Recent content by TheGM

  1. TheGM

    I love AD&D

    Ulrick! Are you my lost brother? I have listed these reasons (while saying AC going up was the bomb) to my wayward son when he tries to dis 1E. Don.
  2. TheGM

    I love AD&D

    Wow, the Delver drags me out of my lurking after months and months of silence... Been playing C&C for years, and HackMaster before that, and of late been considering going back to 1E. Recently had our annual get-together and had to take the 1E MM along for the devils... And wanting to play it...
  3. TheGM


    If he had applied it to all Nobel prizes and not just economics, I would too. Sadly some still think the Nobel prize has the authority it did in the days when Solzhenitsyn won one, and that just isn't true. Don.
  4. TheGM


    Don't want to sidetrack too much, but I spoke to a terrain developer who told me people do indeed spend more on hobbies - they don't buy that car, house, or $3000 dollar computer, they don't spend 5 bucks a drink in the bar, instead they stay home and buy his products. He says that every...
  5. TheGM


    Understand it? Yeah. Have the same understanding as you do? Not likely. :p I'm into the whole "level of responsibility" thing. Haven't found the company that I'd want to be responsible for heading/destroying, so I'm not too worked up that the CEO makes X times more than me. Simply put, the...
  6. TheGM


    Yeah, there are some. But the fact that the US even has such a law is ridiculous. If there weren't ways to protect yourself, who would agree to be a CEO? They're not all angels, just like no segment of the population is all angels. But they're not all opportunistic :):):):):):):):)s either. My...
  7. TheGM


    Wow, your brush is a little broad there, no? Sure, Enron happened, but it's such a memory for everyone because it doesn't happen all the time, not because it's the norm. Truth be told, it's a global economy, and in a global economy production goes where it's cheapest. That's not gouging, that's...
  8. TheGM

    What do you want? I'll tell you something -

    Well said my friend. I have had this exact conversation with my eldest son - 21 years old - who used to hang out here, and was all offended when the site became more 3E hostile. Duh. It was pre-3E hostile before, what did he expect? After many years hanging out here, he moved along, and is...
  9. TheGM

    As promised a review of Bendy Dungeon Walls Terrain

    The WebMistress doesn't normally write for us at Wargames @, she's the Sys Admin, but she does do a lot of Hirst Arts stuff, and likes to poke fun at the Delver for his love of DF ;). I'll ask her in the morning if she's interested in writing up the Hirst Arts stuff. She's got...
  10. TheGM

    D&D Minis & Lead Paint?

    Puuulllleeeeaaaassse. The system was not corrupt, we learned more and tightened regulations. Also, idiots caused many recalls of perfectly fine toys. Lawn Darts being the most shining example of a perfectly safe toy if used as directed being abused and getting pulled from the market because...
  11. TheGM

    Wizard’s web site down and their big announcement at Gen Con

    Meh. Not certain why there would be any correlation of intermittent website problems with sale of a subsidiary. Unless the ICE guys are running a DDOS attack against Wizard's servers in an attempt to stave off the announcement... Yeah, that's it... Don.
  12. TheGM

    [rumor, not fact!] Hasbro selling off WotC

    This is different from today... How? Oh! You get all that McDoncalds food to go with your incremental rules bloat and you'll have to play Russian Roulette to get your mini one at a time instead of in a box!! Wonder if I'll be able to insist that I don't want any of the new printing of the BoVD...
  13. TheGM

    Necromancer Games shutting down next year.(UPDATE post 93)

    Same here. There are not many current 3.5 products I'll buy, but Necro products were a must-have. Only I did a lateral conversion - to C&C. I'll miss 'em, but they have to do what they have to do. Oh and Bill, no worries, it'll get picked up. The target market for your work is... broad, and...
  14. TheGM

    Am I an atypical DM?

    Wow, rude much? I don't know who you play with, but that's condemning every 3.5 group I know, both the ones I've played in and the ones I hang out with players from. People are happy to talk about it and look for solutions, so I don't know how this could be news to you. don.
  15. TheGM

    Playing at Evil: Consequences of an Evil PC

    I don't allow evil PCs in my games. I don't like that others play games in that fashion, but it's their game, as long as it doesn't spill over into mine. Simply put, what's the point? Turn on the news, get your belly-full of evil, then go be the hero in the game. I also restrict CN because -...