV show - and one which we both AGREE was some distance from greatness in the first place.

I stated what such mistakes are indicative of to me, and why those indicators are the reasons I won't be watching it.
And I stated that to me such mistakes are insufficient to warrant not giving the show additional time to prove itself; that overlooking those mistakes - letting it go - is still deserved. Not a command. A suggestion.

So far, I haven't read anything here to change my mind. I have a limited amount of time for such entertainments, which leaves me wanting to fill that time with the ones that will be the most satisfying to me. This one isn't making the cut. That's not "being bothered", it's just simple pragmatism.
Pragmatism, bothered, disappointed, enraged, or whatever you want to call it. So be it. I never suggested you personally had no right to dislike it. I was suggesting that anyone might want to look past the errors and failures. Reserve judgment until another episode or two is in, because, again, not every show gleams with greatness out of the box.

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
Sorry. I simply can't quite grasp that the statement, "Let it go," - in the context I gave it - is actually rude...

Then I'd "suggest" pondering on it a while. Try looking at it not from how you would take it, but how others might take it. Step outside of what you know about your own intentions, and look at it from the perspective of those reading it. Those who are reading it have no way of knowing your intention, we can only go on what you write and how it's written. What you know of your intentions are not part of the "context". It might take some time, but I'm certain you'll eventually get it.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
Just watched the pilot episode....

asthma meds have a limited shelf life;

I can forgive the fight physics - I see worse in pretty much every single action movie ever. If I'm going to gripe about fight physics, I'm going to be very annoyed at most genre shows, and will have very little media entertainment in my life. So, I've learned to not worry so much about it. I can guess they're gonna puke all over quantum mechanics at some point anyway, so I better save my outrage....

The asthma meds, however, is another matter. Those have, for the very longest-lived, a shelf life of 2-3 years. Certainly not 15 years. Unless they're telegraphing that someone, somewhere, is continuing to make new meds...

characters are inconsistently adept

Oh, that one is easy to excuse, at least for the "PCs" - competence is a combination of skill and a clear head, and most of the PCs are clearly not battle hardened, so clear heads may be hard to come by.

bad guys are unbelievably bad shots a la Imperial Stormtroopers

First, I think you're overstating it. In the village, they took several people down. The only guy they consistently missed was supposed to be a combat superman.

Also note - the guys using front-loading muskets were bad shots. The guys using more modern-style firearms were good shots. That's suggesting the quality of the firearm, not the skill of the user, is an issue.

More importantly, for me - if you turn off electricity, you don't shove humanity back to medieval times. You shove us back to Victorian times. I was happy to see firearms still around. I'm now waiting to see the steam engines.

Vyvyan Basterd

The asthma meds, however, is another matter. Those have, for the very longest-lived, a shelf life of 2-3 years. Certainly not 15 years. Unless they're telegraphing that someone, somewhere, is continuing to make new meds...

Well, the lady who gave it to him is part of a group of people that can overcome the loss of power. And I get the impression that they are a group of learned people.


Staff member
First, I think you're overstating it. In the village, they took several people down. The only guy they consistently missed was supposed to be a combat superman

Which is exactly as bad as Imperial Stormtroopers! :D

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