• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Where i share my experiences with DCC (as a noob)


I'm the Straw Man in your argument
@not-so-newguy How are you finding combat in DCC compared to 5e? One issue I have with high-level D&D combat is the waiting-around-for-your turn aspect. Doesn't seem like DCC changes this and when you add in wizard dues and table lookups for crits, etc. I worry it could get even more sloggy than 5e.

We've had very little combat, but the little we've had is quick and deadly.

I share your worry about spells. One thing that I'm trying is taking screen shots of the Players' Spells and sharing them in blog posts. They access them through their phone. It seems to be working so far. If that doesn't work, I'll probably try the purple sorcerer app. (check out post #19)

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B/X Known World
@not-so-newguy How are you finding combat in DCC compared to 5e? One issue I have with high-level D&D combat is the waiting-around-for-your turn aspect. Doesn't seem like DCC changes this and when you add in wizard dues and table lookups for crits, etc. I worry it could get even more sloggy than 5e.
We've had very little combat, but the little we've had is quick and deadly.

I share your worry about spells. One thing that I'm trying is taking screen shots of the Players' Spells and sharing them in blog posts. They access them through their phone. It seems to be working so far. If that doesn't work, I'll probably try the purple sorcerer app. (check out post #19)
Using Purple Sorcerer and printing out the spells the PCs have is a huge time saver. As is the DCC Reference Booklet (all the charts).

Unless you're running a halfling or using two-weapon fighting, you don't have to deal with multiple attacks until the PCs are 5th or 6th level. Casting is always "roll your action die + caster level + relevant stat." The only variety is in the result. 1 is always bad. 2-11 always fails and you lose the spell or gain disapproval. 12+ is generally a success of some kind or at least not losing the spell. You look up the result and go.

Monsters and PCs have far fewer hit points than in 5E so combat is faster and deadlier. DCC uses save or suck and save or die effects which remove PCs from the rotation. They sit out and wait (which is lame) or they're rolling up new characters.

Higher-level DCC combat only really drags when players have analysis paralysis. Generally casters deciding which spells to use...but they tend to have non-combat spells mixed in, so their "big list of spells" will also include random stuff that just doesn't apply...and they will lose spells as the day and combat goes on. Or warriors trying to get too much from their mighty deeds. "No, Dave, you cannot decapitate the guy in one hit just because you succeeded with your mighty deed. It does extra damage just like every other time you do this. If you kill the guy, then you can describe it as decapitation." Sheesh.

High-level DCC combat is about as quick (if not quicker) than low-level 5E combat. Because the DCC PCs just don't have a huge list of options to choose from.

Where DCC combat can slow down is in dealing with shenanigans. This is more prevalent than in other D&D-like games. In my experience. Players are expected to be more creative on the fly because there's not a heap of mechanical widgets to use. So they get creative.

And really, this also applies to OSR games generally. They're just lightning fast compared to 5E. Even at higher levels.
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I'm the Straw Man in your argument
The Australia of Dungeons
The party has explored 3/4 of the dungeon and the dungeon has claimed 4 characters. The party found the Rod of Rulership which was their main goal. They also managed to walk away with these magic items: 1) Amphora of the Leokampoi (aka Jar of Steve) which allows for some control of a water spirit trapped inside. 2) Rod of Rulership, which allows the owner to cast Charm person using Personality and Level as spellcasting bonus. 3) 1st Level spell Scrolls: Flaming Hands, Rope Trick, and Spider Climb.

The players frustrations were beginning to mount despite these successes. The traps were complicated and deadly. The treasure was heavy and two weeks travel from civilization, which added more complications. Also I introduced a demanding dragon, which did not help 🤷. Even though there's more to explore and the real treasure hasn't been found, I think it'll be a long time before they return (if ever).

This is a fairly large dungeon (20 encounters) that contains all sorts of traps and puzzles. I did my best to adhere to the complicated traps and circumstances presented in the module, but it was a learning experience for me as well. In retrospect, I think a 12 encounter dungeon would have worked better for our group. The regional map and background info in the adventure has provided a springboard for my new campaign. I will definitely be looking for more products from the module's author, Skeeter Green.


