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All the Star Trek, Always, Forever- Interested?

If it wasn't on Netflix, and I could only see it on some German CBS All Access. I think I might be willing to pay for it. I mean, there is a chance I might use other means, but it's relaxing not to have to, and it's new Star Trek! If I want more Star Trek to get made, not paying for it certainly sends the wrong signal. And I definitely prefer it in streaming then on regular TV, because I don't watch regular TV at all anymore. I can't stand commercials anymore. Or having to watch on a schedule. Or needing to program a VCR or equivalent device.

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Staff member
Same. I'll watch something on Hulu or Netflix, but I'm never going to pay for CBS all access, or the Disney streaming service, or any such nonsense. I hope they all fail miserably. I'd rather have less content, in a world with too much good content to ever actually watch while maintaining a life as it is, than pay for a single channel, ever.

I don’t even do Hulu or Netflix.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
We definitely need a non-American thread about Discovery etc. at some point, because they're always mainly about American streaming packages. Makes it tough to actually discuss the show online.


I learned nerd for this.
Look into Amazon Prime you may be able to watch CBS All Access. I can watch it on my sister's Amazon account.

Discovery has its issues but I enjoyed it. I try to ignore the flippy floppy, spinny ship and focus on the story and characters like Tilly, brilliant and ditzy at the same time. Ignore what the klingons look like and pay attention to their culture. I'm looking forward to season 2. I have my doubts about Anson Mount but can't wait for Robecca Romijn to kick ass.

Just like Star Wars, I'll watch anything with Star Trek in the name. I always find something I like in it.


Not me.

And it’s not about amount or quality of ST. I just have zero interest in paying for individual channels.

I also have no interest in paying for individual channels but, on top of that, I really don't like Discovery and the direction ST seems to be going.

The spin-off that I've wanted to see, ever since I saw someone suggest it, is a Gary Seven series starring Christopher Eccleston. :D

I don't know if it was mentioned in that original thread you're talking about, but the Gary Seven episode was in fact a pitch for a spin-off series when it originally aired on ST:TOS.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Look into Amazon Prime you may be able to watch CBS All Access. I can watch it on my sister's Amazon account.

It is an extra subscription, for which you must pay.

Wait... it may be that you need to pay if you want to avoid ads......

dingdingdingding! WE HAVE A WINNER! Thank you, Aeson, for raising this.
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Star Trek, like Star Wars, peaked decades ago, and everything since has been a lesser, paler version. For Star Wars it was the original trilogy. In my opinion, while I have enjoyed much of what came later to varying degrees, everything (and I mean everything) lessened the "artistic legacy" of Star Wars.

Star Trek is less distinct, but for me the high point was Wrath of Khan. What else could it be? Everything after was a diminishing, with some ups and downs. I don't think later films and shows diminished the legacy as much as with Star Wars, but nothing really strengthened it. There were a couple later peaks (e.g. ​the Borg film), but mostly tapering off. Thinning.

I watched the first half season of Discovery and haven't felt pulled to finish it. I may or may not, but it was pretty forgettable. Star Trek has always been a combination of the strength and chemistry of the central characters and the conceptual stuff; the original series (and films) had the best characters. NextGen had some good characters, but not quite as good, but the conceptual stuff was mostly equal. Discovery seemed to be a step down in both.

The problem is trying to recreate the past. It is very, very hard to reboot or redo something in an equal or better way. Better to start something new. Why Star Trek? There's name recognition of course, and hopeful Trekkies. But how about a new franchise? Film/tv is so ridiculously derivative...there are so few fresh ideas. Occasonally we get a Snowpiercer or an Interstellar, but the reboots and rehashes...it is just creative recycling, with diminishing returns.

(All of which is my way of saying, I am very skeptical of any future Trek enterprises...ahem, pun intended).


Mod Squad
Staff member
Woah. Really? I'm not a huge fan of ads, but I prefer them to paying for another service when I'm already paying for several.

Oh, you misunderstand.

My wife ended up with Amazon Prime by accident (literally, it was an accident - she was placing an order when one of our cats jumped in her lap, and distracted, she went through the wrong checkout flow). But, she realized that the shipping features more than pay for themselves if she uses them for her work.

So, it is a winner because I get access to ST: Disco as a side effect of paying for something else. No, I wouldn't pay for Prime just for Trek. That'd be silly.

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