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Wing and Sword: Life During Wartime

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First Post
Pyotr nods in agreement to Vidal and Nedjar, preparing himself to make a run for the door. "Let's get this guy."

As soon as the smoke pops, Pyotr will move as fast as he can towards one side of the doorway, as soon as Vidal is on the other side, he'll be ready to burst in.


First Post
Trusting the sergeant to take care of the left side, Normand does as told as he enters the building, his rifle following his eyes as he scans.

Spot check: 16

The Shaman

First Post
At the farmhouse

Marcel races past the goat pen to where the Scandinavian légionnaire behind the shed. Asmussen looks back and motions with his head, keeping his rifle trained on the space enclosed by the wall surrounding the farmhouse. Caporal Sembène is hurt,” he says in thickly accented French.

Peeking around the corner, Marcel sees the prostrate form of the Senegalese sous-officier about ten meters away. Sembène isn’t moving even as Burhan Pamuk and Karel Syrovy are firing over the wall into the yard to the rear of the farmhouse.

Sgt. Müller hustles up the stone and concrete steps of the farmhouse, MAT-49 held low at the ready, and Normand follows close on the German’s heels. Coming through the doorway, Normand sees an entrance hallway and a stairway, with rooms opening to the left and right. Just inside the grenade-damaged doorway Normand notices a deep maroon stain has soaked the carpet runner.

The Frenchman is forced to his right immediately – just beyond the stain on the runner is a sideboard. The cabinet has been situated to provide cover from fire entering through the doorway – the cherry-stained walnut of the sideboard is pocked with bullet holes and splintered by grenade fragements.

Following the platoon sergeant’s orders, Normand looks up the stairs, then to the room on his right opening off the hallway. The stairs of the landing above are empty – as he looks right, he sees a dining table turned on its side – crouched behind the table is man, aiming a submachine gun at the legionnaires. A long tongue of flame erupts from the barrel as he fires. The roar is deafening inside the confines of the farmhouse. Normand: Reflex save (DC 15) to avoid autofire, +1 to save from cover provided by the sideboard.


  • farmhouse interior.JPG
    farmhouse interior.JPG
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First Post
Vidal nods approval and tosses the smoke grenade toward the building, aiming to position it about 2/3 of the way to their destination (about a 60' ranged attempt). Then he readies his weapon and waits for the smoke to accumulate.

Smoke throw: 10+4 (AP)-12(?) for range = 2


First Post

Ref Save:8
This post assumes I'm hit, but still standing.

As soon as Normand sees the fell, he's hit.

"Batard de merde!"

Dropping to one knee, Normand pulls out a grenade, seriously pissed-off, and attempts to throw it right under the shooter, taking cover behind the cupboard.

Drop to one knee, and try to lob a grenade over the cupboard
Oh darn.
Geez! Will Normand kill himself with a grenade? Stay tuned!


Barak said:
Geez! Will Normand kill himself with a grenade? Stay tuned!

ooc: Hold on, buddy! :confused:

I'm going to hope that Pamuk and Syrovy's cover fire will keep me safe. Mary, full of grace...

Marcel takes a deep breath and runs around the corner to Sembène's still form. Falling prone next to him, he quickly turns him to get a face to face view, looking over his body for the injury and doing what he can to help.

ooc: Treat Injury 22

The Shaman

First Post
Vidal’s smoke bomb flutters out of his hand like a dying quail, landing well-short of its mark. Striking the ground just ten or twelve meters distant, it immediately spills a grayish-white cloud about half-way between the legionnaires and the brick building hiding their assailant. Nedjar says nothing about the errant toss as the three paras wait long seconds for the cloud to grow, then says quickly, “I’ll go for the window and fire inside, then you two go in the door.” A few seconds pass as the smoke cloud gathers – En avant!” he yells.

Breaking from cover, racing through the thick haze, boots thudding on the ground as they run, the three legionnaires charge across the yard to the brick building. There is no sign of movement as they approach the now-bullet marked façade of the low structure. Nedjar hits the wall next to the window where the gun barrel was seen as Vidal and Pyotr array themselves on either side of the door. The Algerian légionnaire nods and pokes the barrel of his MAT-49 in the window, aiming high, and triggers a short burst through the narrow opening. Vidal and/or Pyotr: Strength check to open the door. If they work together, take the higher strength bonus and an additional +2 to the roll (for aiding another). Opening the door is an attack action – whoever opens the door cannot fire in the same round. If both of you attempt to force the door, then nether of you can attack in that round. Also, if you work together or if Pyotr takes a ready action, Pyotr’s initiative drops to the same count as Vidal’s. This post covers two rounds – one round waiting for the smoke cloud to grow, one to run to the building.

To the west of the farmhouse, Marcel jumps out from behind the goat pen and runs to where Babaye Sembène lies in the dirt. Carefully rolling him on the sous-offficier on his back, Marcel sees a quantity of bloody mud clinging to the front of the caporal-chef’s uniform smock. Pulling open the wounded man’s fatigues, Marcel finds a bloody bullet hole in the legionnaire’s right chest – tearing open a dressing with his teeth, he presses it into place, hard, and with his other hand feels for a carotid pulse in Babaye’s neck. His fingers are rewarded with a very thin, very faint tapping from the artery. Sembène is stabilized. Additional checks are required to revive him and to restore hit points.

Normand and Sgt. Müller each duck for cover behind the sideboard in the hallway as bullets pour through the doorway, tearing up wood and plaster, shattering a framed photograph on the wall. The Frenchman feels a sudden stinging pain from his neck as he drops to one knee behind the wooden cabinet. The German sergent-chef returns fire with his own submachine gun, his face a mask of cold fury, as Normand pulls a grenade from a pouch. Yanking the pin, he tosses it over the sideboard toward the overturned dining table.

The grenade arcs through the air, striking the top edge of the table and rebounding back toward Normand as it explodes. Normand: Damage 3 from the autofire. Reflex save (DC 15) for half-damage from the grenade blast, +3 to save from cover provided by the sideboard.


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    WaS farm game map 17 detail.JPG
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"Asmussen! Pamuk! Syrovy!" Marcel calls out to the legionarres. "Keep up that covering fire! Sembène's alive, but I need some time!"

Marcel hurriedly tries to get the man ready to move. "Hold on, Babaye!" He reaches into the man's shirt and pulls out his golden cross, placing in Sembène's hand and clutching it to a closed position. Using a pair of small scissors, he cuts away the rest of the uniform to expose the wound, then starts to work.

ooc: Treat Injury to restore hp- 18, restoring 4.

Okay, this luck is just holding out too well...


First Post

Come on.. Mamma needs new shoes!
Reflex save: 20

First the bullet grazing his neck.. And then, adding insult (and injury!) to injury, his own grenade going off next to him, Normand really doesn't feel too good. Luckily, at the last second, he realized what was happening, and avoided some of the blast.

"Merde! Enfant de chienne de bordel de merde!"

Bloody from numerous wounds, his face itself a mask of his own blood, Normand, enraged, throws caution to the wind, and raising from behind the cabinet like a madman, fires at the fell.

Yeah, it's sorta dumb, but it's what Normand would do.
Move action= Stand up
Standard action, shoot: 13
damage, if hit: 8

Voidrunner's Codex

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