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  1. Timothy

    CRPG with a glaive.

    One of my recent characters chose to specialize himself in fighting with a glaive. That lead me to remember a game i once played where the protagonist was very good at slashing his glaive around. Unfortunatly though, I can't remember the game's name. Does anybody recognize the game from my...
  2. Timothy

    [GP] A Game of Politics

    This morning you all got a letter, adressed to you personally. The letter had the seal of the Dean of the academy, Herzal Brandt, on it. Quickly you opened the letter and read the few sentences that were in it. Greetings, You have been chosen to take part in a new democratic project designed...
  3. Timothy

    [GP] The politicians

    The characters for my PbP game (a Game of Politics) will be posted here.
  4. Timothy

    [GP] A Game of Politics (Recruiting 2 more)

    Dean Herzal Brandt entered the office of Sepsar Ulsar, Prime Resident of Farnese, Sepsar was sitting in a chair that was a bit too big for him. Dean Brandt sat down in front of him and waited until Sepsar would start to speak. "Herzal, I've asked you here because I have an idea. I want to form a...
  5. Timothy

    11K Members!

    It seemed like only yesterday that we achived the 10K mebers, and now we just havce three to go to 110000! This are great times for ENWorld.
  6. Timothy


    I had a question.... Here in Holland the Summer Time just started, this means the clock is set forward an hour. I was under the impression that GMT would change along with that too, but that doesn't seem to be the case on the boards, how does it really work?
  7. Timothy

    To my players and GM's and everyone else.

    I haven't been active much the last week, this was mainly because I had tentams, and I studied a lot. I have a holiday coming now, but it is planned full, so I doubt I'm going to have much time to check in everyday and I can see a couple of days allready where logging in isn't going to happen at...
  8. Timothy

    Do you have the Duty to game??

    Okay, seeing the other threads about dead games and such, I thought I would post this. I think when people enter a game or start one, they have a DUTY to uphold against the (other) players and/or the DM. You have comitted yourself to something. And you should stick with that. You should try to...
  9. Timothy

    Characters for MSN-game

    Okay, the title is just to throw off the heroes, but this is really the Game of Opposites: Villains thread.
  10. Timothy

    [GG] A Game of Gods (IC, Reborn)

    OOC: The game will resume itself, don't forget to re-post your chars here IC: The Ogre is Airborn and Angry, behind him is a black dragon (Rebecca) Below him, shouting like mad, is Tzz'arch. Yalla sits on higher ground and is pummeling him with arrows. Drakon Is on the ground too, deciding if...
  11. Timothy

    [GE] A Game of Evles, Characters

    Post you're elven chars here!
  12. Timothy

    [GG] A Game of Gods, The new characters...

    Okay, [GG] Part 2 characters go here.
  13. Timothy

    [GE] A Game of Elves! A Game Set in the world of Elfquest (RE-RECRUITING!)

    Grettings Elfquest Lovers! This Game will enable you to play the Children of all the heroes that you know out of the books by Richard and Wendy Pini. The game is set 109 years after the reappaerrance of the palace, that's 100 years after the fall of the Citadel of Grohmul Djunn. The elves have...
  14. Timothy

    [GP] A Game of Politics Characters

    The Politicians of Farnese will go here...
  15. Timothy

    A Challenge! To: KitanaVorr, Sixchan, Janos, Zhure and those who got what it takes!

    Now before anyone says: "Timothy is going to start ANOTHER campaign??" Listen if you like the idea. Everyone who wants to get in hould be regular posters to ensure a fast paced game. You will be very low level in power and have a very random character creation, with me rolling for your stats...
  16. Timothy

    [GP:H] A Game of Opposites: The Heroes IC (Villains Stay Out!)

    Heyya guys, let's start the intro's. You are all between missions, just relaxing, hanging at Granny Nelly's place. This is a tavern only freqeunted by high lvel heroes, and entrance is only gained by recommadtion of some one that is allready a member. You are wll known in the club, and know...
  17. Timothy

    Thread can be closed (was: Re-recruiting: A Game of Gods)

    I am looking for 2-3 fats and interested osters to join my 'A Game of Gods' game. In this game, players are the chosen of their gods to let the god Cyric know he shouldn't go too far. You'll deal with the followers of Cyric in a series of adventures. You will all start as a 10th level PC. The...
  18. Timothy

    Crothian, here I come!!!

    After being fully assymaylated half december (only had 30 orso posts from lurking since july) I made it to 1K posts in 1 1/2 month. This is actually my 999 post, but I'm off to fetch some monkeys at the hivemind. (and the title of this thread is just me overdoing my enthusiasm)
  19. Timothy

    Experience, how do YOU handle it?

    Creamsteak said something about this in another thread, and he got the idea fro Sollir. Should XP for battles increase in PbP Games? PbP battles are long, and CAN be very boring, as you have to wait for the next in line. Also Battles ARE unavoidable in most Games. So does this give the right...
  20. Timothy

    Tanks Pkitty

    Just wanted to say: Thanks for the new OOC Forum PirateCat!