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Recent content by Madstylz

  1. M

    Savage Prestige Class

    Does anyone remember which issue of Dragon Magazine had the Cleric\Barbarian, Savage Prestige Class?
  2. M

    Tumbling Clarification

    If he failed the DC 19 tumble check, the Assassin would provoke an AoO from 3 & 4 and keep moving.
  3. M

    Protection from Evil

    Does Protection from Evil spells protect its recipients from all enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion) effects? (IE: Charm Person, Command, Suggestion, etc.) Or does the spell stop at spells like Dominate Person/Monster?
  4. M

    Anybody Use just the Core Rulebooks? Why? Why not?

    This is probably the lamest statement I've seen to classify someone else's playing style in a couple of years. If you want to stay with the core rules, that's your option. A DM or player who has spent hundreds of dollars on D&D products and doesn't bother to use them to his own advantage...
  5. M

    Sundering a Magic Weapon

    If a character has a +7 Sword (Long Sword +1, Keen, Holy, Lawful, Flame Burst), What's it hardness and how many hit points does it have?
  6. M

    Miss Chances

    If a creature were incorpreal & displaced, would other creatures attacking it be subject to two miss chance rolls?
  7. M

    Dark Phoenix

    I think he means Sinbad cartoon (Brad Pitt & Catherine Zeta). :) However, the Ice Bird in Sinbad would probably be a Roc. The Goddess who summoned the Roc was also the same entity who casted the spell to bring freezing cold into the area.
  8. M

    My Turn for I. E. 6 Problems

    Possible Repair... I have fixed this problem at work several times. I have a long winded Microsoft Solution for you. I'm not sure if it will work for you but you can give it a shot. If you send me your e-mail address, I'll send it to you.
  9. M

    Rolemaster style parry

    This looks like a slightly modified version of Combat Expertise & Improved Combat Expertise.
  10. M

    Rant - What was the GM thinking?

    Interesting. Things that make you say hmmm.
  11. M

    New Feat: Deadly Aim

    There is a feat that does exact the same thing. It's called Dead Eye and it's in the latest addition of Dragon Magazine.
  12. M

    Rapid Reload uses/round

    No problem. :)
  13. M

    Rapid Reload uses/round

    Hong, it's written on the last sentence of the benefits section of the feat in S&F.
  14. M

    Speed of leveling

    It all depends on your DMs. I have played with one group every other Sunday since Oct of 2001 and we're all stuck around 10th level. On alternating Sundays, I play with a different group that started playing seriously last Oct and we're all just 2000 or so XP away from 12th level. Go figure. lol