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Dawn of the Warforged

Isida Kep'Tukari

Facet, female personality psiforged psionic artificer with packmate companion Trundle

Nameless considers the warforged in front of him.

They have been here a long time. Three years at least if they know nothing of The Mournland. Although its possible that house Cannith just kept them in the dark.

"The Treaty of Thronehold recognised the Warforged as living beings and granted us the same rights and responsibilities as other sentient beings. Warforged can no longer be owned as property.

"House Cannith no longer owns you.

"You do not have to report back to them.

"Of course you may do if you wish to.

"They may choose to hire you if you have skills they want. Or they may claim everything you have on you as belonging to them, and then turn you out the door. It is not unknown."

Facet looks at Nameless. Had she a face as mobile as most humans, she would have been agog. Or perhaps aghast. To be free? But... why? They were made, created for a purpose. Why freedom? What good would it do them? What could they do? Without direction, purpose, what good what she? She had skills, certainly, but who would hire her? Why pay someone who needed neither food nor sleep nor shelter? What in the world would she do with money if she had it?

The shock of it all sent her reeling.

"We are, were?, a specialist unit. Most of us were purpose-built, unique. We have particular value to House Cannith. We represent an investment. Surely they want to see us back," she says, maybe not quite as confidently as she hoped.

Nameless hooks one end of his bow between the plates of his foot and unstrings his bow. He slings it across his back.

"I have some tools and a some ability at repairing damage."

Nameless will assist any warforged that asks, as well as do his best to answer their questions and bring them up to speed, including on the destruction of the Creation Forges. Since the Day of Mourning Nameless has been freelancing across Khovaire, and has crosses the continent at least once. He has seen a fair bit of post-war world.

"Perhaps you should consider waiting here a few days, at least until you are in better repair. It will give you time to make a decision."

"It is my job to repair them," Facet bristles, as if this interloper with his fantastical tales (Cyre burnt? Whitehearth, gone? All the ones who trained her, deceased?) could do any better than her, who was made to be a repair unit. She turns to get out her tools, Trundle handing them to her eagerly, and brings to mind her infusions to aid her crafting skills, preparing to use her purpose-built talents to bring her unit back up to like-new status. No rag-tag unit of scruffy soldiers would present itself to the House!

[sblock]Facet will use unseen crafter (from Races of Eberron) to aid in her Craft checks as she works on her fellows. It's a 2nd level infusion, lasts 1 day/level, and will craft with my Craft check as I command it to. And it has a +10 bonus when working on warforged.[/sblock]

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the magical equivalent to the number zero

Not a sound comes from Glitch, as he is absorbing the information given to them by Nameless.

The War is over? Warforged are free, and no longer a possession? That is.. inconceivable! We have been created to serve House Cannith, and now that we are no longer necessary, we are discarded.

What do we do now? What do
I do now?

A tiny voice, deep inside Glitch, whispers, Whatever you want!

At last the warlock stirs, looks at the nameless warforged, and asks, "So I can choose to do what I want, myself? Or are you instructed to bring us with you, regardless of whether we want to come along?"


First Post
Alecto absorbs the information stoically, and looks at the glowing blade growing from its arm. It vanishes a moment later.

Somewhere in its mind, it understood 'freedom' on the level of a dictionary. It could recite words that defined the term, and it could use it contextually in a sentence. It was one of the litany of things that the War was being fought to preserve, along with honor and sovereignity and others.

But Alecto had no sense of how the word would pertain to itself. It was a tool; a weapon. A sword without a hand to hold it was just...metal in a particular shape. Useless.

"He said we don't have to go," said Alecto. "But...what else is there for us to do?"


Nameless, Warforged Psychic Warrior 5

The warforged seems unphased but what Nameless says. "Free huh? So you are what? Hired? Like a merc? Like if we were alive? Please, nothing living is made of metal. Surely you've gone made or something, why would the Houses relinquish the possession of such masterpieces as we warforged?"

"Yes. Hired. Paid even, if you are lucky.

"As for the Houses, I don't think that they were given much choice. House Caanith in particular was unhappy with the decision."

Facet looks at Nameless.

"We are, were?, a specialist unit. Most of us were purpose-built, unique. We have particular value to House Cannith. We represent an investment. Surely they want to see us back," she says, maybe not quite as confidently as she hoped.

"The end of the war did not bring peace to Khorvaire. The is still plenty of fighting, and plenty of call for those with skills. Even if House Cannith does not require your services any more, there are plenty who do. But do not be in a hurry to make a decision. Take some time to understand the new world first."

"It is my job to repair them," Facet bristles, ...

"My apologies. I did not intend to imply I could do a better job. I merely meant to offer my assistance."

"So I can choose to do what I want, myself? Or are you instructed to bring us with you, regardless of whether we want to come along?"

"Yes. I am to drag you by the heels if that is what is required."

Nameless pauses for a moment before adding.

"That was humour. It is popular among humans. However, without the appropriate intonation and facial expression, I suspect that it does not work as intended.

"I did ask the same question of Lord ir-Thul. He said that you would come because 'they'll not have another way to go'." Nameless shrugs, a gesture common among humans that he has become somewhat fond of.

"It is not for me to say whether or not that is true."


First Post
For the first time Rothitash speaks out loud to the group, his voice is deep yet oddly tranquil,

"It seems my companion and I were teleported here through time and space, would you happen to know anything of what has become of our home?"


