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Search results

  1. F

    Continued Support

    So with the wealth of 4e info we have recieved lately I was wondering. For those of us that enjoy 3.5 have any third party publishers announced plans to continue to produce/support 3.5 material? For that matter is there any information indicating the 3.5 OGL will continue beyond the introduction...
  2. F

    Need Advice for Expedition to Castle Ravenloft *spoilers*

    Hello, I will be soon starting up an expedition to Castle Ravenloft campaign and am looking for some plot/encounter advice. I am going to be running the campaign in a more or less modified version of Greyhawk. The secondary goal/subplot from the adventure I will be using the Strahd creating an...
  3. F

    A Non-PHB only game?

    So I am thinking of running a game where no PHB races or classes are used. All other WOTC sources for races and classes are allowed (with the exception of subraces/variants of PHB races) Has anyone ever tried anything similar and if so what was your experience?
  4. F

    Need some help with campaign building...

    Hullo ENworld! Im having a little trouble with one aspect of my current world building. I am planning a game where the far plane long ago tried to encroach on the prime material and via the creation of a mcguffin the farplane was sealed and barred from the prime material. Fast forward 10000...
  5. F

    Neo Paladins: The Martyr

    Herein you will find my first review for ENworld. I would like to preface this by stating I was sent a complimentary copy of this book. Contents of the Zip: Neo Paladins: The Martyr comes in a zip file containing two PDF copies, one for on-screen viewing and one for printing. Also included is...
  6. F

    WOTC doing away with free online content?

    I am fortunate enough to have one of those jobs where I can browse the net at work. Due to some applications I use however I have to keep popup blockers turned off. On a recent visit to Wizards D&D page I had a survey popup appear. Interested I took the survery and they seem to be fishing for...