D&D General Japanese D&D website closing at the end of Nov 2023


I crit!
I can’t read Japanese and I’m not sure what all is there. I’ve only heard about it recently. However I thought it might be important enough to mention in case folks want to archive anything from it.

These folks were the Japanese publishers of D&D.

I respect they’ve held up this for as long as they have.
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I can’t read Japanese and I’m not sure what all is there. I’ve only heard about it recently. However I thought it might be important enough to mention in case folks want to archive anything from it.

I respect they’ve held up this for as long as they have.
I don't understand your thread title, let alone the Japanese!


If it is anything like the US DnD wizards site, I can see why it is shutting down. The US site has not a new article since last December when it talked about owlbears. Barely updated to new product launches, so it feels a bit shuddered already.


Someone told me the old content is going away too. Can you confirm that?

Sorry, I don't have a clue. Going by a cursory glance, I didn't see anything about it shutting down. Course that doesn't mean it isn't. My Japanese is very basic (and I'm relying on my various browser extensions + Google Translate) so I could have easily missed something. I did notice that the "new" site's last news item was for Oct 4th 2023* so it is more current with updates than the site in the original post (which was July 29, 2022).

* Translations of the latest News are:
2023/10/04 - A special interview with translator Itsuki Yanagida has been added to the reading page.
2023/10/04 - The product page for "Dragonlance: Dark Wings of the Queen Dragon" has been updated!
2023/09/07 - The product page for "Radiant Citadel: From the Citadel of Light" has been updated!


I guess I can say here but in my opinion Hasbro trusts more into the Japanese market more the China. Why? They would rather a market where the consumers buy the original brand and not a "pirate" version (a rip-off, and cheaper and with worse quality imitation). And Chinese publishers can create their own OGL.

If Japanese players are interested into a D&D setting created by and for Japaneses, this will show a Western look, but with a Japanese spirit, something like the isekai manganimes. I don't know if WotC is collaborating with somebody for this.

I am thinking about to buy in the future "Adventures in Rokugan" to create a mash-up setting mixing Kamigawa, Kara-Tur and Rokugan.

Wuxia version of D&D is perfect to include future classes with special game mechanics, for example the (ki) martial adepts and the incarnum soulmelders, next to the psionic manifesters.

Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
From what I can tell, D&D has already heavily pervaded Japan through isekai manga and anime. The extant endogenous games like Sword World seem pretty influenced by JRPGs (natch) but still have the same pseudo-European-medieval setting.

Why nobody's come up with a version involving samurai and ninja I'll leave to those who have lived there--they have jidai-geki shows and loads of samurai movies after all.


As I recall, WotC did a big relaunch of D&D in Japan recently. There were TV adds that were being linked and everything. And IIRC part of that was bringing it in-house, after letting the license with the previous third party localizer expire. So if this is that previous license holder letting their website go dark because they don't publish D&D anymore, that's just rather to be expected.

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