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The one night stand culture


I'd be willing to bet, if you checked enough towns, England, and even France, has old ridiculous sex laws on their books as well. A law that isn't enforced -- isn't even known unless you dig in historical municipality documents -- isn't really fair play for argument about what is or isn't allowed.
Ken Cuccinelli, then-Attorney General of Virginia, fought as long as he could in favor of the state's sodomy ban. Last year. He was also in the Virginia state legislature in 2003 when, after the Supreme Court struck down sodomy bans nationwide, he voted against amending the state's sodomy ban because he, and many other legislators, wanted to continue to have that ban (unenforceable as they knew it was) on the books expressly to express societal condemnation of certain people. Cuccinelli thought it was important enough to condemn people that have non-vaginal sex that he was willing to risk letting child molesters go free just to keep that condemnation on the books.

Last year some idiot sheriff in Louisiana made the newspapers because he was continuing to arrest people under the state's sodomy laws. Every case was thrown out the prosecutors (they knew they could never win in court as the law was declared unconstitutional) but the sheriff continued to do it anyway.

Multiple times last year we got reports on how teenage rape victims were being bullied by their peers and parents-of-peers for daring to say they were raped. One family had to move towns because it got so bad.

A few weeks back the Disney show "Good Luck Charlie" included a kid that had lesbian parents. The kid has since received death threats.

But please. Tell me more about this world of "no consequences". It sounds nice.

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My point is that you can go out anywhere, any time, and find someone to have sex with, in any manner you want, and you'll get no societal trouble. You can have gay interracial multi-partner sex, and you won't be jailed, loose your job, or otherwise have a problem. In general.
That's incorrect. I had a high school teacher, and her husband who was a high school teacher at another high school in the area, get arrested and fired because they were in a swingers club. The police busted in and arrested a bunch of people. She was charged with prostitution even though she was only taking part in a game/competition where various women were using sex toys to perform certain sex acts to win prizes the club had. Both her and her husband lost their jobs over that. The club was two counties away. The charges were eventually dropped, but her job was not returned.


So, because you can find a few examples of crazy zealots having a personal problem with sexuality, all 300 million Americans are sexually repressive? This is like those who claim there's a war on Christmas. Point out a few incidents and expand it to cover the entire country and culture.

Do you deny that one can go out and hook up with anyone they want, any time they want? Do you deny that there are people down at the local bar right now, in plain sight of other citizens, (and even possibly law officers), hooking up for sex as they want? Will they get in any societal trouble for it?

Two people meet, and they want to have sex with each other. Are you saying that they are restricted in this activity more in America than in England, or France, or Brazil? You can even tell a cop you pass on the way to your apartment, "Hey! Guess what! We're going to my place to shag each other rotten." And the cop will probably just shrug and say, "OK, just wait till you get home. (And use a condom.)"

This America is sexually repressive idea is as ridiculous as the "War on Christmas".


Do you deny that one can go out and hook up with anyone they want, any time they want?
Yes, totally deny it. The other person has to be attracted to and for the most part consent to sex. Just because you want to get laid doesn't mean it's going to happen. I mean, unless you count sex with a prostitute, which in most of the country is illegal.
you deny that there are people down at the local bar right now, in plain sight of other citizens, (and even possibly law officers), hooking up for sex as they want?
Yes, I deny it. They can't do so in public.
Will they get in any societal trouble for it?
Yes, having sex in public will get you arrested.

Related story. I went to a bar a while back with some friends. While we were outside talking, this guy and a girl walk out. The two were obviously drunk. The girl is all over this guy. Some other guy, who obviously wanted to watch the two hook up, tells them they can bang in the back of his pickup truck. The girl didn't want to be watch by a fat guy with a creeper mustache, so she pulls the guy she is with away with his. They go down to about the middle of the parking lot, and get in a car. I'm not sure if it was his or her car, but they get in. About five minutes later, a police car pulls into the parking lot. Several people standing outside point to the car where the guy and gel were. The cop pulls up next to them and flashes the police lights. They two ended up handcuffed.

Two people meet, and they want to have sex with each other. Are you saying that they are restricted in this activity more in America than in England, or France, or Brazil? You can even tell a cop you pass on the way to your apartment, "Hey! Guess what! We're going to my place to shag each other rotten." And the cop will probably just shrug and say, "OK, just wait till you get home. (And use a condom.)"

This America is sexually repressive idea is as ridiculous as the "War on Christmas".

