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Recent content by guardianfallenangel

  1. G

    Dread Necro Prestige Class

    Just wondering what everyone thought the best prc for dn was. Going to be starting at 10/11th level. I'd appreciate any help you guys could offer, thnx
  2. G

    Question about magical Item

    I'm not sure I've seen anything like this. I was wondering if there is an item that can store exp, for use in item creation. This is for an evil pc, who wants to sacrifice to gain craft points. If any of you could help me out, I'd really appreciate it.
  3. G

    Kanta - Shape Changing race

    Sorry for some things being left blank. Thats part of the reason I posted it here, to get input as to what the dc for focusing should be and what not... As far as transformations, they can change as often as they'd like and stay in that form for as long as they want, or until slain/knocked out...
  4. G

    Kanta - Shape Changing race

    I'm looking for a critique and some constructive feedback on this, let me know what you think :D Kanta The defining facet of the Kanta is their ability to change forms. All Kanta are capable of assuming three different forms, each of which has different strengths and provides different...
  5. G

    Changes with regards to the "Big Six"

    We have thought about doing something similar to this. We've all played mmo's in the past and really liked how as you leveled your gear would improve. The gear I had on my character was good from level 4 when she got it till level 50, when it topped out. Sure, with that big of a gap the benifits...
  6. G


    well, the highest ecl for anthro-animals in SS is 5, and thats stuff like the orca. The orca gets str +8, dex +6, con +6, wis +6, and +6 natural armor... all of them are playable, it's just a matter of do you want to be 5 levels behind, just to have a hulking beefcake. Maybe a middle ground...
  7. G


    Well, according to SS, an anthro’s type changes to monstrous humanoid. Those created from large are medium sized with 2hd. Speed is 30 feet, so that doesn’t change. The change from large to medium increases fly speed by 50% and it improves one category. The natural attacks change due to the...
  8. G


    Anthro-Griffin Medium Monstrous Humanoid Hit Dice: 2d8+1 Initiative: +3 Speed: 30 ft., fly 120 ft. (good) Armor Class: 17 ( +3 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 14 Base Attack: +2 Attack: Bite +2 melee (2d4) Full Attack: Bite + melee (2d4) and 2 claws + melee (1d3) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft...
  9. G

    Gestalt Rules

    Would you allow a character, useing gestalt rules, to play a Warlock/Dragonfire Adept? Dragonfire Adept comes from "Dragon Magic", page 24. They are mechanically similar to the Warlock. The question is, are they to similar to be used together? Any thoughts would be helpful. Thank you. :)
  10. G

    The Golden Compass

    I realize that a deamon like those in the movie/book would be a serious liablility with no real benifit. Some of the other people in my group, and myself though thought it would be interesting to play. As far as what deamon you end up with, it's all based on the kind of person you are. Your...
  11. G

    The Golden Compass

    I just watched "The Golden Compass" and it got me thinking. how would you handle everyone having their souls outside thier bodies in the form of an animal? kinda like a familiar but a deeper connection and everyone has one, not just spell casters. for those who have read the books or watched the...
  12. G

    Maskweaver Acolyte - Balancing?

    very cool, i like the looks of this class. i look forward to seeing the changes when you update
  13. G

    AD&D Style Multilassing

    I think you'll just start seeing no one multi-class in your games. a 25%penalty if i multiclass.... not worth it. i'd just play a single classed character and avoid all the extra record keeping. theres a book Buy the Numbers that you might want to look for. instead of punishing your players for...
  14. G

    Soul Reaver Vampire Template

    just regular ol' wikipedia. i look forward to seeing your revision.
  15. G

    Soul Reaver Vampire Template

    i would treat original vampires as templates, those after kain should be their own races. when created they have racial traits tied to their sire's dark gift. although they do evolve over time, this could be handled with racial class levels that add to or modify abilities as you see fit...