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D&D General "I'd like to run (or play in) an all ___________ campaign." (+)

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I've always wanted to do a city campaign where all the players were rogues (or some support class) and belonged to a thieves guild, but it never happened. Every time I'd suggest some campaign theme like this there was always one or a few players who straight up refused to go along, or everyone agreed at session zero, but someone showed up with a character that was drastically different or completely opposite to what we agreed on, so I stopped bothering making suggestions like this. There always seems to be at least one player that feels the need to be difficult or the lone wolf.
Get them to play Blades in the Dark ;)

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
I've run an all-elf game, but it was a consequence of everyone individually deciding to play elves- so I made it a feature of the campaign, that they were sort of an elven "Night's Watch" cast-outs.

I think the all-dwarf fantasy is popular with folk that love the idea of "reclaiming Moria."

Re: the person asking WHY, what are you hoping to accomplish? I think it's usually a single unifying theme that people are thinking of- sort of a romantic view that the game will be more special/different than your standard party of adventurers.

I've tried games with the party being all adopted orphans etc (Baldur's Gate-inspired), but inevitably someone dies, or a new player joins, etc and the "we were a close-knit family growing up" stops working when the third new character gets introduced at level 8, months n months into the game.
If the game is "all dwarves" then more dwarves can come along- easier than saying "this is another orphan family member that you all grew up with and became adventurers."


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Back in AD&D 2nd, when I was in a lot more campaigns then I am today, I was in:
  • An all-dwarf campaign. That ended up part way through inheriting the title of a fallen dwarf clan and became a campaign to repopulate and restart the clan.

  • An all-thief campaign. Before they were called rogues. We were all in different thieves' guilds in one city, but needed to work together... to an extent.

  • An all-neutral campaign. We were heroes because it paid well and got us glory, but we weren't "good".

  • An all monster campaign. I started the least monstrous as a centaur but later got reincarnated into a bullywug.
In 5e the only "all-X" was I'm in a Strixhaven game that's on hiatus, and we're all casters. It's 3 wizards and a cleric.

To answer the question:
I've played in an
  • all-wizard (our master died and we were trying to find out who killed him)
  • all rogue (thieves guild)
  • all half siblings (our father was cursed by the god of fertility and we were looking for him - not sure if we were going to try to help him or give him a stern talking-to for running around with so many women)
  • All Dwarves (our mountain blew up and we were trying to make it in the fallout of that 'apocalypse' and trying to find our way in a human civilization
  • All religious (all different classes but part of the same church working towards that church's goal)
  • all goblin (but it didn't last long because adventurers got us)
  • all kobold (this was a one-shot)
-Currently we started a game and we are all slaves to the Yuan ti. (I'm not sure if that counts)

What I'd like to try is, maybe, a druid coven...but there'd need to be a good backstory. For me, it's not so much the class or the concept but the story behind why we're all stuck together.
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I also ran an all wizard party way back when. Unfortunately it was 2E and low level casters were pretty pathetic back then. It ended in a TPK despite my best efforts. :)

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