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Search results

  1. Mercador

    DDAL Adventurers League Epics?

    Hello! I guess I'll use all my credits for posting twice :D I have the chance to participate to an Adventurers League Epic at the end of the month. However, I never played Adventurers League before. I do know TTRPGs a lot, just never played an AL module before. Could it be a good experience or...
  2. Mercador

    D&D General How is Lore & Legends?

    Hello! While seeing they are doing a book for the making of D&D, I learned the existence of Lore & Legends. I really loved Art & Arcana, read it fully in 2 or 3 sittings. Is Lore & Legends as good as Art & Arcana? Worth trying getting it on Amazon and hoping it won't be too damaged? Thanks!
  3. Mercador

    Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 5E?

    Hello, I was looking to get Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4E at my FLGS and they don't have it anymore and they don't wait for more. Is there any talks about Cubicle 7 doing a 5E in 2024? I can still buy it at Amazon but if there's a new version incoming, I'll just wait for that one. It's not for...
  4. Mercador

    D&D General Ed Greenwood column?

    Hello! With the release of BG3, I've decided to complete my read through of Drizzt books (almost finished The Legacy) and I wonder if I purchase the Sword Coast book for DnD5e (is it good?). I was looking for new guides from Ed Greenwood and I remembered that he got a column on this side of the...
  5. Mercador

    Do you sell your books?

    Hey guys, I'm looking at my bookshelf full of TTRPG (mainly D&D 2nd, 4nd, 5nd and Pathfinder 1ed) and I was wondering what to do with that. My local gaming store is offering me 250$ CDN for 35 books, I'm not too sure about that. I remember that I was really upset when my mom trashed my Cyberpunk...
  6. Mercador

    Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay vs Warhammer Age of Sigmar Roleplay

    Hello, am I reading correctly, is there two TTRPG based on Warhammer Fantasy ? Or the Age of Sigmar one is just for minis? If there's two settings, which one is closer to Total War Warhammers ? Thanks!
  7. Mercador

    Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance reviews are out

    Not really surprising but the scores are quite low (59 right now on Metacritic) https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/dungeons-dragons-dark-alliance I don't know if Morrus want to do a news about it but I'll post here for now.
  8. Mercador

    Cyberpunk RED

    Just noticed that my local game shop got the RED book, anyone got it already? How is it?
  9. Mercador

    Opinions on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4ed?

    I'm currently looking for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and I was wondering what were your opinions on this one? I'm looking more for fluff than anything, I don't plan running this (at least not this year). Is it possible that the Starter set is totally sold out in North America? Thanks!
  10. Mercador

    DDAL Where to play PbP?

    So I don't know why but I just found out that playing online was really a thing and it was quite effective. I read a bit on Roll20 and Fantasy Ground but now with the quarantine, I would like to try VTT. Since I didn't play 5e yet, I'll try to find an adventure league PbP game, is this even...
  11. Mercador

    Creating content

    So it seems I'll be forced to stay home another 2 weeks so I'm looking to do some creative stuff. When I was a teenager, my main hobby was creating content for TTRPG and I would like to try that again 25 years later, just to see if I'm still able to create a dungeon or two stories. Though, I...
  12. Mercador

    How do you read your TTRPG books?

    Hello! I'm curious how do you read your TTRPG books. I noticed that every time I purchase a new book, I'm starting reading it like a novel. By the time I hit the 5-10% mark, I got bored and I'm looking for something else to purchase.
  13. Mercador

    Is it nostalgia?

    I got a psychological question for you folks (not sure I'm on the good sub though, mods feel free to move). I got a similar question last year but it still bothers me. Since a few years, I started to buy TTRPG books. At first, I was DMing a few games but I noticed that I don't even do that...
  14. Mercador

    Warhammer lore

    Hello, Back in June, I purchased Zweihander and I really loved the setting. I'm not too sure why but I never look for the warhammer setting, I guess it became popular during my twenty years RPG drought (95-15) but now I'm really digging it, I'm playing Total War: Warhammer and I would like to...
  15. Mercador

    Mad at Paizo?

    On a recent news post about PF2E Bestiary 2, I was wondering if it was deseperation that announcing stuff so much in advance, to which point Morrus told me that I might be an outlier; To which point I'm starting to wonder why I am so mad at them? It's totally normal for them to go forward and...
  16. Mercador

    Post Cyberpunk suggestion

    Greetings, The initial title was : Transhuman space vs Eclipse Phase I would like to buy one for the setting (only) because I'm not planning any rpg game within the next year. Though, I love "fluff" content so my imagination is ignited somehow; it helps me fighting depression as well, not sure...
  17. Mercador

    Today's The Last Day Of Voting For The Most Anticipated Tabletop RPGs Of 2019!

    Is Cyberpunk 2077 official? As far as I know, Pondsmith simply said "probably".
  18. Mercador

    Acquiring books (but not reading them)?

    Hello, Mods: Not sure I'm into the good subforum, feel free to move away or lock plain and simple. Since 4-5 years now, I noticed that I purchase a lot of tabletop rpg books but I don't read them, or not a lot. I was playing a bit of Pathfinder as a DM but not that much. I wonder why I "need"...