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Recent content by jimpaladin

  1. J

    D&D 4E A 4E Combat Encounter - Round by Round Descritpion

    I want to thank the OP for this thread! I read earlier in the day and now just read the lateast "to me" entry. What I was going to knock the lack of Fluff. Every DM knows that is what gets the creative juices flowing. *Unless you work in a mathamatical field or related in which case...
  2. J

    D&D 3E/3.5 4E/3E Combat Time Question...

    I'm going to weigh in on this topic since I haven't yet OMG! After reading DM Blake's reply I have to say that although he has a point I disagree with the premise. In addition, the whole notion of "fast" or "slow" rounds in ANY edition is based on several of the same factors. The 2 biggest...
  3. J

    D&D 1E Do you think 4e is d20 1e?

    I think your poll will not give the answer you may be looking for. I answered yes; but that is because I played 1e and so this to me seems a throwback to what I did in 1e with the d20 mechanic thrown in. Those that may not like 4e or didn't play 1e obviously will have wildly differing ideas as...
  4. J

    Magical Threshold for PCs: Some Crunch, Some Fluff

    Thank you for a very complete idea! I was thinking along those lines as I too despise the magick shoppe and was thinking on the Identify spell and how as a supposed ritual can be made to be used by more that just a M-U or Sage. Allows a weaponsmith to get in on the action as well as merchants...
  5. J

    D&D 4E Pre-4e adventures ripe for conversion?

    Night's Dark terror vote here along with Destiny of Kings for that PoL setting. Nothing like evil rulers :p
  6. J

    Encounter question from an aspiring DM...

    @ Grossout Hey! Welcome to the wonderful world of DM'ing :eek: As the others have posted having a marching order obviously makes your job much easier. As far as a battlemat grid, unless they are outdoors, I draw what they see as far as your basic map. I describe what that blue circle...
  7. J

    Monster Design--from a designer's standpoint

    I'm just another "groupie" on this thread :heh: I would like to add that those that have defended 3.x(I mean this loosely) monster design; give us a new 3.x monster that you stat'ed up correctly. I would hope the time it takes would at least allow you to see the reason most of us "lesser"...
  8. J

    Shadowfell, and reworking of undead and afterlife

    As far as gods not knowing... what about this? The reason not known is because isn't that what clerics are for on the prime? I mean as a diety I have much more to do than look over every sentient creature on the planet and try to appeal to them. As a diety I rely on my "minions" that I imbue...
  9. J

    historical references for "points of light"?

    Heck son look around! (Sorry my grandpas' voice) You live in RI take a look out in the country. Alot of lovecraftian scenes in my head. Wooded hills, lonely woodchopper just down the road only comes to town to get supplies 3 times a year never speaking to anyone. The last time he spoke...
  10. J

    So...did Dragon wow you?

    I'm in the it's looking like I thought it would look. I was very upset at the cancellations of the mags and so I am looking at this as a"I told you so". I realize that it will be rough going the first 3 issues or so as they find the time to put everyone in place. The real problem is that they...
  11. J

    D&D 4E What will the paladin represent in 4e?

    As you can see from my nickname my preferences are pretty obvious. Reading too many Gord the rogue novels always had me believe that the good powers along with Lawful Neutral provided the powers that made up a Paladin. It made it easier to decide whom the paladin had upset to lose some of his...
  12. J

    Which Greyhawk?

    My Bad I was merely trying to say that I didn't want WotC to put out something they thought we wanted without making sure it was the best it could be. From what I hear on the WotC boards Hasbro is always short on something. Writers, playtesters, editors, etc. The fear is they assign it to...
  13. J

    *POLL* Do You Feel That Greyhawk is a Dead Campaign Officially?

    I posted in another thread about the age of most Greyhawkers. I agree 5 years from now how many will be left to purchase one of the "original" settings or however they market it. I will be though I am at the upper scale of age for an RPG player as is. I try to impart to my kids the Greyhawk...
  14. J

    Which Greyhawk?

    I think the OP had a loaded question to put to Greyhawkers'. Of course I have my favorites and like them, the probelm is that in realitive terms "NOTHING" is put out for Greyhawk. I mean look at 3rd edition the LGG was great but that was it. The little nuggets here or there in a corebook...
  15. J

    Changes to Devils and Demons

    I agree, we'll have to wait and see if they put that fluff in or not. WotC needs(and i think they are) to be very careful with how they handle the "gods" of the new setting. They mention using perhaps some real world mythos to bring about a different feel. Most real world mythos don't have...