Dragonlance Wizard of High Sorcery Test

Dragonlance Wizard of High Sorcery Test 1.0

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I've seen across the internet requests for a Test and rough ideas for what people have done, but never a fleshed-out adventure. So, like any good DM, I have shamelessly borrowed and repurposed ideas from forums and from older edition adventures. With some tinkering (it is customized for an Irda wizard and uses some A5E references for rules), it can be adapted to other campaigns.

Included (this link is to dropbox with word versions if you need to modify):
  • The Test, a full length, 10 challenge adventure for use with ALL the PCs at 4th level
  • Rules for wizard duel in the Test (adopted from AD&D High Level Campaigns)
  • Handout invitation that teleports the party to the Tower (so you can do this anywhere)
  • Handout for PCs other than the wizard (wherein they act as antagonists during certain parts of the Test)
  • Handout Staff of Magius, updated to 5E (thanks DLnexus version for inspiration)
I've also linked my Dragonlance folder from an older post that has:
  • DL guide for making characters unique to Dragonlance and as true to original form as possible. Completely compatible with 5E. Each race gets more unique features and ability score boosts for PCs are tied to their backgrounds now. If a race says "use default plus this," use your default PHB race features without the ability score increase and you're good.
  • DL calendar
  • Some custom DM-side screen inserts
  • Artificer class for gnomes (from A5E)
First release
Last update


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