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AI is stealing writers’ words and jobs…


Many AI have a hard time distinguish a prompt written as "a girl with red eyes and a blue dress" and "a girl with blue eyes and a red dress". Expecting them to understand by themselves the subtle difference between "in the style of" and "like" is probably out of their leagues from a long time.

You sure? I mean did you at all look over the Dall-E thread? Styles are very much definable, and if the designers didn't actively prevent it, I bet it would be 100% reproducible today, right now to pick an artist style and generate thousands of images, in days..




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As long as i get to be the frog
Much like a printer. It can copy perfectly, and much more clearly than an AI model, a copyrighted work. It is also not blamed for it (it can't know if the reproduction will be legal or not), and the person using it to redistribute copyrighted material it printed will be sued, as it should. Not HP or Xerox.

If we were to follow that line of reasoning, then AI models trainers should be facing lifetime jail time because the tool can be used to replicate low quality money bills, which is considered counterfeiting in some (many? I'd even say most...) juridictions and usually carry a harsh penalty. Also, and to look at more ghastly consequences, there are juridictions where, outside of any copyright problem, blasphemy isn't seen as a human right and can even command the death penalty. It would certainly stand to reason, if you blame the toolmaker from the tool output, that the ability to generate a blasphemous image should have them be put to trial. While it's certainly a possible position, I think it's best to limit responsability to the person using the tools, like we do with any other tool.
You do understand the difference between
A) Selecting copyrighted material and copying it on a copy machine and
B) Giving an AI a non-copyrighted prompt and it spitting out text/images to you that you have no way of knowing whether what it's produced is copyrighted

I'm even fine the the personal accountability angle - so long as it's acknowledged that a person has no way of knowing if what the AI produced is copyrighted - the implications being the risk is too large for an individual to ever use one (*barring actual public domain and artist opt in models or fair use).

Another problem I see with focussing on the output is that using this method you can't distinguish between a legal model or not. If I create a 100%-legal model because, say, I am a public library and therefore I can create models by scraping, even if the authors have opted-out, a user like you will very well be able to ask the model to create something that will be from a book (for example, because you ask for 10 most significant passages from the D&D 5e rules) and yet the model (and my model-making activity) won't infringe copyright by definition. You would, if you were to redistribute the output, of course.
I don't see the problem here. Fair use is a defense for using copyrighted material - no matter whether you used it from AI or more traditional methods.

Many AI have a hard time distinguish a prompt written as "a girl with red eyes and a blue dress" and "a girl with blue eyes and a red dress".
If this was ever actually true, it doesn't appear to be so any longer.
Expecting them to understand by themselves the subtle difference between "in the style of" and "like" is probably out of their leagues from a long time.
I don't think there's a significant difference between "in the style of" and "like". Either way, neither phrase requires copyright infringement in order to achieve.
Until then, it's something that is best left at the determination of the human user of the tool, much like we do with brushes and printers, whether or not redistribute the output and actually break the law.
Again, the difference is that with a printer I actually know what I'm copying. With AI, I have no idea what if anything that I copied. There's simply no use-case for a tool that randomly can lead to you being fined so much that you will go bankrupt.
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You do understand the difference between
A) Selecting copyrighted material and copying it on a copy machine and
B) Giving an AI a non-copyrighted prompt and it spitting out text/images to you that you have no way of knowing whether what it's produced is copyrighted

Yes I do. And I say that it doesn't matter on whether we can use the output of the technology to determine if distributing the technology itself constitutes copyright infringement under the law. That's why my position is : it will be complicated, certainly difficult and long to determine by courts, hence my satisfaction with laws that made clear and unambiguous under which conditions model training is OK to settle the problem. In the EU, it was the TDM, which is a definite progress over the uncertainty that seems to plague the situation in the US, given reports on this board and others. I'd be equally satisfied by countries adopting laws saying that "opt-in is the way we do it here" or "AI is evil, we ban this technology altogether". I might not be satisfied with the outcome, much like some are dissatisfied with the opt-out solution in the EU (but I'd have no reason to complain about countries determining how they want to work within their borders), but at least it removes the legal uncertainty over AI models.

I'm even fine the the personal accountability angle - so long as it's acknowledged that a person has no way of knowing if what the AI produced is copyrighted - the implications being the risk is too large for an individual to ever use one (*barring actual public domain and artist opt in models or fair use).