Encounter #1 Desperate Serfs
Dwight and Shoost were forced into indentured servitude by a family member's gambling debts Their owner was a merchant who was traveling with the caravan. This merchant unexpectedly died. The caravan leaders, being ever pragmatic, started eyeing the two servants as loose ends that needed to be snipped. So Dwight and Shoost decided to take on a life of adventuring.
They snuck away at the first opportunity; then the wizard and warrior backtracked to the Oasis and found the dungeon. It was a bit unnerving that they were being tracked by a dragon, although nothing came of it. After exploring the dungeon for a bit, they ran into Kane while traversing the checkered squares. The gang was suspicious of the pair, but grudgingly relented to having them join their group.


Encounter #2 The Tomb Revealed?
Using the Knock spell scroll, Dwimble unlocked the bronze door and what lay beyond was revealed. Roughly a forty foot square room. Stairs leading up to a dais was in the center of the room; on top of the dais was a sarcophagus. Some rubble could be seen on the stairs plus some tools. In the two far corners and the right corner of the room, stood three faceless statues. The statues appear to be granite, but the stone has a strange, waxy feel.

The gang spent the next hour or so exploring the room. Orn found a plaster covered secret door, while Turmus found that the lid of the sarcophagus was dismembered by a hammer and chisel. Inside the sarcophagus was a hole with a ladder leading down.

Meanwhile, Orn failed to find to find the mechanism that would unlock the door. Dwight decided to use his flail lockpick and succeeded in getting the door open. Unfortunately, a plume of black spores was released when Dwight destroyed the door with his weapon. The warrior inhaled the spores and immediately started hacking until he was coughing up blood. Luckily, Eni was able to heal him.


Encounter #3 Frigid Second Tomb
Various party members explored the small room which contained another ornate sarcophagus. They noticed that the room was much cooler and the coldness was emanating from the sarcophagus. In fact, the stone was so cold that it grew painful if a hand was in contact for too long. Frankn' Beans decided to smash it open with the warrior's a lockpick. The rest of the group cleared the room and Beans got to work. After ten minutes of hacking, Beans finally broke through the lid and was blasted in the face with painfully frigid air. Luckily he survived.


Encounter #4 Treasure Room?

Dwight climbed down the ladder under the sarcophagus. The tight tunnel led straight down for 15 feet and eastward for another 20 or 30 feet. The tunnel opened up into small 15 by 15 foot room with shelves carved into the wall. On the shelves were various jars and jugs. Dwight started opening them. He found some nicknacks in the first jar, then found a jar full of mechanical scarab beetles, which awoke and swarmed on the warrior. The warrior ran screaming up the ladder trying to scrape the $#@!ers off of him. The party was able scrape and crunch the beetles before Dwight was devoured. He was healed by Eni.

Dwimble, feeling the irresistable pull of the void, decided to open the rest of the jars. He managed to find the other half of the sceptre, which completes the Rod of Rulership [Magic Item: Cast charm person add level and personality bonus to the roll]. He also managed to find Scarab beetles which devoured him. With the Rod of Rulership in Kane's possession, the group decided to leave.


Encounter #5 Cyprius Returns

The gang took a long rest and recovered one hit point. Cyprius paid another visit, which the party did not appreciate. The dragon returned the magical Jar of Steve and requested [demanded] that they retrieve some Jewels that are located in an unknown and unexplored part of the dungeon. Orn, still smarting from the lack of coin, did not like the request; so he decided to renegotiate. Cyprius did not seem to appreciate this and decided to leave.


Encounter #6 Return Home
Nothing much happened on their two week return trip, except they sighted Cyprius flying overhead. Once within the friendly confines of Iruk, Orn took his tracing of the Serpent to a local antiques dealer. The dealer agreed that the stone hieroglyphics would certainly be valuable and offered money for them. Orn decided to renegotiate. The thief demanded half the money up front. The dealer laughed at him and asked that the bodyguards escort him out. Foddir the Elf searched Barothet's Bazaar for a good weapon to kill a dragon, but none of the merchant even knew what a dragon was. So his search was fruitless.


Session xp: 10
Total xp for this adventure: 30

Eni still needs to go to the "Abandoned Oasis" which is in the middle of the city. Once there, he'll need to contact the alien-goat-people and inform them that the gang found the Rod of Rulership.

T's new character

B's new character
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Using Purple Sorcerer and printing out the spells the PCs have is a huge time saver. As is the DCC Reference Booklet (all the charts).
Honestly, I find using the Purple Sorceror site bewildering and confusing as hell.

