• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. neobolts

    Level Up (A5E) Misunderstanding something about encounter building

    I'm building a ECR3 fight using zombies for a 3rd level party. So if I was using all zombies, I would think it would use 12 zombies (CR 1/4 * 12 = 3). However I noticed something that made me unsure... The sample Zombie Encounters for CR 3-4 (MM p434) indicate some CR 3&4 solo mobs, but for a...
  2. neobolts

    Spelljammer 64-page Spelljammer books?

    The listing page on wizard's official announcement has each of the three books listed at 64 pages? That seems like a low count for the books descibed.
  3. neobolts

    Level Up (A5E) Is there a second chance/pdf storefront for Homebrew and Hacking: Crafting New Heritages and Cultures?

    I let this KS slip by me and was wondering if there's a way for latecomers to access this product. Thanks!
  4. neobolts

    Level Up (A5E) Rules that add schools

    I'm a bit thrown by rules that add schools to a caster class. For example, Herald (Inquisitor) has "Add the communication school of magic to your list of herald spells" as a feature. Is there a list of spells by school? I'm currently searching the spell chapter in the pdf for the school name and...
  5. neobolts

    Despicable Me's Minions are now officially 5e

    Raise your outrage flags on high, friends! If you thought a Magic: The Gathering setting was the end of the world, prepare to be Feebleminded by the presence of a Minions stat block in Dragon+ issue 21. That's right, the babbling yellow blob-humanoids from "Despicable Me", "Despicable Me 2"...
  6. neobolts

    D&D 5E Who is Matthew Colville?

    I'm out of the loop, it seems. My feed is blowing up that legendary D&D designer Matt Colville has a D&D Kickstarter. I'm not really into the D&D streamers. Would I know him outside of that?
  7. neobolts

    O.L.D. Shipping Schedule

    It looks like most of the O.L.D. hardcover copies shipped April 9th have arrived. It is shipping in waves, or should I start worrying if I'm in the U.S. and haven't gotten mine yet?:confused: (Edit: rolled a 1 to name correct book)
  8. neobolts

    Extrapolated 5e Starting Equipment Chart for Higher Levels

    I was unsatisfied with the 3 broad categories for gear for starting above 1st level. So I expanded it into a detailed 2-20 chart for both standard and high magic campaigns. YMMV on how you would have done the in-between levels. 5e Extrapolated Standard Starting Equipment LEVEL gp* unc rare...
  9. neobolts

    What's the best (non-Star Wars) sci-fi system/setting for fans of D&D 5e?

    - Prefer sci-fi to sci-fantasy. - Prefer a system low on micromanagement and constantly consulting charts. The only sci-fi setting I have played extensively was 1992's Traveller: The New Era. Thanks in advance for any advice!
  10. neobolts

    D&D 5E Farts (serious question)

    First off, if you are one of my players, stop reading. I'm working on a fairly lowbrow session to offset the recent have tone of my campaign. In brief, a minstrel show is being ruined by mysterious terrible flatulence (in fact seeping through a planar rift).S*** demons are nothing new to...
  11. neobolts

    D&D 5E Thoughts on Mearls' Comments on Fighter Subclasses Lacking Identity

    I thought they did a pretty good job with the subclass names and identities. The concepts are pretty simple. Champions are focused on self improvement and raw ability (recalling the simple mechanics of the earliest editions). The name is fairly generic, but if the goal is to rename...
  12. neobolts

    Sword Coast Legends DM Tools - Twitch Event Recap

    Sword Coast Legends Community Manager Ash Sevilla and Design Director Tim Schwalk did a did a video chat with Q&A on the DM tools today. You can find it here: http://www.twitch.tv/swordcoastlegends/v/6852516 And yes, each map's framework is randomly generated based on the parameters you set...
  13. neobolts

    The hype is real! Cities Skylines is the most solid city builder since SimCity 4.

    Cities Skylines on Steam is amazing. I had seen all the glowing reviews and finally gave it and got it last week. It is being hyped as a SimCity killer and it totally is. (Not a high bar after SimCity 2013, nuff said!) I could even see using it to create a city map for use in a modern campaign...
  14. neobolts

    D&D 5E D&D Multiverse as setting - do you do it?

    D&D Multiverse as setting - do you do it? 1) What I'm getting at is: Do you or your group usually treat your D&D campaigns as existing within one giant shared universe? 2) If so, do you use the classic Spelljammer/Planescape approach? I.e., your Toril, Athas, Krynn, homebrew worlds, etc. all...
  15. neobolts

    Any April Fools Action out there from the game publishers?

    D&D announces "Meepo's Revenge"? Dragon Age RPG announces dating sim expansion? Pathfinder Announces "Kingmaker: Elvis Edition"? Anything? :D
  16. neobolts

    D&D 5E When do you think they will announce the next book?

    Princes of the Apocalypse is out at early access FLGS. I picked it up over the weekend but haven't spent any time with it yet, but am excited by the positive things I've been hearing. They've got a nostalgia trend going, with Tyranny of Dragons being a follow up to Scales of War, and Prince of...
  17. neobolts

    D&D 5E My Journey to 5th Edition

    Not the first or last to do a thread like this, and while I have edition preferences, I don't consider myself any sort of "edition warrior". The "7 years" thread inspired me to share. 2e I started here. Wacky, unbalanced wish fufillment campaigns. Awe inspiring settings. A total sense of wonder...
  18. neobolts

    D&D 5E Druids + necromancy: Help me make it make sense!

    Want to run villains that combine twisted druidic tradition (a cruel predator-or-prey view of the world) with necromancy (as the Paladin PC has crafted a "hunter of evil necromancers" background). Not all of the druids in the circle would be necromancers, but a cool necromancer druid in the...
  19. neobolts

    D&D 5E Concentration: Addressing Player Concerns

    Concentration - one of the oddest mechanics in 5e, and one that some of my players are not happy with. Buff stacking in previous editions was a real issue, but has the pendulum swung too far the other way? There's a perception that concentration spells often aren't worth taking. a) They have...
  20. neobolts

    D&D 5E Running the classics in 5e - best of the best?

    What are the best previous edition modules available for running in 5e with minimal work? I'm interested in not just big modules like Rise of the Runelords and Red Hand of Doom, but some of the shorter ones as well. Bonus points if it is available via a PDF store.