Doctor Who: Past, Future, and Thoughts on the End of the 13th Doctor (SPOILERS!)

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Well, there was still some of that with Clara and even a tiny bit with Bill (which was extra weird)... but nothing compared to the Tennant or Smith eras for sure.
I viewed those as short-term school girl crushes, which the Bill season definitely tried to make explicit in the professor-student relationship.

And, for the record, the Doctor as an Oxford don was genius. More of the Doctor in academia, please.


B/X Known World


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I am overjoyed that Davies, Tennant, and Tate are back and they will hopefully fix the worst mistake of their tenure, namely Donna's mind wipe.
I am unreasonably over the top excited based on that preview. All the feels came rushing back. There is now no way it can meet my expectations.

Also I finally went back and caught up. And there were some decent episodes in there for this past few seasons. But overall I was disappointed. Capaldi and Whittaker both made good Doctors, but the writing and show direction left something to be desired. I have hopes Gatwa will also make for a good Doctor after Tennant's like short run, though I anticipate he may have better writing than Capaldi and Whittaker.


Deluxe Unhuman
I am unreasonably over the top excited based on that preview. All the feels came rushing back. There is now no way it can meet my expectations.

Also I finally went back and caught up. And there were some decent episodes in there for this past few seasons. But overall I was disappointed. Capaldi and Whittaker both made good Doctors, but the writing and show direction left something to be desired. I have hopes Gatwa will also make for a good Doctor after Tennant's like short run, though I anticipate he may have better writing than Capaldi and Whittaker.
That's all pretty much the concensus! Capaldi could have used a new showrunner, I think. Chibnall and his team didn't have trouble coming up with ideas, but they were mostly bad making them into cogent stories. For the most part they didn't make good use of the companions. I really like Capaldi's and Whittaker's Doctors, regardless.

With Robert T. Davies back at the helm, I think we can expect a lot of fun, compelling craziness. I think Gatwa is very good casting - he's got lots of talent, charm, and energy.

Voidrunner's Codex

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