It would be better if they would have mouse-over clues or button labels to tell DCC noobs what each button actually does? Or perhaps some sort of tutorial? Maybe there IS a tutorial, but naughty word me if I can't find it at all.

I don't doubt its useful for the already initiated, but I just can't use it at all.


B/X Known World
Honestly, I find using the Purple Sorceror site bewildering and confusing as hell.

It would be better if they would have mouse-over clues or button labels to tell DCC noobs what each button actually does? Or perhaps some sort of tutorial? Maybe there IS a tutorial, but naughty word me if I can't find it at all.

I don't doubt its useful for the already initiated, but I just can't use it at all.
I’ll try to help however I can. Though I’m not sure this is the thread for it. So I started a general DCC thread over here.



I'm the Straw Man in your argument
For the sake of continuity, here's our latest shenanigans.

Preview: Iruk Shenanigans

I tried to give every player (not every character) something. There's a potpourri of stuff to do: completing a quest, leads on new side quests, plus some potential revelations on dragons (finally). I spelled some of your names wrong. I did my best. Please text the correct spelling.

Player J
Eni: Needs to go to the Atha'al Oasis in the middle of town and contact the alien-goat-people in order to complete quest. Contact must be made after midnight and before sunrise. This area is considered a temple for any cleric that has an Old One as their god.

player T
Foddir: Wants to get rid of Cyprius. His inquiries with the merchants did not work, but the Elf gets a lead from one of them. He's advised to seek out Squire Kevin.
New Guy: who is he?

player D
Orn: Has an offer from his Thief Guild [needs a name. Any ideas?].
Potential quest: The Thief Guild offers 500gp reward for taking out an upstart gang that's running a protection racket.

player B
Kane: If you look in the Clerics of the Realms pdf, you'll find the entry for your god Amun Tor. On page 20, you'll find a spell that's only available to you called "Legend Lore." This can be very useful. There is a temple to Amun Tor in Iruk, but I don't have much beyond that. Any ideas?
New Guy: Who is he?

Dwight & Shoost: They come from a small village called Thaduk. It's about a one day travel to the north of Iruk.
Potential quest: On the other side of the river of Thaduk is the abandoned summer home of the Abboud Family. The family is offering a 500 gp reward for the extermination of the critters now inhabiting it.

Session notes
Iruk Potpourri

Encounter 1 Mutaz and the Hairy Locust
May 1 / Time: late afternoon

Description and Context: Mutaz is the proprietor of the Hairy Locust and a member of The Calico Nocturni. The Hairy Locust is located near the west gate in the district known as Barothet's Bazaar. This district features immigrants from various cultures and species.

Narrative: Under the extended canopy of the Hairy Locust, the gang passed the hookah and sipped some potent hot brew. Mutaz was initially in conversation with just Beans, but he included the rest of the group when he got around to making his offer. The graying thief offered 500 gp to ambush a rival gang poaching on their territory. It would be a bloody job, but he believed that the group was skilled in such work. After some discussion, Beans convinced the rest to help.

The mission: Kill Gorbo and his 6 lieutenants. All seven of them will be at the Wretched Wombat meeting with store owners on May 7 just before sunset.
2 xp

Encounter 2 Atha'al Oasis
May 2 / Time: after midnight

Description and Context: The Atha'al Oasis is a bit of a paradox. During the day, it provides most of the city's fresh water and can be as crowded as most streets in Iruk. During the evening however, it's inhabited only by the shunned and the truth-seekers. The area is attuned to the Old Ones, but the ignorant mistake this for demons and ghosts. People often feel watched by unseen eyes and periodically notice tentacled phantoms in their peripheral vision.

Narrative: Eni led the gang to the Atha'al Oasis. They were meeting with a person named Cutty who's one of the hermits living in the area and a Chronicler of Cthulhu. He wore a hooded cloak and his arms were wrapped. Eni presented the baubles to be sacrificed, the ritual was completed, and Eni saw Alien-goat-people in his mind's eye. Communication wasn't through words, but through sensory image and reconstructed memory. The ordeal only took 10 minutes. Externally, Eni appeared to be meditating and cackling every once in a while. Internally, the Alien-goat-people were communicating this:

1) Alien-goat-people crossing over to your world is a precursor to awakening Cthulhu.
2) The Rod of Rulership was believed to be a "key," but the aliens were disappointed that it was not so.

