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Recent content by SunRaven01

  1. SunRaven01

    Help with treasure parcels

    Regarding wishlists: if your players are not abusive -- mine are not -- you can skip the wishlists and just announce that they find a level X magic item, then allow them to "shop" between sessions. In my group, the players are very good at keeping track of whose turn it is to get an item, and...
  2. SunRaven01

    How do GMs convey the maps from adventures published online?

    I use a combination of papercraft scenery (generally reserved for "important" encounters) and printed maps. When printing a map, I drag it into Photoshop and crop it to 6x6 sections for printing. Then I print on 110lb cardstock. This gives me a nice, reusable map that can be broken down nicely...
  3. SunRaven01

    D&D 4E [4E only] What kind of miniatures do you use, if any?

    I use One Monk style paper minis. By being able to field a mini for every bad guy on the table, it's harder for my players to know ahead of time what are minions, and what are standard monsters.
  4. SunRaven01

    D&D 4E 4E's New Direction: Giving the game back to the DM.

    My players are required to use the Character builder and provide me with a .dnd4e file of their characters. However, I pay for the DDI subscription, and we share the account. /shrug They don't seem to find it much of a hardship, and I make it clear that the version of the character that I...
  5. SunRaven01

    WotBS WotBS - question(s)

    I left Haddin behind -- only Crystin and Torrent are with the party in the fire forest, but instead gave the wizard a little "friend" with one of the early goblin shamans that the group encounters. I RP'd him as being minimally intelligent, so he can't talk, but if they ask him questions, he...
  6. SunRaven01

    WotBS WotBS play-through thread, with 4E newbie goodness

    Whoops, kind of let this fall by the wayside. Here's how things stand so far: Scene 7: The Force Is With You Deciding that Shealis was more of a threat than they were capable of handling, the group were able to use a combination of diplomacy and intimidation to gain the information they...
  7. SunRaven01

    WotBS WotBS play-through thread, with 4E newbie goodness

    Saturday we pick up with the players toddling off to confront Shealis. I'm using World Works Games terrain, so I pre-built layouts for both her apartment and the outdoor encounter, that way I'd be prepared no matter how my players played it, and I've pre-built terrain for the outdoor gnoll hunt...
  8. SunRaven01

    Are you using battlemats or similar visual representations in your games?

    Cardstock terrain like from World Works Games. My players LOVE it.
  9. SunRaven01

    Running An Outdoor Encounter

    A few of the cardstock model companies have trees that are designed for placing minis onto, and so have to be pretty sturdy. I would start there.
  10. SunRaven01

    WotBS WotBS play-through thread, with 4E newbie goodness

    So, lots of movement from last time. The group has played through the White Wyrms encounter and the Dead Rising encounter, and achieved level 2. I ran both encounters by the book, and they went mostly smoothly. I mis-interpreted the poison aura of the pseudo-dragon, but caught my error three...
  11. SunRaven01

    WotBS WotBS play-through thread, with 4E newbie goodness

    So, yesterday my hapless group of players made their way too the Gate Pass Depository and confronted Larion and the Solon. It was a rough fight -- the Solon's explosion at bloodied and 0hps was especially painful for them, but in the end they overcame their enemies. That wasn't the highlight...
  12. SunRaven01

    WotBS WotBS play-through thread, with 4E newbie goodness

    As my group was switching from 3.5E to 4E, I elected to start us off with the WotBS 4E conversion. Neither I, nor any of my players, have played 4E before, and 2 of the players are D&D newbies to boot. However, they were all very excited about giving things a go, so off we went. I'm a big fan...
  13. SunRaven01

    Finalized Hybrid Rules - What's new?

    I don't think I'm understanding the Hybrid talent feat correctly, with regards to Hybrid Warlocks. Okay, so far so good. Then you get the Hybrid Talent Feat: Okay, so ... if Eldritch Pact (hybrid) specifically does not grant you the at-will power, and nothing in Hybrid Talent Feat grants...
  14. SunRaven01

    Where have all the heroes gone?

    I call this the, er, "Mean Poopy Head" problem. And -- honestly? -- in my experience, the people who play Evil as if it were the same thing as being poopy headed are usually poopy heads in real life too. I have seen Evil done -- and done WELL! -- by players who realized that evil can be sweet...
  15. SunRaven01

    The Head of Vecna, revisited ...

    Same altar, but they are not far enough into the module yet to use the altar in that manner. :lol: What really irks me as the DM is I have a PC I recycle from time to time who would fit in PERFECTLY ... but I have to run the game. :(