• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D General The Unofficial Settings You Want Published for D&D


It is in reference to the leaked tweet of the bands misogynistic+racist behaviour.
Ahh... ok. Did some searching. Found them. Yup, some pretty crude talk.

Still, band's not gonna be the same without "Angus McFife" as lead vocals, that's for sure. I predict they break up in the next year because of it... UNLESS they get stupid lucky and find someone as good or better than Angus (Tom). But that's like, one in a million. Like, "Journey" level lucky. :)

Anyway, despite their questionable conversational word choices, the bands music and style if friggin' awesome! Love it all...the music, the lyrics, the attire and stage presence, the theme and their "story format" for songs. Great stuff! :)


Paul L. Ming

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Elder Thing
I'd love to see, in no particular order:

• The world Melanie Rawn created for her Dragon Prince and Dragon Star novels. It would require a substantial reworking of how magic works, but that's cool. The world building and setting in those novels is just astounding. And my friend and I worked out a way to do the thread magic back in 2e; I'm sure we could update it to 5e easily enough if we can find our old notes.

• Tun Faire and the world of Glen Cook's Garrett Files. The Back Company gets all the love (and its own d20 sourcebook), but for my money Garrett has the more interesting and involved world. Again, it would need new magic rules, but I'm down with that.

• Midkemia. It's existed in other RPGs here and there through the years, but I'd love a deep dive by a company with WotC's budget and resources.
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Honestly, I know the company that holds it is a bit of a Thing at the moment and I don't want them having any part in it, but... Warcraft

What a complete lovely mess of a setting it'd be. The older 3e RPG was like reading "Hey here's all of our ideas for Wrath of the Lich King" a good 3 years before Wrath even came out, and the race selection would be insane nowerdays

Dire Bare

Gotta agree with @GuyBoy on SotSA...

I'd also like to see Dragonstar make a comeback, silly as that seems. I always thought "Fantasy Sci-Fi" could be done fun and thought their angle was interesting.
I'm still salty FFG never released the entire DragonStar catalog in digital form. A 5E update to the setting would rock!

Edge Studios . . . . you listening? :)

Rokugan for d20(5th Ed) will be published by Fantasy Flight Games, and I see Asmodee sell some WotC's products, as if there was some partnership deal between both.

Today Dragonstar(Fantasy Flight) is not rival for Starfinder by Paizo and they are too busy with Star Wars.

I don't watch streaming game-live shows. After the hyperfamous Critical Role, any other setting by one of these shows?

* What about any licencing? for example Warcraft, to promote this brand.
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