Encounter 3 Casing the joint
May 3-6 / Time: varies

Narrative: The gang surreptitiously watched the Wretched Wombat tavern. The place had a guarded front door and a side alley entrance. The street tended to be empty at the time when the hit was suppose to take place. Gorbo and the occasional lieutenant were spotted with short swords, but not much was garnered beyond that.
1 xp

Encounter 4 Crashing the Party
May 7 / Time: before sunset

Description and context: the Wretched Wombat is the private tavern of Gorbo and company. The gang has been hired to kill these upstate who are poaching on The Calico Nocturni's territory. It's in the poorer part of town just off of River Street, which is a wide road that bisects the city.

Narrative: Beans led half of the party down the street, while the other half hid just across the side alley entrance to the Wretched Wombat. Eni invoked charm person on the front guard which failed, then Turmus rushed forward and plunged a knife in his chest. The guard slumped to the ground without much noise and a hand crossbow with a poisoned bolt was discovered. The guard's body was then hidden and decisions were made. Beans decided to lead half of the group through the front door first, while the other half rushed down the side alley entrance.

Beans kicked the door in and was promptly shot by 3 tiny crossbow bolts. He died* (see note below) quickly and painfully cuz that's how bull wasp poison works. Turmus, Eni, Orn were in a shootout with Gorbo and 3 of his lieutenants. Meanwhile; Kane, Dwight, Shoost, and Foddir rushed the other two guards in the back. Kane knock out one with a Command spell and Shoost (or Dwight?) dropped the other with his halberd. Back in the bar, the other half managed to kill Gorbo and company.

*I know that I'm guilty of helping to foster a murder-hobo mentality in the group. For example, we've had 4 character deaths and the bodies have been treated like dirty socks that are kicked under the bed and forgotten. On the other hand, it's just a game and characters die often, so who cares? I don't know. Feedback welcomed.
murder-hobo: A character who wanders the gameworld, unattached to any community, indiscriminately killing and looting.
3 xp

Encounter 5 Thaduk and the Abboud Estate
May 12 / Time: mid day
Description and context: The village of Thaduk, known for its radishes, is about 10 miles north of Iruk. This is Dwight and Shoost's home village and it's just across the river from the abandoned summer estate of the Abboud family. The noble family has legally reclaimed their land after a long standing contract dispute with the Azimi family. Something involving star crossed lovers eloping and a lot of blood shed. The Azimi family was last seen leaving with the caravan west. The Abbouds look forward to having tea parties in the garden once again, but first the building needs to be cleared of vermin. A strange coincidence; Dwight and Shoost were former indentured servants of the Azimi family.

Narrative: Dwight and Shoost negotiated with Bezad Abboud, the eldest son of the Abboud family. They managed to get a free night's stay at the Radish Inn, but that's about it.

Encounter 6 My Bugbear Buddy
May 14 / Time: mid day
Narrative: The gang crossed the Tean River by hiring Debarge the Barge man and disembarked on a small rickety pier. They approach the Abboud estate, which is a two story house surrounded by an 8 foot tall clay brick wall. All of the windows were broken on the first floor and the double doors that served as an entrance were skewed on their hinges and stood slightly ajar. The squeek of rats could be heard inside. A tree stump and a hole in the wall was noticed by Kane and Eni down the right side of the building.

Kane, Eni, and Turmus investigated down the right side of the house while the rest waited near the front entrance. As they approached the tree stump, it occurred to one of the trio that it appeared that the tree had fallen onto the wall but the trunk of the tree was missing. It soon became apparent what became of the trunk. Someone or something had taken the trunk and used it as a ladder to get the second floor of the building in back. Snoring could be heard outside which was coming from the second story room. Turmus, armed with a poisoned hand crossbow, clamored up the tree trunk. He spotted a large oafish humanoid sleeping in a broken king sized bed. The warrior took aim and fired. He managed to wake it up and piss it off. Kane bravely exited the scene in order to warn the others.

Turmus sped down the tree trunk. The Warrior knocked the club from the beast man's grip and Eni cast Charm Person via the Rod of Rulership... and poof Mr Bugbear is now Eni's bestie for an extended period of time. Current time is about 1pm.

