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D&D General The Resurrection of Mike Mearls Games.


The untitled 5E clone (maybe "mutant" would be a better term) I am working on very slowly and piecemeal reduces classes to four base classes (Priest, Rogue, Warrior, Wizard) and then every few levels players choose another "path" for their character - so kind of like a sub/prestige class - and some of these are shared by the four base classes. So if you start as Warrior, at 3rd level you choose between Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Berserker to continue and then later (5th or 6th? - still working) each of those has a choice that branches (some of them having a new path in common - so for example the Archer path would be open to Fighters and Rangers, but not Paladins or Berserkers. The paladin path is also open to Priests who want to be better at combat).

So yeah, I am in agreement that the established subclass and multiclassing system doesn't need to be how it works for 5E influenced games (even though I love multiclassing and for core D&D no multiclassing is kind of a dealbreaker for me)>
This sounds similar to the way that Humanity has you choose cultures every Era, with the option to stay the same culture at the transition, as opposed to the way Civilization plays it, where you pick one culture (and leader) at the beginning and stick with it throughout.

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The untitled 5E clone (maybe "mutant" would be a better term) I am working on very slowly and piecemeal reduces classes to four base classes (Priest, Rogue, Warrior, Wizard) and then every few levels players choose another "path" for their character - so kind of like a sub/prestige class - and some of these are shared by the four base classes. So if you start as Warrior, at 3rd level you choose between Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Berserker to continue and then later (5th or 6th? - still working) each of those has a choice that branches (some of them having a new path in common - so for example the Archer path would be open to Fighters and Rangers, but not Paladins or Berserkers. The paladin path is also open to Priests who want to be better at combat).
I've been thinking of something in that wheelhouse, but a sort of 2e/4e mash-up. Four classes (Warrior, Mage, Priest, and Rogue) that get a completely fungible slot progression, and 0-9 level powers split up into domains. Each class gets a default domain (Warrior - Defend, Mage - Control, Priest - Motivate, Rogue - Strike), and two elective domains (two class domains for humans, a class and a kindred domain for others). You'd pick up new domains at roughly the same rate that a 5e character gets feats.


Moderator Emeritus
This sounds similar to the way that Humanity has you choose cultures every Era, with the option to stay the same culture at the transition, as opposed to the way Civilization plays it, where you pick one culture (and leader) at the beginning and stick with it throughout.
I don't want to hijack the Mearls thread, but to respond briefly, the way I am working it right now your first choice (of the four basic classes) does do a lot to basically define your character, each path adds to or modifies that - but as currently built you have to choose a path when you get to the requisite level, you cannot, for example, just stay a Warrior at 3rd level and not choose one of the four paths. One thing I am considering doing is making sure each basic class has one choice that is a "simple" path that hues close to the standard archetype.


Moderator Emeritus
I've been thinking of something in that wheelhouse, but a sort of 2e/4e mash-up. Four classes (Warrior, Mage, Priest, and Rogue) that get a completely fungible slot progression, and 0-9 level powers split up into domains. Each class gets a default domain (Warrior - Defend, Mage - Control, Priest - Motivate, Rogue - Strike), and two elective domains (two class domains for humans, a class and a kindred domain for others). You'd pick up new domains at roughly the same rate that a 5e character gets feats.

4E Powers are not my steez (though I am right now working on a way to remove cleric spells altogether and have their spell-like abilities all work through channel divinity somehow - maybe borrow something from the 3E turning table) but just goes to show how flexible 5E can be to build a different variation working from some 4E conceits.


Thanks for the support anyone! I was very pleasantly surprised to see that I already have subscribers and backers. Thanks so much!

In terms of owning stuff, it basically means that I could not take stuff released by WotC and try to revise it without their permission. Since I was an employee when I wrote it, the company owns it. There's nothing weird or sinister in that - it's standard practice in gaming.

All that said, my plans are to show off how flexible 5e can be and the sorts of things you can build with it. Spell slots and the class + sub-class approach to class design are just two paths among many.

Oh, and the weight thing - I'm about 30 - 40 pounds down from where I was when I was working on D&D. Plus, I now shave my head!
Mr Mearls. In response to your free article on 5e DCs, I have to say. The obvious conclusion is that at level 1, the typical DC should be 12. 😄Which is indeed what we see in most published 5e adventures, monster ACs, spell save DCs et al.

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