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  1. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D General The Problem With Paladin's Medieval Origins (+)

    In the past year or so, I have learned a lot about medieval history that I didn't know before. I'd commonly heard and spouted the phrase that D&D isn't really medieval, it's its own thing more similar to the Renaissance but is filled with anachronisms and stuff of its own inventions (obviously...
  2. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D General Overview of Ennoism (Homebrew Gnostic Religion)

    This is a homebrew religion I've been working on for over a month. It's definitely the most in-depth fantasy religion I've ever made and I took inspiration from a lot of real world religions to make it. The main influences were Mandaeism and other Gnostic religions, but there is a large amount...
  3. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D 5E Making Aasimar Awesomer

    I like Planetouched races/lineages in D&D. I’m a fan of Tieflings (though they’re probably not even on my list of top 10 favorite D&D races), I think they inspire a lot of interesting stories and characters in D&D settings. Baldur’s Gate 3 did an amazing job showing how good plots with Tieflings...
  4. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D 5E Project MK Ultra in Eberron: Adventure Brainstorming

    I'm currently writing an adventure for Eberron heavily inspired by Project MK Ultra, more specifically the Montreal Experiments that were funded by the CIA. The goal of the adventure will be to discover the unethical experiments, go to the psychiatric hospital where the project is centered, and...
  5. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D General What D&D Religion Is Your Favorite, And Why?

    Simple question, but hopefully it generates an interesting discussion. There are a lot of different religions in D&D, as every setting has unique religions and setting designers tend to enjoy adding a new twist or subversion to their world's version of religion. To list some examples. the gods...
  6. Levistus's_Leviathan

    If You're "Permanently" Boycotting WotC, They're Not Going To Listen To You

    This post was inspired by this thread on D&D Beyond, but instead of just linking that and leaving, I'll add a bit. In recent OGL threads, I have seen probably dozens of posters, many of them regulars on this site, claiming that they will never buy anything from WotC ever again, even if they...
  7. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D General Homebrew World Brainstorm: Evolution-Driven Magic

    I have this idea that's been bouncing around my head for the past few weeks, and I'm trying to find a way to make it work. Since I haven't completely found a way to make it work yet, I thought I would post the ideas I've had so far here and see if anyone has anything to add/change about it. I...
  8. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D General Deities in D&D: Gods as Tulpas versus Gods as Progenitors

    Disclaimer: I know religion is a touchy subject, so out of respect, I've tried to stay away from naming active real religions in the real world. Hopefully I didn't overstep anywhere in this post. While I'm probably not going to mark this as a (+) thread because I want there to be a discussion of...
  9. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D General Fun Experiment: Post a cool bit of (mostly) unknown lore from your favorite setting (+)

    We've had a lot of negative threads on this site lately, so I wanted to make something unique and fun. Hopefully, people engage. To summarize, this thread is about sharing small, minute pieces of lore from your favorite setting that you think most people don't know about and that people on this...
  10. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D (2024) People That Have Actually Read the DMG: What Optional Rule(s) Do You Want To Get Expanded In One D&D?

    As we all know, no one reads the D&D 5e Dungeon Master's Guide. However, for the few people on this site that have, what optional parts of it do you think should be expanded upon in the One D&D playtest? By "expanded", I mean given heavy revisions the same way that Inspiration and Exhaustion...
  11. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D 5E Discussing Worldbuilding: Why Don't The Mages Take Over The World?

    In all D&D settings magic exists, can be controlled, and can perform feats of power unrivaled by non-magical means . . . why haven't those that practice magic taken over the setting? Why isn't practically every nation a magocracy, where those with magic power have taken the majority of political...
  12. Levistus's_Leviathan

    Spelljammer The Veil and The Void: Spelljamming in the Feywild and Shadowfell

    I originally had this idea when the Unearthed Arcana: Travelers of the Multiverse came out, but wanted to wait to see if the official Spelljammer did anything with this concept before homebrewing it. Now that I've skimmed through the books and haven't found any mention of this, I've decided to...
  13. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D 5E How Are Orcs Different In Your World? (+)

    It's been a while since I made a thread like this, but after making some heavy revisions to what Orcs are like in my world, I decided it would be nice to see how they're like in other people's homebrew worlds. Write as much or as little as you want (I'm going to keep it relatively short). And...
  14. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D 5E Non-Eberron Changelings Should Be Primal Elves

    This is a really simple connection, and I just wanted to make a thread discussing this idea I had. Since Monsters of the Multiverse, Changelings have become less attached to Eberron and moved into the wider D&D Multiverse. And according to 5e Elven lore, Elves used to be genderfluid fey...
  15. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D General Homebrew Brainstorm: How Would You Approach a "Descendant Worship" Culture? (+)

    Okay, this is a bit of a strange concept that I've never heard of before, but I recently got the idea of having a big culture in my setting be the opposite of Ancestor Worship. A Descendent/Progeny Worshipping religious/spiritual culture that does the opposite of veneration of the dead: they'd...
  16. Levistus's_Leviathan

    Cancer Zombies and Nencronoma Clots

    Cancer Zombie Unlike typical zombies, cancer zombies are the result of a magical and cancerous tumor developing in a humanoid creature and taking control of the body in order to seek out other humanoids and try to spread their tumors to them, which creates more cancer zombies. Due to this...
  17. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D 5E Brainstorming: Getting Rid of the Monstrosity Creature Type

    Since the D&D movie trailer dropped, there's been a bit of discussion on how Owlbears and similar monstrosities that are just combinations of two different animals (Griffons/Hippogriffs, for example) and are natural to the worlds of D&D should probably be reclassified as beasts instead of...
  18. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D General Rant: Sometimes I Hate the D&D Community

    Note: If you have never participated in any of the acts I'm complaining about below, this post is not directed at you. Good job at not being amongst the people in this hobby that actively piss me off by making it toxic. You're cool and are not the target of this post. I . . . I don't understand...
  19. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D General Why Do People Hate Gnomes?

    Serious question, as I've seen a ton of people online that play D&D make jokes about Gnomes or say how much they hate them. More than Kender, actually. So . . . what is it about Gnomes that makes people hate them so much? Or such easy targets for jokes online?
  20. Levistus's_Leviathan

    D&D 5E Chris Perkins and Todd Kenreck Talk About Mind Flayers

    There's a new lore-discussion video on the official D&D Youtube channel with Todd Kenreck and Chris Perkins, similar to the Vecna videos we got recently. This one has new art for Mind Flayers (and their eggs/tadpoles), lore about mind flayers that hasn't been discussed in 5e yet (how they...