Total Session xp: 14
Orn, Eni, Turmus, Kane, Foddir 54 total xp. They are all 2nd Level
Dwight and Shoost 34 xp. They hit 2nd level at 50 xp

D's new character


aramis erak

Here's an awkward realization from tonight: I'm really uncomfortable killing my player's characters and enforcing the grittier play style of DCC. OTOH, the players seem to be really enjoying the change from 5e. All in all, a good thing. I need to stop worrying so much.
Let them know they can complain if they want...
... and until they do, nothing's broken!


For the sake of continuity, here's our latest shenanigans.

Preview: Iruk Shenanigans

I tried to give every player (not every character) something. There's a potpourri of stuff to do: completing a quest, leads on new side quests, plus some potential revelations on dragons (finally). I spelled some of your names wrong. I did my best. Please text the correct spelling.

Player J
Eni: Needs to go to the Atha'al Oasis in the middle of town and contact the alien-goat-people in order to complete quest. Contact must be made after midnight and before sunrise. This area is considered a temple for any cleric that has an Old One as their god.

player T
Foddir: Wants to get rid of Cyprius. His inquiries with the merchants did not work, but the Elf gets a lead from one of them. He's advised to seek out Squire Kevin.
New Guy: who is he?

player D
Orn: Has an offer from his Thief Guild [needs a name. Any ideas?].
Potential quest: The Thief Guild offers 500gp reward for taking out an upstart gang that's running a protection racket.

player B
Kane: If you look in the Clerics of the Realms pdf, you'll find the entry for your god Amun Tor. On page 20, you'll find a spell that's only available to you called "Legend Lore." This can be very useful. There is a temple to Amun Tor in Iruk, but I don't have much beyond that. Any ideas?
New Guy: Who is he?

Dwight & Shoost: They come from a small village called Thaduk. It's about a one day travel to the north of Iruk.
Potential quest: On the other side of the river of Thaduk is the abandoned summer home of the Abboud Family. The family is offering a 500 gp reward for the extermination of the critters now inhabiting it.

Session notes
Iruk Potpourri

Encounter 1 Mutaz and the Hairy Locust
May 1 / Time: late afternoon

Description and Context: Mutaz is the proprietor of the Hairy Locust and a member of The Calico Nocturni. The Hairy Locust is located near the west gate in the district known as Barothet's Bazaar. This district features immigrants from various cultures and species.

Narrative: Under the extended canopy of the Hairy Locust, the gang passed the hookah and sipped some potent hot brew. Mutaz was initially in conversation with just Beans, but he included the rest of the group when he got around to making his offer. The graying thief offered 500 gp to ambush a rival gang poaching on their territory. It would be a bloody job, but he believed that the group was skilled in such work. After some discussion, Beans convinced the rest to help.

The mission: Kill Gorbo and his 6 lieutenants. All seven of them will be at the Wretched Wombat meeting with store owners on May 7 just before sunset.
2 xp

Encounter 2 Atha'al Oasis
May 2 / Time: after midnight

Description and Context: The Atha'al Oasis is a bit of a paradox. During the day, it provides most of the city's fresh water and can be as crowded as most streets in Iruk. During the evening however, it's inhabited only by the shunned and the truth-seekers. The area is attuned to the Old Ones, but the ignorant mistake this for demons and ghosts. People often feel watched by unseen eyes and periodically notice tentacled phantoms in their peripheral vision.

Narrative: Eni led the gang to the Atha'al Oasis. They were meeting with a person named Cutty who's one of the hermits living in the area and a Chronicler of Cthulhu. He wore a hooded cloak and his arms were wrapped. Eni presented the baubles to be sacrificed, the ritual was completed, and Eni saw Alien-goat-people in his mind's eye. Communication wasn't through words, but through sensory image and reconstructed memory. The ordeal only took 10 minutes. Externally, Eni appeared to be meditating and cackling every once in a while. Internally, the Alien-goat-people were communicating this:

1) Alien-goat-people crossing over to your world is a precursor to awakening Cthulhu.
2) The Rod of Rulership was believed to be a "key," but the aliens were disappointed that it was not so.

