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  1. E

    D&D 5E Sorcerers and Primal Caster concepts

    This came up in another thread and I thought I'd post it here to get some more general attention and peoples' thoughts. Many homebrew class discussions revolve around concepts that could be grouped as primal casters - i.e. witches, shamans, prophets, etc. I think this happens because there's a...
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    D&D 5E Homebrew Classes (Concept Discussion)

    This isn't really about any specific existing homebrew classes that people have floating around. Rather, I wanted to get some insights on what concepts people consider that may be missing from the standard class list and aren't necessarily ideal to just add via a subclass to one of the existing...
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    D&D 5E House Rule Sanity Check

    I'm pretty committed to most of the ideas here, but I wanted to get some feedback on if there's anything obvious I'm overlooking. I like the core skill system in 5e, but I was not happy with the actual skills they landed on - some were too narrow, some were just poorly defined, and some were...
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    Spelljammer Spelljammer in 5e

    I feel like Spelljammer should get updated for 5e, but in a different way than it was originally published back in the 2e days. Specifically, what I'd love to see would be a sci-fi themed campaign setting developed from 80s retro-future nostalgia that spelljamming was incorporated into rather...
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    D&D 5E Critiquing the System

    5th edition does a lot of things right. Curious to hear what peoples' biggest issues are with it. 1. HP scaling is an issue as I think you start with too few and end up with too many. The should have normalized starting HP and per level growth a bit better. 2. Subclasses are great, but I...
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    D&D 5E Really concerned about class design

    So.... I've been feeling this for a while. While, granted, we got the Artificer in the Eberron book, there's been a long term dearth of new classes for 5e. Especially in light of the new UA, it really worries me that it appears to be because WotC thinks they can/should simply turn every new...
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    D&D 5E Skills redux

    In general I like the way 5e handled skills-as-ability checks, but I feel the final lineup had some arbitrary choices that could have been better, and I think that 1/2 proficiency and 1.5x proficiency should have been handled in a more formal way to provide some basic tiering to competence...
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    D&D 5E Cleric Houserules

    Edited. I've posted about this before, but I think WotC really dropped the ball in the way they baked combat vs spellcasting options into domain choice rather than making it independent and by not emphasizing it enough in the way they designed the cleric in 5e. There's a clear "charismatic man...
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    D&D 5E Cloistered Cleric Variant

    http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/rkXty4cBG This is my attempt at making a cloistered cleric variant that turns the cleric into more of a wizard analogue. I originally wanted to go with a "prophet" flavor, but upon further reflection, I decided that was more appropriate as a domain...
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    D&D 5E Concepts for an arcane half-caster/gish

    So, this is something that has always been strangely absent from the base class roster in D&D, and when we've gotten it as an "advanced" class in prior editions it's always been a bit lame, like being called "swordmage" and having no interesting fantasy behind it other than being a combination...
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    D&D 5E Revised Cleric

    (This is an update from a concept I posted a while back. Since there were heavy revisions, I decided to start a new thread rather than bumping the old one) I’ve always had a beef with the design of the cleric in D&D, and 5e is no different. The domain-as-subclass design is highly flawed in my...
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    D&D 5E Revamped Skill Rules

    I've never been satisfied with 5e's skill system. The skill lineup itself has problems, having a binary for proficiency is too simple, and I also find Expertise and jack of all trades a bit overpowered for the classes that get them. I'm working on some custom rules to address this while trying...
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    D&D 5E Semi-final Revised Cleric

    Here's my attempt at reworking the official cleric to provide design space for the robed, non-martial priest archetype that is common in fantasy but has always been conspicuously absent in D&D. Note that my goal here is severalfold - a.) To design the new archetype within the space of the...
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    D&D 5E Cleric Modifications

    While I like many of the design choices for 5e clerics, I feel they really dropped the ball by not allowing room for a completely non-martial wizard-style cleric. I also think it's very arbitrary how some domains offer Divine Strike and/or bonus proficiencies while others offer Improved spell...
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    D&D 5E What would you change?

    5e is great, but it isn't perfect. What are the design choices you find most problematic, and how (in a broad sense) would you fix them? Here's my list, in order of egregiousness: The skill system - I like rule simplicity, but a simple binary system is just not good enough. Proficiency...
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    D&D 5E Ability Scores

    This is not my first thread on ability scores, but I'm in the middle of a weeks-long brainstorming session and want to gather as much thought and feedback as possible. I think one of the few things WotC really dropped the ball on for 5e was in not putting a big emphasis on making sure the...
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    Critique my House Rules

    Please do not waste your energy trying to convince me that any of my concepts are bad, because everyone has their own. I'm simply concerned with corrective balance. Races In addition to normal racial bonuses, all small races receive -4 Str and Con, +2 Dex (I know this is a hard sell, but I...
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    D&D 5E On Attributes

    This is something that's come up around here before, but I don't see any recent discussions on the topic. I know the 6 scores we have now are iconic, and very unlikely to officially ever change, but if you were to perform some sort of iteration - what would you do? My biggest issues are: 1.)...
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    D&D 5E Idea for Int

    It seems to be pretty commonly held that Int is a bit too much of a dump stat in 5e. I've spent time considering ways to make it more generally attractive without stepping on the toes of other attributes, making anything over- or under-powered, being too finicky, or resulting in too much...
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    Revised Mechanics for Injury, Madness, and Hero Points

    This is a part of my Ability score revamp that is still a WiP, but I wanted to collect feedback on it separately. The design intent of these is to make all ability scores worthwhile for all classes, while also providing an extra dose of grit and realism, without bogging the game down in things...