• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D (2024) Wizards Presents show on August 18th! Update: WotC announces guests and time.


If they are doing another crossover, they might announce it here, but that is not the purpose of this event. This is meant to be more of a "Here's what's coming up in our various product lines ..." news piece. They'll have separate segments for D&D, M:tG and whatever else.
It would be a logical place to announce such a thing if itnis coming soon (which, yeah, probavly). Dragonlance, almost certainly. Maybe whatever Giant thing James Wyatt has in the oven.

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If they are doing another crossover, they might announce it here, but that is not the purpose of this event. This is meant to be more of a "Here's what's coming up in our various product lines ..." news piece. They'll have separate segments for D&D, M:tG and whatever else.
Unlikely, since WotC is only.juat starting work in what's coming next Summer in d&D, whereas Magic is all baked in at this point. We'll hear about some things I bet.

We know they've started work on project's for the next two years, maybe not everything, but for example such 2 new setting and a classic setting (if these didn't get scrapped) in 2023, and revisit setting & 5.5e in 2024. Most likely they need more structure earlier because of 5.5e. Plus there are more products being made, so they need earlier starts on projects, so problem don't arise too late in the process. If things went right for these books so far, we coud learn some or all of them. Plus I think details of the 5.5e playtest will emerge (although they won't call it that).


Lots of people here don't play Magic.
I have had disdain for MtG since 1998 and continue to not play it and will not play it and the only campaign setting for Magic I am interested in are Theros because it was actually cool when I picked it up and maybe Kaldheim because my wife loves Vikings but we could also do an FR or GH northern reaches campaign and have a fantasy Viking good time or Midgard so I’m only interested if it makes my Bill Clintons do a Monica instead of a Hillary.


Yes, all three characters on the right are all "planeswalkers" from Magic: The Gathering. That suggests yet another D&D/MTG crossover.
If they're doing a crossover that involves Elesh Norn*... that means it's Phyrexia, and I am one hundred percent in for that. Everyone saying D&D's gotten a little too bright and cheery for their taste, this one's for you.

More likely, however, they're just showcasing Elesh Norn because the Phyrexians are re-emerging into the M:tG storyline after a long hiatus.

*Who is not actually a planeswalker. Yet.


Follower of the Way
I hope we'll see something lighthearted and whimsical, not something gritty.
I have bad news for you regarding literally all three of the M:tG characters....

If they're doing a crossover that involves Elesh Norn*... that means it's Phyrexia, and I am one hundred percent in for that. Everyone saying D&D's gotten a little too bright and cheery for their taste, this one's for you.

More likely, however, they're just showcasing Elesh Norn because the Phyrexians are re-emerging into the M:tG storyline after a long hiatus.

*Who is not actually a planeswalker. Yet.
Whereas I, conversely, am rather peeved about the religio-fascist torture empire doing horrible things to characters I like and basically being presented as victorious. I would much rather have an overall bright tone, kthx. Life is dreary enough as it is, I don't need my fiction to be dreary too.

If they're doing a crossover that involves Elesh Norn*... that means it's Phyrexia, and I am one hundred percent in for that.
Oooh, that's a good call. I think a D&D/Phyrexia crossover is quite unlikely, but yes, that would rock.

For everyone here who is unfamiliar, Phyrexia is a plane teeming with evil bio-mechanical horrors who are bent on invading and conquering all other realities. Picture endless armies of demon-machine cyborg monstrosities. Kind of the Borg plus Spelljammer but filtered through Tomb of Horrors a hundred times.

Yes, I would buy that.


Oooh, that's a good call. I think a D&D/Phyrexia crossover is quite unlikely, but yes, that would rock.

For everyone here who is unfamiliar, Phyrexia is a plane teeming with evil bio-mechanical horrors who are bent on invading and conquering all other realities. Picture endless armies of demon-machine cyborg monstrosities. Kind of the Borg plus Spelljammer but filtered through Tomb of Horrors a hundred times.

Yes, I would buy that.

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