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Storn's art for swipin'!


wow. sorry to hear about the hacking!

Thanks ftjedi!

Well, Millie encouraged me to make Xmas cards. So I did the obligatory cat Xmas card starring our cats, Chrissie and Baby. Chrissie is the one wearing the santa hat. So this is the cute. Down with watered down acrylic ink.


Then we have a dear friend who is a major horror fan. Last year, I did a zombie Xmas. This year, well, how about Vampire Xmas. So, Bloody. Maybe next Xmas will be hairy (ie Loup Garou). Another acrylic, done on these cool watercolor cards that I acquired along the way somewhere. By the way, although the font was hand done, it was based on a pencil transfer from Blambot's excellent YouMurderer font.


Lastly, the divine, the last in my triad of angels.


I will put all three of these up on my FineArt America. They can make nice cards and such.


I'm off to Puerto Rico for Christmas. I hope to do some art while down there. I'll post it when I get back.

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Death Tribble wanted an Evil Whale. My first go around tried to animorphasize the beastie, but DT really wanted a pretty straight up baleen whale. I gave it a bit of a "chin" growth and red eyes to hopefully push it a bit into 'eeeeevvvviilll!!" territory. But I'm not sure.


This is another in Paul T's Exalted femme fatale series. This time, it is Red Lotus Blossom, described to me as a redhead (but using an actresses very orange hair color), wearing red, and being a "sword princess" but with a naginata (if I preferred.. yes, I preferred! <g> I get to draw swords all the time, naginatas are much more rare!)


p.s. Really, really diggin' my Cintiq!!!


Back from 2 weeks in Puerto Rico! Back to the studio! Back to the drawing board!

While I haven't posted much art of late, I have been busy doing art and now I can share some of it with you. First up, another oddball concept from Death Tribble. This time I was the one who pushed for doing the head inside the chest...originally, it was supposed to be a helmet with water/fluid suspending the disembodied head. I wanted to push the concept just a tad further and this is what I came up with...

Additionally, it is the first time I've done digital inks in a long time, and the first time on my wacom Cintiq. I was pretty fast and more importantly, happy with the result. Much, much easier than inking on a wacom tablet.

Next up is another private commission... Warrior with mystic sword.. the patron went into some detail on how the sword was all jaggedy and energized.

Next are two images from the first kickstarter I'm discussing today. These are from "The Skies of Danbury"... a follow up to the "Within the Devil's Reach" adventure. This is for the game, Dungeon World. The cover, followed up by an interior. You can find the already-funded Skies of Danbury kickstart here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jbmannon/the-skies-over-danbury-dungeon-world-adventures



And for superhero lovers, this is an image for a Mutants and Masterminds Villains pack. Link to that is here and this worthy project is NOT funded yet, so it could use your help:



note: This was also digitally inked.

Mutant Lord

Cintiq question

Hi Storn,

Nice stuff man! Just curious about this whole inking on the Cintiq thing. So... what size of Cintiq did you get? Also, so, you ink right outa your head or do you ink over a pencil sketch that has been scanned? If over a pencil drawing, then I guess you'd have original sketches in graphite someplace. I always dread inking over a pencil in case I screw up and loose the graphite drawing beneath the ink.
Finally, got any more post-apocalyptic art to add to the other collection?


Hi Storn,

Nice stuff man! Just curious about this whole inking on the Cintiq thing. So... what size of Cintiq did you get? Also, so, you ink right outa your head or do you ink over a pencil sketch that has been scanned? If over a pencil drawing, then I guess you'd have original sketches in graphite someplace. I always dread inking over a pencil in case I screw up and loose the graphite drawing beneath the ink.
Finally, got any more post-apocalyptic art to add to the other collection?

My Cintiq is the 22". And I digitally ink over a scanned in pencil sketch. Although, I've been inking traditionally for so many years, I don't really worry about losing the original pencil. The cool thing about doing the digital, and I did this a bit in the archer above, was I digitally inked on a separate layer and I knocked back the pencil, but kept just a bit of it for some grit and texture. Because I've inked the outside lines, clean up of any stray lines (which I usually have quite a few of, I'm a messy penciller) is a breeze.

I don't think I've got any post-apocalyptic stuff at the moment. No one is hiring me to do that at the moment.

Robert, of the Do Not Approach-- Mutants and Masterminds villain gallery kickstart, wrote me with a correction. The link in the previous post was to an older kickstart, here is the link to the correct one: http://kck.st/TlXrpB. I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience.

Here is a fresh off the tablet commission, the first of 7, involving vampire hunters and their prey.



First up, a couple more of the Vampire Hunters club. I will have more details, as in a link, when that becomes available from the client.

Joe. Vampire Hunter

Sister Howley. Vampire Hunter

Then here are two more from Death Tribble. A shooter and a Virgin airlines air stewardess with super powers. The model used for the Virgin airlines gal is the same model that DT ask me to use for one of our very first collaborations, Brittania.


Virgin Air Stewardess super heroine


Y'know, I mentally added a pause after the first word there that totally changed the meaning of that title. :D

Yah, I suspect that might happen when I wrote that sentence. Glad to see it worked!:)

Here are a couple of fantasy pics. Trying to get a tad more movement and action into these character concept shots. It isn't always appropriate, due to the tone or personality of the character... but I try to remember to do action occasionally instead of just a pose where possible. Let y'all be the judges... enjoy!

I've done Wilson down there twice before. He has been upgraded with mystical armor, as per the patron's request.


And to make this guy's 2 handed warhammer a bit on the large side. I aim to please. Should I have pushed it even further? To, say, some anime or online MMO stylings of large hammers? I still shirk towards the realm of "somewhat believable . Again, y'all be the judges!



..on what I can share these days. I've got a big project on my table for a movie. NDAs are in place, so I can only talk about it in limited fashion. But I'm doing sorta mini-matte paintings for a fantasy movie that the actors are going to be in front of. It is really cool, hard and fun.

In between approvals and fixes... I will still do my private commissions, but I might not be getting quite as many of them done as before. But here is one, just done for Death Tribble.



First Post
I gotta say, this certainly gets the mind going and makes me start to think of plenty of adventures... Excellent art and beautifully done! I had to sit here and go over it all, but it was well worth it and very inspiring :)

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