A disclaimer coming with the model "if you reference copyrighted work or name in the prompt, there is a risk, make your research before redistributing" would be enough in this case. Also, even with models trained on public domain art, there is always the risk the user is liable. Being trained on public domain image doesn't mean you can't recreate copyrighted materials. A model doesn't need to have seen Son Goku to draw Son Goku (it will be more difficult to prompt because it would need a detailed description and not simply "Son Goku", that's all, but a good model should be able to draw anything the user can think of).

I don't see the problem here. Fair use is a defense for using copyrighted material - no matter whether you used it from AI or more traditional methods.

We're trying to determine whether a model is illegal, and I say that one must look into how the model was created while I understood your position to be "it's better to look at the output". Which I dispute by pointing out that looking at the output isn't sufficent to make the determination as there can be many situation where looking at the output wouldn't give information on the legality of a model, for which I proposed an example of a 100% legal model that produces output that would be copyrighted texts.

If this was ever actually true, it doesn't appear to be so any longer.

It is, mostly, and unfortunately despite the progress of models, though it tends to be more apparent with more complex scenes, especially for the most advanced models. Concept bleed is something that is still very irking. Dall-E isn't a good example, because it rewrites your prompt instead of using what you type. Or rather, it tries to solve many problems through this method, by transforming a prompt that could potentially generate copyright-infringing result into prompt that removes or lessen that risk, and it will further reduce the risk by running another AI to remove the result most likely to be problematic. It lessens the risk on the user who might want to use the result.

Another weakness of your determination of copyright infringement of the model by looking at its output is that you could have a model that is 100% illegal and yet never produces copyright-infringing material because the AI that removes the unwanted result would be so efficient it never fails to determine whether an output would be identical to an art piece somewhere in the world.

Again, the difference is that with a printer I actually know what I'm copying. With AI, I have no idea what if anything that I copied. There's simply no use-case for a tool that randomly can lead to you being fined so much that you will go bankrupt.

A pencil? I can draw an image of a blond girl in blue dress in a singing pose and inadvertantly create something that could be sued as too close to Elsa. The odds of it occurring are different, but in both cases you're required to do your homework anyway. The tool is indifferent.

Also, demonstrating that you didn't intend to break the law is a valid defence, so it would widen the possible use cases. Intent is necessary to commit a penal offense. So if you want to illustrate a book and ask for a spaceship you describe, without referencing any IP, and it happens to be infringing on an existing Scifi illustration, bona fide error won't get you bankrupt (though if you prompt referencing Elsa or the D&D 5e rulebook I still think you'd need to be extra convincing about your intent to the court). Much like if you really buy a counterfeit Chanel bag without knowing it and in good faith, the only penalty you face is removal of the bag, not fines. [* might not apply in all juridictions]. I also suppose a judge would, in the case of a new technology, consider more easily that you can be in good faith by saying that you didn't know it could generate IP-protected content, but as I said it would depend on juridiction.

If you are in a place where you can be liable for millions of USD because you served a coffee a little too hot, then I'd surely advise against using AI. But personnaly I'd be terrified of doing anything in such a context, actually, so in my opinion there would no use case for anything if even a cup of coffee can bankrupt you. On the other hand, it must be less frightening for people familiar with the system, as evidenced by the continued existence of coffee shops. But I'd still venture to say that private use should be a possible use case anyway, so at least for making pictures on your character sheet, it should be OK...
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As long as i get to be the frog
Yes I do. And I say that it doesn't matter on whether we can use the output of the technology to determine if distributing the technology itself constitutes copyright infringement under the law. That's why my position is : it will be complicated, certainly difficult and long to determine by courts, hence my satisfaction with laws that made clear and unambiguous under which conditions model training is OK to settle the problem. In the EU, it was the TDM, which is a definite progress over the uncertainty that seems to plague the situation in the US, given reports on this board and others. I'd be equally satisfied by countries adopting laws saying that "opt-in is the way we do it here" or "AI is evil, we ban this technology altogether". I might not be satisfied with the outcome, much like some are dissatisfied with the opt-out solution in the EU (but I'd have no reason to complain about countries determining how they want to work within their borders), but at least it removes the legal uncertainty over AI models.
Okay. I'm not arguing against laws like that.

