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Search results

  1. Daern

    D&D 5E Adventures in Middle Earth: Has anyone used the travel rules yet?

    I'm thinking about using them in Storm King's Thunder.
  2. Daern

    D&D 5E Enhancing "Storm King's Thunder"

    For discussing aspects of Storm King's Thunder and how to run it. This thread WILL HAVE SPOILERS IN IT. Do not read if you're not going to run it. This post contains shortcuts to particular posts* that offer suggestions and answer questions raised by the adventure. It is broken down by...
  3. Daern

    D&D 5E Curse of Strahd Impressions

    There's a few reviews but I don't see much chat about the book. So I'll talk a bit. I hadn't planned on getting the book. I've used bits and pieces from Tyranny of Dragons, gotten bogged down in Gracklestugh with Out of the Abyss and bought but never did a thing with Princes of Apocalypse...
  4. Daern

    D&D 5E Out of the Abyss: Gracklestugh, Whorlstone Caverns and getting lost in that book during play

    SPOILERS I've been running the module for a couple months in a combination of play by post and occasional Google Hangout sessions. We are having a ton of fun. Demogorgon is loose and the group has only just gotten a bit of standard gear upon their arrival to the Dark Dwarf city. I was...
  5. Daern

    D&D 5E All of the Adventures at once! (Combining the Hoard, Princes, and Abyss in one campaign)

    This is not an idea, it's sort of what I've ended up doing. I have two different campaigns. One started Hoard of the Dragon Queen and got side-tracked then went on hiatus and has restarted deep in the Underdark trying to get Out of the Abyss. The other has messed about in various adventures...
  6. Daern

    Howling Void AL module (spoilers)

    I ran the first half of this tonight as something thrown into a home game. I'm using it to direct the campaign toward the Princes dungeons. Anyways, this is a totally gonzo adventure! Kenku sky boats! Demons! Balloon backpacks and wing capes! Realmslore Puzzles! Lots of good stuff. My...
  7. Daern

    D&D 5E Out of the Abyss Play Reports [spoilers]

    Has anybody played a session yet? How did it go? How did the party break out? Did they get their stuff? Which direction did they go? Let's share ideas. I'll go first. I've started DMing it by email, so of course it is very slow. They have talked to more than half of the prisoners. The...
  8. Daern

    D&D 5E Awesome AP vid

    These videos are a great advert for D&D. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZWU5iPjQpI&list=PLQOB_yCwC5J2m1lKNxYQfwyAhp2MRihAb
  9. Daern

    D&D 5E Mashing up Lost Mine of Phandelver, Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Grimm's Fairytales!

    Mashing up Lost Mine of Phandelver, Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Grimm's Fairytales! I've been running a D&DV game by email since July with some old friends. I've been using these great Grimm's Fairytales inspired modules for Dungeon Crawl Classics by Daniel Bishop, "Prince Charming...
  10. Daern

    Martial Archetype Warrior (DCC)

    I love DCC, and Battlemaster seems a pale imitation. What do all think of this? Fighter Archetype: Warrior At 3rd Level the Deed Die replaces Proficiency in Combat = d4(2), d6(3), d8(4), d10(5), d12(6) Deed Die adds to Attack and Damage rolls Mighty Deeds of Arms are same as BattleMaster's...
  11. Daern

    D&D 5E Egregious TPK retcon in Hoard of the Dragon Queen

    So I got together with a couple buddies for a last minute late night run through Hoard of the Dragon Queen. I'd barely looked at the adventure and it was getting late and all of that is to excuse the fact that rather than SPOILERS.......................... Rather than just have the...
  12. Daern

    D&D 5E Half-Dragons and Dragonborn: What's the difference?

    Hoard of the Dragon Queen has a bunch of "Half-Dragons". This is was big back in 3e. With Dragonborn about, it begs the question, what's the difference?
  13. Daern

    D&D 5E Awesome up Lost Mines of Phandelver (how to make the best possible first session of D&D)

    Hey everyone, I don't have the starter set yet, but I'm planning on running it tomorrow. Looking forward to this starter set and possibly introducing some friends to D&D I'm thinking alot about what makes for a really engaging first session of D&D experience. According to the LiveStream, the...
  14. Daern

    How would the math change if...?

    I'm looking for input from the math heads out there. A while ago there was a thread where @Dragonblade hypothesized that Stat scores might be far more important in the upcoming game, perhaps offering modifiers equal to (Stat - 10). This would mean that an 11 STR would offer a +1 and an 18...
  15. Daern

    Post your set piece battle pics!

    I've played and DMed a lot of TypeIV D&D, but I've gotten tired of it and been more interested in retroclones like DCCRPG lately. Nevertheless, I'm DMing a 4e game for some friends. This week I pulled out the old 3D battlemat trick. This is the best part of 4e for me, that I have ended up...
  16. Daern

    DMing D&D (Neverwinter) Encounters at the Red Castle

    Once again into the breach, a Dungeon Master braves the wilderlands of the public gaming table, welcoming all who come to play at 6:30pm on Wednesdays at Red Castle Games of PDX, OR. This Wednesday we played our second belated session of D&D 4e Encounters: Dark Legacy of Evard. In the...
  17. Daern

    Play Report: Revenge of the Iron Lich

    SPOILERS and LONG POST On Sunday I ran some friends through the Revenge of the Iron Lich module from savevsdeath.com. I thought I'd write a bit of a report for posterity. The module is a very deadly "Tomb of Horrors" style dungeon full of traps and puzzles, instant death effects and random...
  18. Daern

    Revenge of the iron lich

    People gotta check out this Adventure from the SavevsDeath blog. Definitely a killer dungeon, but great production and ideas. A worthy heir to Dungeon Crawl Classics and Tomb of Horrors?
  19. Daern

    Anybody tried a campaign "Machinations Meter"?

    ...like described here and below? Critical Hits Podcast I enjoyed this interview. I was particularly interested the application of the 5x5 "Machination Meter". The 5x5 tool seems to be a happy medium between sandbox and plot-driven styles, but Davethegames' recent write up of his Temple of...
  20. Daern

    AD&D Community episode is pretty rad!

    I have to say they really packed those 20 minutes with a lotta of gaming goodness. It was kinda rad that it went right into the stereotypes of gamers and right on through to some well endowed roleplaying. And the DM was great. Hilarious. Hulu - Community: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons -...