• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. TheDungeonMathster

    Level Up (A5E) Parrying Weapons - Decide before or after result is known?

    It's not stated in the text on parrying weapons, but do you claim the parry before or after you know the result of the attack roll against you?
  2. TheDungeonMathster

    Level Up (A5E) Whirlwind and Whirlpool Strike

    I am curious if others have house ruled a change to either of these maneuvers. As written, targets must be within 5 feet; however, the NPC I am desigining this for has a reach weapon (10 feet). It seems odd to restrict these to only 5 feet thematically (mechanically, I can somewhat understand...
  3. TheDungeonMathster

    Level Up (A5E) Bucklers

    The Adventurer's Guide mentions bucklers only once (page 317), but gives no specifics about them. Are these official items in A5E? If so, how do they work (e.g., do they take a hand?)?
  4. TheDungeonMathster

    Level Up (A5E) Quick Question about Lean Into It

    I know there are quite a few discussions on similar topics, but I just need a fast clarification on Lean Into It. So, a character activates this manuever, thereby taking the Attack action and making a weapon attack. When this character hits, the target must make a save or be knocked prone -...
  5. TheDungeonMathster

    Level Up (A5E) Elite versus Legendary

    I am doing a full conversion of the Shackled City adventure path (and have been doing so for quite some time). It was due to this conversion that I began to seek out alternative creature crafting systems as there are over 200 unique creatures and NPCs in the Shackled City that need to be...
  6. TheDungeonMathster

    Level Up (A5E) O5E Banishment Spell vs A5e

    On the spell comparison document posted on this forum, it lists the changes to banishment as follows: Banishment (4). Concentration random duration, target save per round with penalty, higher level increase duration instead of targets. I sent this to one of my players and he had some salient...
  7. TheDungeonMathster

    Level Up (A5E) Confused about some language in "Designing Monsters"

    Question for the masses: On pages 502-503 (Designing Monsters), under "Special Attacks," there is some language that causing me confusion. For area attacks, "If a monster can use an area attack every turn, reduce the damage it deals to about 70% compared to a normal attack." The example the...
  8. TheDungeonMathster

    Level Up (A5E) Does A5E keep 5e's "baked in" power for low-level characters?

    I am more of an old-school gamer and one gripe I have about 5E is the pure power all beginning characters have. It seemed (and is likely the case) that the edition was designed to feed the power-hungry and attract new players with sensationalism. I grew up in the 70's and 80's playing campaigns...