A disclaimer coming with the model "if you reference copyrighted work or name in the prompt, there is a risk, make your research before redistributing" would be enough in this case. Also, even with models trained on public domain art, there is always the risk the user is liable. Being trained on public domain image doesn't mean you can't recreate copyrighted materials. A model doesn't need to have seen Son Goku to draw Son Goku (it will be more difficult to prompt because it would need a detailed description and not simply "Son Goku", that's all, but a good model should be able to draw anything the user can think of).
IMO. Referencing it in the prompt makes it easier to recognize that it's producing copyrighted works because we have a good idea of what source material to check.
1. What makes you think it's ability to reproduce bits of copyrighted works ends at referencing one in the prompt?
2. Derivative works are still copyright infringement.

We're trying to determine whether a model is illegal, and I say that one must look into how the model was created while I understood your position to be "it's better to look at the output". Which I dispute by pointing out that looking at the output isn't sufficent to make the determination as there can be many situation where looking at the output wouldn't give information on the legality of a model, for which I proposed an example of a 100% legal model that produces output that would be copyrighted texts.
So the problem may be that I'm not trying to determine if the model is illegal. When I say 'look at the output', it's not to determine that the model itself is illegal.

Here's the deal. At the end of the day it could easily be ruled that all AI models are legal (a kind of fair use for making one) and yet still have copyright litigation against anyone that uses them to produce copyrighted material. Saying the model is legal in this instance doesn't say anything about the legal risk of using it.

It is, mostly, and unfortunately despite the progress of models, though it tends to be more apparent with more complex scenes, especially for the most advanced models. Concept bleed is something that is still very irking. Dall-E isn't a good example, because it rewrites your prompt instead of using what you type. Or rather, it tries to solve many problems through this method, by transforming a prompt that could potentially generate copyright-infringing result into prompt that removes or lessen that risk, and it will further reduce the risk by running another AI to remove the result most likely to be problematic. It lessens the risk on the user who might want to use the result.
All of them do prompt interpretation. Some are better at it than others.

Another weakness of your determination of copyright infringement of the model by looking at its output is that you could have a model that is 100% illegal and yet never produces copyright-infringing material because the AI that removes the unwanted result would be so efficient it never fails to determine whether an output would be identical to an art piece somewhere in the world.
Again, you are mistaken because I'm not trying to define the legality of the model.

A pencil? I can draw an image of a blond girl in blue dress in a singing pose and inadvertantly create something that could be sued as too close to Elsa. The odds of it occurring are different, but in both cases you're required to do your homework anyway. The tool is indifferent.
The odds of you drawing something by pencil that would infringe Elsa's copyright inadvertently are virtually zero. If a lawsuit is brought against you and that's your defense then you are going to lose.

Also, demonstrating that you didn't intend to break the law is a valid defence, so it would widen the possible use cases. Intent is necessary to commit a penal offense.
Copyright violation isn't a penal offense. Intent is not required.

So if you want to illustrate a book and ask for a spaceship you describe, without referencing any IP, and it happens to be infringing on an existing Scifi illustration, bona fide error won't get you bankrupt (though if you prompt referencing Elsa or the D&D 5e rulebook I still think you'd need to be extra convincing about your intent to the court).
At some point it will be widely known that generative AI is prone to such 'errors'. After that, choosing to use it anyways and then trying to hide behind 'i didn't know it produced a copyrighted image' isn't going to work very well.

If you are in a place where you can be liable for millions of USD because you served a coffee a little too hot, then I'd surely advise against using AI.
I suggest you look into the MCDs coffee case sometime. It's not at all what you think.

But personnaly I'd be terrified of doing anything in such a context, actually, so in my opinion there would no use case for anything if even a cup of coffee can bankrupt you. On the other hand, it must be less frightening for people familiar with the system, as evidenced by the continued existence of coffee shops. But I'd still venture to say that private use should be a possible use case anyway, so at least for making pictures on your character sheet, it should be OK...
Private use isn't necessarily a protected or fair use case either.

Here's the deal. At the end of the day it could easily be ruled that all AI models are legal (a kind of fair use for making one) and yet still have copyright litigation against anyone that uses them to produce copyrighted material. Saying the model is legal in this instance doesn't say anything about the legal risk of using it.
Of course there is no link between the legality of the model and what one can do with it. We're probably arguing different point then, misunderstanding each other. I suppose the conversation has run its course on this topic, then.

