• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption



Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption: Rogue to Redemption is the new hybrid adventure/RPG by Corey and Lori Cole, creators of the acclaimed Quest for Glory series. Hero-U tells the story of a young Rogue forced to attend Hero University to straighten out his life. Meanwhile, he discovers that the ancient catacombs beneath the school are infested with strange and vile creatures.

Shawn must survive the rigors of an unwanted education as well as the monsters that hide a greater secret. As in Quest for Glory, the game play in Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption is a combination of classic adventure game and subtle use of RPG skills. :)Combat is turn-based and puzzle-oriented, so this game is all about thinking, with zero “twitch action”.

For more RPG Kickstarter projects, check out RPG Kickstarters.

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Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption: Rogue to Redemption is the new hybrid adventure/RPG by Corey and Lori Cole, creators of the acclaimed Quest for Glory series. Hero-U tells the story of a young Rogue forced to attend Hero University to straighten out his life. Meanwhile, he discovers that the ancient catacombs beneath the school are infested with strange and vile creatures.

Shawn must survive the rigors of an unwanted education as well as the monsters that hide a greater secret. As in Quest for Glory, the game play in Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption is a combination of classic adventure game and subtle use of RPG skills. :)Combat is turn-based and puzzle-oriented, so this game is all about thinking, with zero “twitch action”.

For more RPG Kickstarter projects, check out RPG Kickstarters.

The Hero-U Kickstarter is really picking up steam and looks to make its funding goal! I've been following it since Corey and Lori Cole announced their intention to return to RPG/Adventure games. I am super-excited to play this game and hope it encourages a relaunch in that genre. After all, what else can I do to sate my RPG addiction when all of my dice-chucking pals are busy?


Torchino Motorino
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Anything by Lori and Corey Cole is worth a look at. Quest for Glory remains my favorite adventure series, ever. Heck, it got me into DnD in the first place!

Anything by Lori and Corey Cole is worth a look at. Quest for Glory remains my favorite adventure series, ever. Heck, it got me into DnD in the first place!

It's funny you said that, me too! I remember seeing the red dragon on the cover to Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight and thinking it looked like the red saurus/dragon on the cover of the original Quest for Glory (a.k.a. Heroes Quest) box. If it hadn't been for that game, I may never have discovered D&D!

Torchino Motorino


First Post

Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption, from the Quest for Glory creators, is ending their kickstarter soon. It's now or never folks! Some preview art above from Eriq, the artist.


A little less than 3 days and they need about 80,000. Going to be very close, so if you liked their past games and want to see them make another, please consider supporting them.

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