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D&D 5E If you were to rename the Drow for a neutral setting, what would you name them? (thread 3/3)

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Not sure if Keep It Simple Stupid or the band. Both fit.

KISS Elves.
Well, it would be different.



Shout it out loud. That is not Peter or Ace

I wouldn't know I just grabbed some random image off the internet and I'm not a terribly big KISS fan.

I'm thinking I'll include KISS elves in my campaign world. Some kind of faction of barbarian elves.


Steeliest of the dragons
Drow -as noted, it's not D&D's term. They're an actual folkloric supernatural subterranean elf/dwarf/troll race. Any of their related terms listed in previous posts are similarly "free game" real words.

Dark Elf a.k.a. Svartalfar (literally "black elf") a.k.a. Myrkalfar (literally "dark elf").

If you want to stretch out from thoses fauirly generic/"setting neutral" terms, how about Cave Elves? Spider Elves. Evil Elves. Devil elves. OO! *snap* Got it.



5ever, or until 2024
Gygax created them--though for D&D, not specifically for "Greyhawk", which as people know it was created after the Drow--and he did take the name from folklore, which was almost always the case.


But, really, drow works. Drow is a good generic term.

In World of Warcraft they are called Night Elves.
Night elves are closer to wood elves, with the more evil blood elves being high elves as they're more magical and less druidic. But they don't match 1-to-1.

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