All of them do prompt interpretation. Some are better at it than others.

In the case of Dall-E it's much more than prompt interpretation (ie, the model is fed your prompt and infer an image) because the model never sees your prompt at all. It's more apparent when using the paid version through chatgpt. For example, if I prompt "A man juggling with three balls, one red, one blue, one green, while holding one one foot wearing a yellow boot.", the prompt that is fed to the model is "A vibrant and dynamic image of a man performing a juggling act with three balls: one red, one blue, and one green. The man is skillfully balancing on one foot, which is clad in a bright yellow boot, adding a splash of color and whimsy to the scene. His concentration is palpable as he keeps the balls in constant motion, his eyes following the trajectory of the balls with focused intensity. The background is deliberately blurred to emphasize the action and skill of the juggler, creating a sense of movement and energy. The man's attire is casual, suggesting a street performance or informal setting, making the act accessible and entertaining to a wide audience. This depiction captures the joy and artistry of juggling, combining skill, balance, and color in a single, captivating moment." It is not interpretation inside the model, it is a pipeline of tools that first rewrite the prompt in long, extensive way, check for compliance with the website rules, feed it to the model, run the output against another AI to recheck for compliance, then display the result. We can't really know what the model do (despite being indeed one of the best at prompt adherence) because it's impossible to interact with it directly. Note that depsite being good it still made me five balls because three was kind of buried in the information...


Copyright violation isn't a penal offense. Intent is not required.
It is. And you mentionned fine, so I thought you were speaking of that, not the civil liability. Which are proportional to the demonstrated loss of revenue for the plaintiff and unlikely to bankrupt most people (as in the Chanel bag example).

At some point it will be widely known that generative AI is prone to such 'errors'. After that, choosing to use it anyways and then trying to hide behind 'i didn't know it produced a copyrighted image' isn't going to work very well.
Indeed. Your defense when typing "in the style of D&D 5e" will certainly not work for long. But it's stronger when AI is still a novelty.

I suggest you look into the MCDs coffee case sometime. It's not at all what you think.
Honestly, my easiest choice is simply to avoid visiting places where most mentions of court actions and trials yield bizarre results, from the McD case (probably inflated), to the one you mentionned, like being put into bankrupcy by generating a random result with a generative AI (whether through a penal litigation or a civil one). I am not criticizing how it works, simply that I think I am better off not taking such risks.
Private use isn't necessarily a protected or fair use case either.

Not necessarily everywhere, but:

article L122-5 du code de la propriété intellectuelle said:
Lorsque l'oeuvre a été divulguée, l'auteur ne peut interdire :

1° Les représentations privées et gratuites effectuées exclusivement dans un cercle de famille ;

2° Les copies ou reproductions réalisées à partir d'une source licite et strictement réservées à l'usage privé du copiste et non destinées à une utilisation collective

Which is clear and unambiguous. Translation (by an AI):

When the work has been disclosed, the author cannot prohibit:

  1. Private and free representations carried out exclusively within a family circle;
  2. Copies or reproductions made from a lawful source and strictly reserved for the private use of the copier and not intended for collective use."

So as long as it's kept private and made from a lawful source (the model, as long as it is opt-out compliant), I am in the clear. Which is enough for me and my character-sheet-illustration need.
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As long as i get to be the frog
In the case of Dall-E it's much more than prompt interpretation (ie, the model is fed your prompt and infer an image) because the model never sees your prompt at all. It's more apparent when using the paid version through chatgpt. For example, if I prompt "A man juggling with three balls, one red, one blue, one green, while holding one one foot wearing a yellow boot.", the prompt that is fed to the model is "A vibrant and dynamic image of a man performing a juggling act with three balls: one red, one blue, and one green. The man is skillfully balancing on one foot, which is clad in a bright yellow boot, adding a splash of color and whimsy to the scene. His concentration is palpable as he keeps the balls in constant motion, his eyes following the trajectory of the balls with focused intensity. The background is deliberately blurred to emphasize the action and skill of the juggler, creating a sense of movement and energy. The man's attire is casual, suggesting a street performance or informal setting, making the act accessible and entertaining to a wide audience. This depiction captures the joy and artistry of juggling, combining skill, balance, and color in a single, captivating moment." It is not interpretation inside the model, it is a pipeline of tools that first rewrite the prompt in long, extensive way, check for compliance with the website rules, feed it to the model, run the output against another AI to recheck for compliance, then display the result. We can't really know what the model do (despite being indeed one of the best at prompt adherence) because it's impossible to interact with it directly. Note that depsite being good it still made me five balls because three was kind of buried in the information...
Yes. They all do prompt rewriting, most make extensive use of it.

