How to tell the good/bad guys apart: look who's using Apple phones


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This is amusing. So, Ryan Johnson said this while talking about Knives Out:

"Also another funny thing, I don't know if I should say this or not... Not cause it's like lascivious or something, but because it's going to screw me on the next mystery movie that I write, but forget it, I'll say it. It's very interesting.

Apple... they let you use iPhones in movies but -- and this is very pivotal if you're ever watching a mystery movie - bad guys cannot have iPhones on camera.

So oh nooooooo, every single filmmaker that has a bad guy in their movie that's supposed to be a secret wants to murder me right now."

It's not a new observation.

Of course, this is mainly about product placement -- when you're paying a film company to show your brand, you get to say what light that brand is shown in. Amusing though, and might possible ruin every whodunnit show or movie you watch in future!

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that makes me want a move where the villain is really cool, and then get permission to use the coolest looking non-iPhone. Then watch sales of that phone soar and make Apple wonder if their marketing plan was all that....

The hero of course would be Martin Freeman who would drop his phones in the toilet, sewer, soup, etc.

IMNSHO, this is even worse than the thing where everyone in Sony movies uses Sony phones. They're both stupid examples of merchandise affecting the movie, but at least the Sony one can't be a plot spoiler.

It does make me wonder, though...
Would Principal Ed Rooney be allowed to use an iPhone?
How about Lando Calrissian?
How about the protagonists from a thief/heist movie like Entrapment or Dominic in the original Fast and Furious movie?
Castiel from Supernatural or Faith from BtVS?

I'm annoyed with myself for the fact that I'm going to start paying closer attention to this.


Staff member
There’s a brilliant little mocumentary called And God Spoke (aka, The Making of And God Spoke ) in which 2 inept filmmakers embark on an a mission to film Hollywood’s next great Bible epic. Everything about the Hollywood process gets skewered, so the more you know about that, the funnier the film.

Product placement is lampooned by having Moses come down from Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments...and a 6-pack of drinks.


Prodigal Member
Knives Out.
OK, so Rian Johnson is the one person to make an actual whodunnit in the last decade. But if he can't make a movie without kowtowing to advertisers, well, I guess that explains why anything interesting is coming from Netflix these days.

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