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Search results

  1. Davelozzi

    D&D 5E DM's Guild print books / Scourge of the Sword Coast / Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle

    A few somewhat related questions... I am considering picking up Scourge of the Sword Coast in order to get an updated version of Daggerford and environs (I have long owned and enjoyed the AD&D module N5 Under Illefarn). I see that DM's Guild sells it in multiple formats: PDF, and softcover...
  2. Davelozzi

    Continuity between campaigns (in the same world or otherwise)

    Growing up I always considered that one of the cool things about RPGs was the possibility that the actions of the players could affect the world in the long term, beyond the current adventure/campaign. I always felt like one campaign would build off another, with the old PCs being present as...
  3. Davelozzi

    D&D 5E Replacing Sculpt Spells feature for School of Evocation wizards?

    One of my players is aiming to roll up a wizard for our new campaign and is leaning towards School of Evocation for his arcane tradition, however neither he nor I are very happy with the Sculpt Spells feature as we feel like it actually makes things less interesting, strategically speaking, not...
  4. Davelozzi

    D&D 5E Do you use all of the P.C. races and classes from the PHB?

    I'm curious as to whether or not most people have embraced all of the new races and classes from recent editions of D&D in their games? Personally, I am a bit of a traditionalist on this score, and while I am willing to concede that tieflings or dragonborn might exist to some degree in my...
  5. Davelozzi

    D&D 5E Has anyone ever run an Arcane Age (FR) campaign?

    I've recently been digging through some boxes of old D&D stuff in my basement and was looking at some of the Arcane Age supplements that came out late in the 2e era for Forgotten Realms. Netheril: Empire of Magic and Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves detailed those two ancient (by present day FR...
  6. Davelozzi

    D&D 5E do you still roll for damage?

    I'm just coming back to D&D after a seven year hiatus (and probably even longer from these boards). I've only had one session of 5e so far but I have been reading through all the core rulebooks, Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide and Storm King's Thunder and one thing that keeps jumping out at me...
  7. Davelozzi

    Up the Rhestwash by boat (Red Hand - SPOILERS)

    As the title indicates, this thread will have Red Hand of Doom spoilers, so please stop reading if you are playing in that adventure, or plan to do so. Anyhow, I have a session this evening in which the PCs will leave Drellin's Ferry to travel by boat to the Blackfens via the Elsir...
  8. Davelozzi

    Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk (spoilers)

    I am surprised that I have not seen much talk of Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk around here, other than the random complaints about the perception that WotC is judging the future of Greyhawk on its sales. Anyhow, I am not looking to discuss the latter here, just the adventure itself. As...
  9. Davelozzi

    Starting level for Red Hand of Doom?

    I know that this has come up before, but since I don't have search function at present, needed to put the question out there again. The cover of Red Hand of Doom lists character levels 6-12, but in the intro it says that its designed for a party beginning at 5th level. Does anyone recall which...
  10. Davelozzi

    The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergard

    Maybe I was just out of the loop this winter, but I am sort of surprised that I have seen no talk of this adventure, nor are there any reviews of it in the database. I was behind on my reading the past few months and am just getting to it now. Though not anything revolutionary, it seems okay...
  11. Davelozzi

    Bard's Gate (Necromancer Games)

    I was wondering what people thought about Necromancer Games' Bard's Gate. This product was announced years ago, and for a while I was anticipating it, but apparently it slipped in earlier this year under my radar. I have yet to see a copy in stores, and frankly only became aware that it was...
  12. Davelozzi

    Thoughts on Fane of the Drow?

    Has anyone picked up Fantastic Locations: Fane of the Drow yet? I saw it in the FLGS but it was shrinkwrapped so I couldn't really get a feel for it. I don't particularly care about the poster map, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether or not the other material is any good. Is...
  13. Davelozzi

    What happened to sigs?

    I just noticed that my sig isn't showing on my posts. I checked my user CP and "show sig" is checked. Is something wrong, or has this just been shut off for some reason? No big deal either way, I'm just curious.
  14. Davelozzi

    Why all the fuss about who or what is/isn't a god?

    A comment in the Against the Cult of the Reptile God thread got me thinking... This seems to come up a lot, whether or not various creatures are really gods, and whether or not they can grant spells. Most often, the talk is about Demon Princes or Archdevils, though not always (Sorceror Kings...
  15. Davelozzi

    help requested with Forge of Fury's big bad vs. a huge party (spoilers)

    Yes, boys and girls, it's time once again for the bi-monthly Forge of Fury thread. This time around, we're talking about the big bad at the end of the module. Naturally, spoilers will abound so if you're planning to play this module and don't want anything given away, you better walk away...
  16. Davelozzi

    Differences between Mordenkainen’s Fantastic Adventure and Dungeon's Maure Castle

    Differences between Mordenkainen’s Fantastic Adventure and Dungeon's Maure Castle hi everyone, I never got a chance to pick up Mordenkainen’s Fantastic Adventure back in the day, and so far, haven't had a chance to peruse the new version of Maure Castle in Dungeon 112 either, though I own that...
  17. Davelozzi

    Beholder minis (size comparisons)

    I was looking at beholder minis and wondering about their relative sizes. Has anyone seen these two Reaper minis that could tell me how they compare to each other, human sized minis, or to WotC's beholder? I asked on Reaper's boards but never actually got an answer. The first is Reaper's Eye...
  18. Davelozzi

    glue help

    Recently, a friend and I painted up three vrocks (Skalathrix, Vulture Demon, Reaper # 02532). The minis come in two pieces -- body and wings. At any rate, we had no trouble glueing the wings on two of them, but the third one just won't stick. I've tried it several times over the past three...
  19. Davelozzi

    Voidmind Creature (MM3) and Mind Flayer (XPH) CR & other help

    I'm about to introduce mind flayers and duergar to my campaign for the first time, using duergars as the result of illithid experimentation on hapless dwarves. I've got the duergar controlling an old dwarf hold as sort of a satellite settlement from a nearby mind flayer commmunity. At any...
  20. Davelozzi

    alt named minis for official monsters (was mind flayer minis)

    Edit: I originally started this thread to find some mind flayer minis but having obtained that objective, I'm rededicating it to serve as a reference spot for miniatures that are designed to (or at least can) represent official monsters, but which have alternate names because of protected IP...