It is. And you mentionned fine, so I thought you were speaking of that, not the civil liability. Which are proportional to the demonstrated loss of revenue for the plaintiff and unlikely to bankrupt most people (as in the Chanel bag example).
My bad then. I didn't realize there was a criminal component to copyright infringement.

Honestly, my easiest choice is simply to avoid visiting places where most mentions of court actions and trials yield bizarre results, like being put into bankrupcy by generating a random result with a generative AI. I am not criticizing how it works, simply that I am better not taking such risks.
Or simply not using generative AI?

Maybe not everywhere, but:

Which is clear and unambiguous. Translation (by an AI):

So as long as it's kept private and made from a lawful source (the model, as long as it is opt-out compliant), I am in the clear. Which is enough for me and my character-sheet-illustration need.
Yea, the laws in your country likely differ. I'm not surprised at all.

Yes. They all do prompt rewriting, most make extensive use of it.

Not really. MJ does to a point, but Adobe is probably not (it's so closed it's difficult to know what it does...), stability doesn't, pixart doesn't... Prompt rewriting doesn't strike me as an integral part of generative AI. To be honest, it's certainly the way to go in order to get better prompt adherence: train a database with complex description of scene and provide complex descriptions, instead of having bad pairs of image and caption and prompt very vague description and hope to get randomly a result that match the picture one has in mind...

Or simply not using generative AI?
That would defeat my goal of using generative AI legally and with peace of mind, though.

Yea, the laws in your country likely differ. I'm not surprised at all.

Sure, I wasn't speaking in absolute general terms, only rejoicing that laws providing a clear framework exist and solve my conundrum.


As long as i get to be the frog
Not really. MJ does to a point, but Adobe is probably not (it's so closed it's difficult to know what it does...), stability doesn't, pixart doesn't... Prompt rewriting doesn't strike me as an integral part of generative AI. To be honest, it's certainly the way to go in order to get better prompt adherence (train a database with complex description of scene and provide complex descriptions, instead of having bad pairs of image and caption and prompt very vague description and hope to get randomly a result that match the picture one has in mind...
Any sources?
That would defeat my goal of using generative AI legally and with peace of mind, though.

Sure, I wasn't speaking in absolute general terms, only rejoicing that laws providing a clear framework exist and solve my conundrum.

2. Derivative works are still copyright infringement.
* etsy Gorgu merch cries*
The bottom image was done with Dall-E 3 on nightcafe while the prompt was "killer robot from the future" and this was the revised prompt

"Visualize a commanding and fearsome robot from a time far ahead in the future. Endowed with highly advanced technology, imagine it detailed with steel-gray armor plate that glows ominously with electric-blue energy. It emanates an aura of danger and power. Multi-limbed, it hovers off the ground, propelled by unseen means. Brilliant white lights serve as its eyes, blazing with an inhuman and calculating glare. Its appendages are armed with foreboding weapon systems, each a potentially devastating representation of future warfare technology. Despite its menacing presence, the robot's design reflects an elegance that contrasts with its lethal potential."


Looks like a combo of terminator and transformers.


This is what happened when I added the word "terminator" revised prompt :
A menacing robot from the future. This muscular, metallic entity stands upright with well-defined humanoid features. The body is sleek and composed of a silver-toned alloy. It has a rectangular face with glowing red optical sensors, resembling angry, piercing eyes. In its stance, it exudes an air of unyielding determination and striking power. It is geared with futuristic weaponry engraved into its arms, encapsulating the distinct intimidation inspired by potential advanced technologies. An overarching sense of dread permeates the scene as it suggests a grim dystopian future where such robotic entities exist."

when I did killer robot from the future using the SDXL 1.0 model, it didn't give a prompt revision but it did give me a slightly cuter robot

None of the models I use locally out put a prompt revision, the meta data just gives the same prompt I used.

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