How would you change the new Star Wars trilogy


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I’m hesitant to post this thread, but let’s give it a try.

1) No soapbox rants about how any of them are the worst films ever or rants about “Mary Sue” or any of that crap. If you’re not interested in this exercise, go find a thread you are interested in.

2) You can’t make massive sweeping changes, remove or make entire films etc. Imagine you have “special edition” powers - you can change or add a few lines, add or remove a few scenes, but you can’t make or unmake an entire film.

3) Keep it constructive. Talk about what you’d like to do not about what you hate.

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Less violence, more interpersonal interactions (more story); however, I suppose that would be shifting it all away from being action films.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
1. I would remove shots of Starkiller blowing up planets, to turn TFA into a simple rescue mission. The base can be collecting energy from the sun for something, but not to blow up planets.

2. Remove Canto Blight. Add some scenes about a spy on the fleeing ships, turning that movie into a tight chase scene while they uncover the spy. That’s also why they keep the plan secret - Holdo suspects Poe.

3. Insert the Emperor’s message/threat right at the beginning of the trilogy and have Snoke mention his master from time to time.

4. Have Rey, not Kylo die at the end.

5. Get rid of the big Star Destroyer fleet at the end of IX. Have the Emperor’s threat be less physical and more ‘insidious’.

6. Change that “Traitor!“ duel with Finn in TFS to be with Phasma. Have her appear in tRoS. Make her less the comedy villain and more the indestructible villain who seems to come back from everything.

7. Make Rey a clone of Palpatine, not granddaughter. Snoke was a failed clone; she's a successful one. This means that she really does have no family. Remove the memories of her family leaving. In the end, when she takes the name Skywalker, she's finally gaining a family name.

I guess the main thing I would do is look at the final film in the trilogy. The other two films weren't bad; TFA was nostalgic if flawed, and certainly not a terrible movie. TLJ was actually the better of the three movies despite its flaws (that damned casino scene...completely unnecessary). It at least wanted to take risks.

In my opinion, small changes to the narrative could have made the third movie so much more enjoyable. The whole Palpatine being revealed as the main villain off-screen...that was pretty jarring, and frankly a little insulting. Despite that, having a brief scene with him pointing to various circumstances in the previous two films and showing how he has manipulated the whole group of them would have added so much (think about the scene on the Death Star in RotJ with him taunting Luke about how he was the one that let the rebels find the plans for the new Death Star). Rey as a Palpatine didn't bother was actually pretty subtle, but they kind of let on that this was the direction they were going in TFA (Rey's fighting style is just like Palpatine's from RotS...that had to have been deliberate). I would have changed the whole opening sequence of the movie and saved the Palpatine reveal for later in the movie.


If the director's cut of The Last Jedi had a completely new post credit cameo of Palpatine coming to Snoke like he did to Vader. A Marvel kind of cliffhanger bonus ending. Wouldn't make up for all the crap before that, but at least it would set the precedent for RofS instead of throwing it in from left field. And explain somehow in more detail how he survived the death star explosion. They skirted around that too much.


I would foreshadow Palpatine’s return as well. The way they handled it here reminds me of how Spectre made it so Blofeld was behind all of the previous Daniel Craig Bond villains, despite there having been no evidence of his presence at all.

How about spinning it that Rey and Kylo get together to rule, and due to her greater power, throws Kylo aside as a weak little man to become the sole Empress: Blood for the Blood Queen.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
How about spinning it that Rey and Kylo get together to rule, and due to her greater power, throws Kylo aside as a weak little man to become the sole Empress: Blood for the Blood Queen.
That’s a new movie on the end.

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