I don't want to get into politics because I'm sure someone will point out how there is an EW policy against it, and this thread is fairly entertaining. Still, all you have to do is look at the laws that have been enforced, even as recently as the last 15 years. John Ashcroft, a former U.S. Attorney General went after the adult industry with charges of indecency. He tried to get people thrown in jail for what they did in adult movies. Even now there are several states where certain words have been "banned" from state legislatures. In Florida, you can't say "Vagina" in the state legislature. There was one congressman who got in trouble for that. That was last year, or the year before.


Have you ever participated in the one-night-stand culture?


Or do you know people who are?


What is it about that culture? Is it the game? Is it the variety? Is it about keeping a score/number? Is it avoiding all emotional investment?

I don't know, but I'd suspect it depends on the individual.

However, provided both parties consent, both parties are up-front and honest about what they want, and nobody gets hurt (and, to ensure this, they take appropriate precautions), I don't see any great problem with it. They're not making the choices I would make, but that's the point: they're not my choices to make.


First Post
So, because you can find a few examples of crazy zealots having a personal problem with sexuality, all 300 million Americans are sexually repressive? This is like those who claim there's a war on Christmas. Point out a few incidents and expand it to cover the entire country and culture.

A few examples? I think you mistake your opponents' brevity for lack of proof. I assure you you're completely wrong. There's a hell of a lot more than a few. Right now, for example, there's a law somewhere that's in the process of being passed that would allow business owners to refuse service to people of a sexual orientation that they don't like. This includes government workers.

Anthony Weiner was forced to resign in disgrace for sending picks of his package to girls via text while Rob Ford is still serving in Canada after admitting to smoking crack. Billy Clinton was impeached for having sex with an intern. Impeached. I can give you more if this still counts, in your eyes, as 'a few examples'.

Hmm ... one more thing right quick: Janet Jackson exposed part of one breast on TV - and it was covered up - and the whole country was upset about what our poor kids saw when watching the game. They demonized something natural while never once crying about the beer commercials that glamorized alcohol to their precious little ones or the news they watched afterwards which probably showed the body of someone who was very violently killed. The priority was a booby. But yeah, bro. We're totes open to sex in America.

Do you deny that one can go out and hook up with anyone they want, any time they want? Do you deny that there are people down at the local bar right now, in plain sight of other citizens, (and even possibly law officers), hooking up for sex as they want? Will they get in any societal trouble for it?

I'll deny it as long as people are fired for being gay and for as long as laws are proposed to enable folks - including gov't employees - to discriminate against people based upon sexual orientation. Can they do it? Yep. Can they do it without consequence? Sure ... right up until they get caught.

Oh, by the way, there have been teachers fired fairly recently because they happened to be strippers at one point in their life. Tell me more about our openness and tolerance, please. Hell, you should tell them. I'm sure they'd be happy to hear the good news.

Two people meet, and they want to have sex with each other. Are you saying that they are restricted in this activity more in America than in England, or France, or Brazil? You can even tell a cop you pass on the way to your apartment, "Hey! Guess what! We're going to my place to shag each other rotten." And the cop will probably just shrug and say, "OK, just wait till you get home. (And use a condom.)"

Again, you're missing the point. Nobody is gonna pull a gun on you and stop you from hooking up ... well, some people probably would. Anyhoo, there are consequences to these actions that aren't found elsewhere. Additionally, you can't see nudity on the news or even basic cable but you can see as many burnt and exploded corpses as you want. For whatever reason you want to think that sex is nothing more than a physical act when that's not even close to what everyone else is talking about.

This America is sexually repressive idea is as ridiculous as the "War on Christmas".


Only if you either aren't paying attention or don't understand the discussion.


First Post
Hmm ... one more thing right quick: Janet Jackson exposed part of one breast on TV - and it was covered up - and the whole country was upset about what our poor kids saw when watching the game.
Not only did they complain-people do that all the time-they actually got a substantial legal decision and regulatory changes.

There have also been significant legal issues surrounding breast feeding in public, and there's a go topless protest movement. Conversely, in Europe you can see topless ads in mainstream publications. America has a thing about breasts.


Wha? America is sexually repressed/repressive? Do you watch TV or movies?

You need to get out more. America is horribly repressed, sexually. Violence on the other hand.....

You can literally go anywhere in this country and hook up with anyone for sex at any time. So long as nothing is forced, and you aren't directly paying for it (a law which I agree is odd), sex is totally unrepressed here. All with no general cultural repercussions.

I don't know how anyone can claim America, in general, is a sexually repressive culture.

Methinks you're not understanding the nature of repression.


I heard a story on the radio this weekend that made me think about this. I've never really understood the one-night-stand culture. Going to bars every night, (or even just on weekend nights), picking up random strangers for an intimate encounter.

Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. As long as you're communicating, consenting adults, go to town. That means drawing the line when agreeing to a mutually monogamous relationship, but if that's not your bag, so be it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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