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Doctor Who: Robot of Sherwood (SPOILERS)

It definitely had it's moments. "This isn't a real sandal!", but over-all, meh. Like the part about the golden arrow, if that worked to give the ship more fuel or whatever then what was the point of going through all the trouble of melting down gold to make circuit boards or whatever, why not just stick all the gold on the ship? And why is it that only robots seem to be looking for 'The Promised Land'? And why are their ships always breaking down in England?

The next episode looks like it might be a bit more serious and darker, ohh creepy hands under the bed!

Still not sure what i think of Mr. Pink, what is this? Reservoir Dogs?

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
the wierd thing is that 2 ships crashed in england, with the exact same goal.

The England bit isn't really significant. It's a British show; just like how all the aliens arrive in America in American shows. I imagine they all land in China in Chinese shows.

But the exact same goal. Yeah. I find it hard to see that as a coincidence.


The England bit isn't really significant. It's a British show; just like how all the aliens arrive in America in American shows. I imagine they all land in China in Chinese shows.

But the exact same goal. Yeah. I find it hard to see that as a coincidence.

True. That meta-gaming bit about always being in the same country complicates deducing what's related and what's just the way TV is.


Armed with gold and fashioning them into arrows, I thought they'd be more likely to be hunting the cybermen than vice-versa.
Yeah, that would be a nice twist, too. The assumed bad-guy robots are actually performing pest-control on cybermen that would otherwise take over earth.

Elf Witch

First Post
I thought it was delightful romp and reminded me of classic Dr Who. You know back when not every episode had to be so dark.

Yeah there were a couple of WTF moments like others have mentioned but at the time of watching they didn't totally register. It was after the show went I went huh.

I am really enjoying Peter Capaldi as the Doctor. And I am even finding Clara tolerable.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Running a touch behind, so I just watched this one.

It was a bit silly, which I don't mind so much. The whole, "shoot it with the gold arrow to make it go" was not so hot. I found some of the comedy a bit forced.

I actually liked the spoon bit - there have been incarnations of the Doctor skilled in combat arts before, so seeing this one is actually that good is ind of cool.

Not my favorite, but they can't all be gems.

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