• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Besides D&D, what are you playing?

Our Ghost Echo-delving crew in Blades in the Dark proceeded with a sabotage mission in our online Discord game over the weekend. They were missing their technician, Irfan, but still had their Spider, Whisper and Hound. While the Hound provided sniper overwatch and guarded the escape route. the Spider, Whisper and one of the Whisper's ghost allies infiltrated a warehouse owned by one of Lord Strangford's companies by posing as company inspectors.

The score was successful at wreaking havoc and raising Hell - too successful. The Whisper freed a swarm of angry ghosts from a hidden spirit prison beneath the warehouse, but the subsequent wave of hauntings ravaged the whole neighbourhood, collapsing buildings (including one that the Hound was perched on top of). Our crew managed to escape with some cuts and scrapes, and there was a lot of collateral damage amongst both the warehouse goons and some passing Bluecoats of the City Watch.

Since they ended up accumulating 10 Heat and raising their Wanted level, Lord Strangford's faction, the Leviathan Hunters, put a squeeze on the crew's territory (a Show of Force entanglement), and now our rogues are very much hunted, wounded and stressed.

It's going to be interesting when Irfan rejoins his group and finds out what's happened.

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Other than my current D&D5e campaign I have two on-and-off campaigns going on:

• Coriolis the Third Horizon (Free League). The characters are free traders (smugglers) who answered a distress call from a stranded ship. They saved the crew survivors. The engineer character found a large stash of drugs on the ship while repairing the environmental system. They players decided to steal the drugs. It went down hill from there. They did make a profit but now they have many enemies in the underworld and the authorities are looking for them. It's been one long chase scene over 7 sessions. Great fun to GM.

• Modern AGE (Green Ronin) 1910 Pulp alternate history located in Montreal, Canada. Each character has an innate special power. They are part of the Charlemagne Institute who investigate supernatural and weird science events.

I want to do a Forbidden Lands one shot in 2020.
I've been looking to branch out into Coriolis recently and all of the reviews and play reports have me very intrigued. Thanks for sharing your insights. I think I am definitely going to order a copy soon.


Guide of Modos
We all love D&D and in this beautiful time, I think most play some of its variants (including PF and PF2).
But there is a world beyond that, so besides D&D what are you playing? what do you want to play?
Yech. We do NOT all love D&D. I mean, at-will powers? Healing surges? Class roles? I uh... oh. D&D in general? Yeah, it's pretty cool.

The game that I want to play is taking shape. I'm adding a rules module and a few lists to Modos RPG to give it a sort of D&D/Fantasy Age/PF2 feel. So, adding character classes, three magic types, spatial movement, a quest generator... Should keep me busy while socially distancing, anyway!


41st lv DM
The normal line-up atm is:
●Warhammer (Age of Sigmar) - minis game, not an RPG.
●Flames of War - 15mm minis game. Has options for WWI, WWII, 'Nam, Arab/Israeli wars, & 1980s WWIII. Of course I've got stuff for all the eras. :)
●Assorted board games - between about 5 of us we've got almost 200 different. So when it's a BG night everyone brings 2-3 & we decide what to play.:)
●Misc other RPGS & minis stuff as one offs.

Right now with everything shutdown & all....pretty much nothing.
Alot of minis painting is getting done though.

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