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D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Planescape - In Through the Out Door


Oz capers about pounding out a little ditty on his drum. "Hey there Yugoloth, you know I have seen better carapaces on a cockroach. What's the matter did they run out of bug wax for you? Your mama's so fat, when she sits on the Throne of Eternal Pain, it is the throne that is in pain!"

Viscious Mockery.
Wis save DC 13 or
2 points psychic damage and disadvantage on its next attack roll

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The creature's not-inconsiderable bulk works against it as the party gangs up on it. It rolls across the floor, trying and largely failing to avoid the many blows raining down on top of it; only its innate toughness spares it. Somewhere at the back of its furiously working mouthparts, it spits a series of escalating curses in what sounds disturbingly like a damp, guttural, but somehow almost human voice.

The air around it distends again, and just like that, it's gone-- only to reappear with a soft noise like bending sheet metal some distance down the hall, backed into the corner.

It lands on its horny feet. Tiny embers of hate seem to burn in its insect eyes as it hunkers down, leaning on its pike, and deeply, audibly takes in a breath.

[sblock=Oz, Shandrizar]
Travelers, take heed:

A mezzoloth is capable of breathing out a noxious fume which will fill the hall with poison. This would be the equivalent of a cloudkill spell cast by a 5th level spellcaster, with a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. I'm going to rule that its range is reduced to 20 feet, however.

Having already used its action to retreat from melee via Teleport, it is likely going to use this ability on its next turn. Be warned.

OOC: Hallway mezzoloth: Action - Teleport down the hall away from the party, about 20 feet from those who were in melee with it. It stands up as part of its action.
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With dawning realization that he is fighting a fiend alongside a satyr, Shandrizar apprehends that he is in the midst of adventurers. Dirty rotten ale-gurgling adventurers! Planewalkers, as the local patois describes them. And to think the other day he was enjoying a nice cup of mint tea in his comfy chair and very near to cracking Umfqual's Fifteenth Dubious Ward!

With an inkling of what the mezzoloth is about to do, Shandrizar takes a deep breath that sounds of pages rapidly turning and utters the only word that an Archmage pressed into a corner would naturally think of. "Magic missile!" Suddenly, the spellbook hurtles thru the air and smacks the mezzoloth in the head. Repeatedly. Now face to the face with the fiend, Shandrizar blinks his eyes nervously. "Well that was unexpected..."

OOC:  Bonus action Flurry of Blows (1 ki point)

Attacking the mezzo loth: 3#1d20+5 21 21 19
damage: 3#1d4+5 7 8 9

Hits for a total of 24 damage.
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First Post
OOC: To clear one thing up, the mezzoloth hasn't used that 'spell' this turn, so you don't need to make a save yet. Teleporting requires the creature's action, so it couldn't teleport away and attack at the same time. He is telegraphing his next attack, though, and Oz and Shandrizar, as the most experienced planar characters, would know something of what these things can do.

I can see that being a little confusing, but he *hasn't* created that vapor yet. Basically, I wanted to offer up the party some warning, since this is actually a fairly powerful monster for a party of level 1-5 characters to go up against. ;)

As for the two Torch refugees, the mezzoloth is further away than they are. They were pretty much directly on the other side of the 'loth, and they didn't get the chance to move last turn because of the grease. I'm holding onto their turn for now-- they could move now, but for the moment they're between you and the fiend.
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First Post
OOC: Ahh, I forgot to roll the opportunity attack against @Pembinasa Graydon from earlier. I'll roll that now. Its Teleport ability places it at the end of the hall; Graydon and his spellbook/familiar Shandrizar, the lizardman, and the old woman are somewhere between it and the rest of the party at this point. Shandrizar, that was...quite a (series of) hits. :D

Edit: Rolls in next post.


First Post
OOC: Hallway mezzoloth: Opportunity attack against Graydon with disadvantage (prone) - [roll0], [roll1], [roll2] slashing damage (claws) on a hit. Current hp 10/81.


First Post
OOC: Aw DANG, I was hoping he teleported instead of doing that!

"HrNNNF!" The wizard hissed through his teeth as he took the brutal clawing to the calf, damn able blasted more-skillful-than-they-deserve-to-be BUGS!

Still, at least he's away from that distasteful gang massacre and can get on with more important thi-

"Oh for Rad's sake. Just STAY DOWN ALREADY!" Graydon yelled at the idiot bug who was so bound and determined to keep bothering him instead of fighting the other thugs, even though that's what other adventurers are FOR!

But even as his voice rang out, the young man snatched his dagger out of the sheath and hurled it at the thing, as is right and proper around suddenly-appearing (or reappearing) monsters.

OOC: Dagger throw=1d20+3=23! Critical hit, woo! damage 2d4+3=10 damage

"That's it. As of now, I'm not so much as getting up out of bed in the morning without bringing my crossbow along; this is just ridiculous."
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[section]Picayune remained standing in the doorway. Shard hadn't reacted to his attempt to stir her to action, but then again maybe she, too, was in awe of the purgatory unfolding in the hallway. And, too, sometimes a ditty took a while to unfurl in the heart of its audience. He would wait. When the blunt beauty of Strange Fruit hit Shard, he'd know. Besides, the song's effect could be savored and enjoyed well beyond the time it took for him to sing it to her.

In the meantime, the hallway was chaos. There was grease everywhere, for starters. And had that book just whomped that beetle? Picayune couldn't help but grin and bob his head in time to Oz's ditty on the drum. When the young white dude pulled a blade, however, the grin on Picayune's face deepened. The effigy stood stock still in the open doorway, surveying the madhouse unfolding before him. You know it's bad when even da honky pull a switchblade. Hell, ain't seen a knife fight since da seventies.

The beetle's inhaling a great breath of air escaped Picayune's notice.[/section]

Voidrunner's Codex

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