Nameless, Warforged Psychic Warrior 5

With this Rothitash draws his Greatsword, however he does not brandish it at the constructs, instead the sword is placed tip down into the ground with one hand still on the handle. The pommel of the sword is about shoulder height. Anyone who takes an interest in the sword can tell that it is not only a weapon of serious destruction, but also masterfully crafted from Deep Crystal. When the newcomer makes his appearance, Rothitash is a little more on edge and watches him intently.

Warforged recognises the deep crystal blade but makes no comment nor sign of recognition. During his time with the house of Minharath Warforged had some dealings with other Psychic Warriors. Mostly they disliked the idea of a living construct being initiated so. A couple accepted him as a peer. One came as close to being a companion as Warforged had known. Together they trained to hone their skills and, on occasions, slipped out to explore the city of Sharn. Had Warforged a notion of a concept of a 'friend', Warforged may have even described him as such.

"It seems my companion and I were teleported here through time and space, would you happen to know anything of what has become of our home?"

"Sarlona is unchanged, last I heard." But even as the words are spoken, Warforged realises that the Sarlona he knows of, and the one the kalashtar know may not be the same. "The Riedra rule all but the mountain sanctuaries of Adar.

"During the last decades of the war, the Riedran began been sending missions and Ambassadors to the courts of the Five Nations. Since the war I have heard that this has only continued. But I cannot speak to that personally."


the magical equivalent to the number zero

Glitch takes the improvised sack offered by Facet, and fills it with most of his possessions. A single wand he keeps separate, saying, "I can help with the repairs with this here wand, if need be."

"Yes. I am to drag you by the heels if that is what is required."

Nameless pauses for a moment before adding.

"That was humour. It is popular among humans. However, without the appropriate intonation and facial expression, I suspect that it does not work as intended.

"I did ask the same question of Lord ir-Thul. He said that you would come because 'they'll not have another way to go'." Nameless shrugs, a gesture common among humans that he has become somewhat fond of.

"It is not for me to say whether or not that is true."

"I doubt there is truly no other way to go, but I am curious about this Lord ir-Thul you speak of," Glitch replies, ignoring the nameless warforged's attempt at humour. "What are his intentions regarding us? Does he offer a job, now that we are no longer possessions to be owned and ordered around?"

Voda Vosa

First Post

"Well, I can't say I'm not amused by these news. It's a strange new world for me, but I guess I can still do what I did. Kill stuff." Muncher says, picking up whatever remains of his gear. "Any take care of you all of course, I don't know what would you do without me." The adamantine warforged chuckles.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Facet, female personality psiforged psionic artificer with packmate homunculus Trundle

"The end of the war did not bring peace to Khorvaire. The is still plenty of fighting, and plenty of call for those with skills. Even if House Cannith does not require your services any more, there are plenty who do. But do not be in a hurry to make a decision. Take some time to understand the new world first."

"Perhaps," Facet says, looking down at her tools. "Information is always necessary. That... may be a good direction to go, once we are all fully functional."

"My apologies. I did not intend to imply I could do a better job. I merely meant to offer my assistance."
Facet seems mollified somewhat by Nameless' acquiescence. "Assistance is always useful, but I am not certain as to your skill level. I was created specifically to repair. But I am willing to see your skills, if that will help us."

"Yes. I am to drag you by the heels if that is what is required."

Nameless pauses for a moment before adding.

"That was humour. It is popular among humans. However, without the appropriate intonation and facial expression, I suspect that it does not work as intended.

"I did ask the same question of Lord ir-Thul. He said that you would come because 'they'll not have another way to go'." Nameless shrugs, a gesture common among humans that he has become somewhat fond of.

"It is not for me to say whether or not that is true."

Humor was one of those things that did not come easily, and understanding it had never really come to any sort of logical conclusion. Facet resolved to ignore it in favor of facts. This Lord ir'Thul either knew more than he had said, was attempting to guide them in a specific direction, or was trying to manipulate them. They would learn the truth eventually... but not until they were out of this swamp.


Nameless, Warforged Psychic Warrior 5

"I doubt there is truly no other way to go, but I am curious about this Lord ir-Thul you speak of," Glitch replies, ignoring the nameless warforged's attempt at humour. "What are his intentions regarding us? Does he offer a job, now that we are no longer possessions to be owned and ordered around?"

"I do not know his intentions. Lord ir-Thul did not speak to them at all."

Warforged pauses for a moment, recalling the memory.

"His exact words were; bring them to Regalport, in the Lhazaar principalities, where I will find you again.

"It is an instruction most notable for its lack of specific detail or indication of intent. I would suggest finding out a little more about Lord ir-Thul before meeting him."

"Perhaps," Facet says, looking down at her tools. "Information is always necessary. That... may be a good direction to go, once we are all fully functional."

Facet seems mollified somewhat by Nameless' acquiescence. "Assistance is always useful, but I am not certain as to your skill level. I was created specifically to repair. But I am willing to see your skills, if that will help us."

Warforged nods in agreement.

[sblock=OOC]Craft (blacksmithing) +9 and tools +2 . With Take 10, he can add an additional 6 hp damage repair.[/sblock]

When the repairs are done, etc. Warforged will suggest investigating the ruins. There must have a been a reason for the Rierdan being here, and the kalashtar being brought here. First up, scoping out the outside to get an idea of the scale of the ruins I think.

Voidrunner's Codex

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