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  1. Cymex666


    I'll never order anything through New Wave again. Their level of service left much to be desired and I ended up waiting months before my order was filled.
  2. Cymex666

    Gaming Without Alignment

    I'm sure that this subject has come up before, but I would like to know if there are any of you that game without the alignment rules. If you game without alignment, how do you go about it? Is the game better or worse for lack of alignment restrictions? I imagine it would be a little difficult...
  3. Cymex666

    Anyone picked up Midnight Fury of Shadows

    Arrrrgh! Hearing all the positive feedback on the boxed set really makes me want to rush out and buy it, and of course I happen to be flat broke at the moment. With my luck, by the time I manage to scrape together enough cash for it my FLGS will have sold out of it. :(
  4. Cymex666

    Anyone else here into bizarre cult movies?

    I've seen just about everything listed in the earlier posts and one movie that still sticks with me is entitled, eXistenZ. It stars Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jude Law and Willem Dafoe. Quote from video box: "During the first closed-door demonstration of an amazing new virtual reality game- called...
  5. Cymex666

    I love to read Dragon, but I don't use it.

    Come to think of it, I don't believe that I've used much material out of Dragon Magazine either. I love the magazine and have purchased it for quite some time, but I actually get more use out of Dungeon Magazine.
  6. Cymex666

    Mazes And Monsters

    I saw that movie when it was first released (now I feel old) and I remember thinking that I was already under the stigma of being gamer geek. Along comes this movie, and all of a sudden I have the school's psychologist trying to council me thinking that I might commit suicide. Life was hard...
  7. Cymex666

    As a DM, which class do you wish your group played more?

    I don't really have a preference of what classes my players choose. The only problem I have is players who decide to play one of the spellcasting classes and then get lazy about the bookeeping associated with playing a spellcaster. The rule in my game is that if one decides to play a wizard...
  8. Cymex666

    Chronicles Of Riddick

    I really enjoyed Pitch Black, The Chronicles of Riddick, and even the animated short Dark Fury (it ties the two live-action movies together nicely). Due to the fact that the Chronicles of Riddick didn't do as well at the box office as some would have hoped, I'm not going to hold my breath...
  9. Cymex666

    When a great session goes awry.

    It never ceases to amaze me how adventuring groups will always manage to do the one thing, or go off on a tangent that the DM never accounted for. I guess it's all part of the DM's job. :eek:
  10. Cymex666

    Frostburn Gallery Posted

    I wasn't planning to, but now I might buy this book because I like the new ice-covered terrain tiles. I can think of many insidious ways to incorporate those tiles into my game. :]
  11. Cymex666

    Gaming Tables

    Wow! that's an awesome table, but I think it is a little more than I need and way out of my price range if I decided to build it. I wouldn't call it the Cadillac of gaming tables, I would call it the Borg Cube of gaming tables :D
  12. Cymex666

    Gaming Tables

    I saw the gaming table used for the World's Largest Dungeon and it looks pretty cool. It definitely gives me a couple of ideas of what I could do if I decide to construct a table myself. Thanks for the tip.
  13. Cymex666

    Gaming Tables

    Yeah, I know that nothing's going prevent dice from skidding off the table if they're thrown hard enough, but I would still like the table to have a lip bordering the table so that there's less chance of dice (and papers) going walk-about.
  14. Cymex666

    Gaming Tables

    I don't know if this topic has come up before, but I was wondering if anyone here knew where I could find some resources regarding gaming tables. In the near future I plan on having a decent table dedicated to gaming and nothing else. I've looked at some sites that have gaming tables geared...
  15. Cymex666

    20 D&D products in 2004; what did you buy?

    The only WotC product I've purchased this year (besides minis) is the Expanded Psionics Handbook. The Expanded Psionics Handbook was okay, but I doubt I'll purchase any other WotC books this year. :\
  16. Cymex666

    d&d and terrorism

    While using terrorism/ists sounds like an interesting plot hook/device for a campaign, I'm a little conflicted about having it in my game. The reason I play role playing games is for the escapist element they provide and incorporating something as grim as terrorist acts into the game somehow...
  17. Cymex666

    Order of the Stick

    Order of the Stick is one of my favorite comic strips (besides PvP). :D
  18. Cymex666

    Leather Bound PHB Cover Image

    Because it has a leather cover and nifty endpapapers, I would feel that the book would be a cool purchase, but then later (upon further reflection) I would feel like I'd been suckered. I think I'll pass on this ploy to fleece me of what little money I have and go have lunch instead.
  19. Cymex666

    Movies that are better than the novels they are based on

    I completely agree. Also, I feel that the book and the movie bear little relation to one another.
  20. Cymex666

    Are you stuck to a grid?

    I only use the grid when I know there will be a combat situation popping up. I used to make the mistake of trying to map everything out on the grid, but this is very time consuming and my players would get bored waiting for me to set up everything room by room. I've learned my lesson, and now...