Encounter 3 Casing the joint
May 3-6 / Time: varies

Narrative: The gang surreptitiously watched the Wretched Wombat tavern. The place had a guarded front door and a side alley entrance. The street tended to be empty at the time when the hit was suppose to take place. Gorbo and the occasional lieutenant were spotted with short swords, but not much was garnered beyond that.
1 xp

Encounter 4 Crashing the Party
May 7 / Time: before sunset

Description and context: the Wretched Wombat is the private tavern of Gorbo and company. The gang has been hired to kill these upstate who are poaching on The Calico Nocturni's territory. It's in the poorer part of town just off of River Street, which is a wide road that bisects the city.

Narrative: Beans led half of the party down the street, while the other half hid just across the side alley entrance to the Wretched Wombat. Eni invoked charm person on the front guard which failed, then Turmus rushed forward and plunged a knife in his chest. The guard slumped to the ground without much noise and a hand crossbow with a poisoned bolt was discovered. The guard's body was then hidden and decisions were made. Beans decided to lead half of the group through the front door first, while the other half rushed down the side alley entrance.

Beans kicked the door in and was promptly shot by 3 tiny crossbow bolts. He died* (see note below) quickly and painfully cuz that's how bull wasp poison works. Turmus, Eni, Orn were in a shootout with Gorbo and 3 of his lieutenants. Meanwhile; Kane, Dwight, Shoost, and Foddir rushed the other two guards in the back. Kane knock out one with a Command spell and Shoost (or Dwight?) dropped the other with his halberd. Back in the bar, the other half managed to kill Gorbo and company.

*I know that I'm guilty of helping to foster a murder-hobo mentality in the group. For example, we've had 4 character deaths and the bodies have been treated like dirty socks that are kicked under the bed and forgotten. On the other hand, it's just a game and characters die often, so who cares? I don't know. Feedback welcomed.
murder-hobo: A character who wanders the gameworld, unattached to any community, indiscriminately killing and looting.
3 xp

Encounter 5 Thaduk and the Abboud Estate
May 12 / Time: mid day
Description and context: The village of Thaduk, known for its radishes, is about 10 miles north of Iruk. This is Dwight and Shoost's home village and it's just across the river from the abandoned summer estate of the Abboud family. The noble family has legally reclaimed their land after a long standing contract dispute with the Azimi family. Something involving star crossed lovers eloping and a lot of blood shed. The Azimi family was last seen leaving with the caravan west. The Abbouds look forward to having tea parties in the garden once again, but first the building needs to be cleared of vermin. A strange coincidence; Dwight and Shoost were former indentured servants of the Azimi family.

Narrative: Dwight and Shoost negotiated with Bezad Abboud, the eldest son of the Abboud family. They managed to get a free night's stay at the Radish Inn, but that's about it.

Encounter 6 My Bugbear Buddy
May 14 / Time: mid day
Narrative: The gang crossed the Tean River by hiring Debarge the Barge man and disembarked on a small rickety pier. They approach the Abboud estate, which is a two story house surrounded by an 8 foot tall clay brick wall. All of the windows were broken on the first floor and the double doors that served as an entrance were skewed on their hinges and stood slightly ajar. The squeek of rats could be heard inside. A tree stump and a hole in the wall was noticed by Kane and Eni down the right side of the building.

Kane, Eni, and Turmus investigated down the right side of the house while the rest waited near the front entrance. As they approached the tree stump, it occurred to one of the trio that it appeared that the tree had fallen onto the wall but the trunk of the tree was missing. It soon became apparent what became of the trunk. Someone or something had taken the trunk and used it as a ladder to get the second floor of the building in back. Snoring could be heard outside which was coming from the second story room. Turmus, armed with a poisoned hand crossbow, clamored up the tree trunk. He spotted a large oafish humanoid sleeping in a broken king sized bed. The warrior took aim and fired. He managed to wake it up and piss it off. Kane bravely exited the scene in order to warn the others.

Turmus sped down the tree trunk. The Warrior knocked the club from the beast man's grip and Eni cast Charm Person via the Rod of Rulership... and poof Mr Bugbear is now Eni's bestie for an extended period of time. Current time is about 1pm.

Total Session xp: 14
Orn, Eni, Turmus, Kane, Foddir 54 total xp. They are all 2nd Level
Dwight and Shoost 34 xp. They hit 2nd level at 50 xp

D's new character

View attachment 281021
Is the name of the Hairy Locust inspired by my favourite FLGS in Toronto?

Voidrunner's Codex

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