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1 PC vs. One monster. Advice?


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Hi I'm running a campaign in which some of my characters are going to fight on their own in a colloseum-like stadion as gladiators. And like they in the real colloseum would sometimes have the gladiators fight animals i would like to do that as well. i have two PC's at lvl. 7, a barbarian and a bard (no prejudice, the bard is following treantmonks guide and is quite a capable fighter), but i'm not sure what creeps to set them up against.

I would like something with high HP/AC and maybe some DR/fast healing, but with low damage, so that the fast can last a while. Can you give some suggestions? Preferably something around 7 HD as well, preferably natural beasts although i'm also looking into stuff like half-golems and other "freaks of nature".

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Oh yeah, and the monster should rather not rely very much on magic abilities. Still all suggestions are welcome :D


I'm not aware of anything that meets those criteria -- high hp, high AC, DR, fast healing, low damage, and a natural beast is probably not possible. The DR/fast healing thing doesn't occur in any animals AFAIK, and not many magical beasts -- not that magical beasts are very "natural" anyways. Toss in "low damage" combined with high AC and hp, and I don't think PF has those critters.

You might want to take an animal, add more hp and fast healing or DR to it, and possibly lower its damage and/or attack bonus.


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Perhaps the fight promoter casts a Nerfing spell of some sort on the monster to make the fight last a while.

Even drugged would make sense. Didn't real gladiatorial combat against animals often involve the animal being drugged, or chained to something?


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Even drugged would make sense. Didn't real gladiatorial combat against animals often involve the animal being drugged, or chained to something?

Oh yeah, that's right! thanks, i think i'll do that :lol:

still, if anyone else has some ideas i'll gladly hear them. basically i'm interested in anything that a gladitorial arena in the pathfinder universe could get their hands on (i'll also take 3.5 monsters, i'm not that picky :p)


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Well, if you go to the Monsters by CR section of the PRD, you can find stuff that will be around the encounter "toughness" you want.

Just looking at CR 7 stuff and below (which is a 50/50 win situation against a level 7 PC):

A dire bear (or cave bear) has fairly even/low damage for it's level, and you can even have it muzzled or chained up so it can't grapple to make it not quite as dangerous.
Or you can take a normal bear, and give it a couple extra hit dice to make it have more hitpoints, etc.
Bear "wrestling" actually has some real-world background to it.

In that same vein (grappler), a Girallon would be another gladiator-type encounter. High damage though, especially with the potential for rend, so maybe a drugged version that weakens their strength score a bit would be appropriate.
It has the "was once possibly a noble race, turned savage" background too, which is great for a "slave fight" style of encounter.

For the "giant humanoid" fight, you could change things up and use an Ettin. Just take away his weapons, and he's not nearly as dangerous, although I'd still give him Improved Unarmed Strike to make him a threat.
Give it class levels if you want it to be tougher, but keep it unarmed so that it deals low damage.

A Dire Lion is normally a nasty encounter... but mostly because it can get a ton of attacks on a surprise round. If there's no chance to surprise or charge (chained), it's a fairly mediocre combatant. The grab might have the chance of making a bad day for a weaker character, so once again a muzzle or just a younger version that's weaker might be a good idea (the "young" template will reduce damage dice, although it does lower hitpoints and ac in the process).

Borrowing an idea from Eberron's "Six Stones", a unique odd-ball encounter could be being put into a smaller walled (but open air to be viewable) area with a cockatrice. No weapons, no armor, and see if you can survive the Dex damage and not be turned to stone!

Finally, as an "epic" style King of the Arena type of creatures... an Invisible Stalker! Yeah, yeah... kinda tough. Give it the "young" template to reduce damage, and have some kind of magical "slave brace" on it so that it can't fly (it's how they keep it from running away), and you've got yourself a terrifying fight when solo. Hell, could be doing very, very little damage and it'd still be dangerous... the PCs will be doing Perception checks to blindly swing at the creature.
Maybe make it fight in sand or water or something (difficult terrain is always fun in gladiator style encounters) or something to give them a good chance at knowing the square it's in, at least.

I reccomend starting with lower-CR opponents and have the PC in question decide how far up he wants to go. Just add a bit to the CR every time. In the end the arena will run out of high-CR monsters or the PC will die.

There are of course ways of "cheating" as noted. Since the goal is entertaintment and not a fair fight (the beast has no rights), you can use drugged/poisoned opposition, a cleric hidden somewhere with Shield Other (sharing the damage), a debuffed critter and/or buffed gladioator etc etc. The PC could in theory take on a creature that originally has a CR 2 higher than his own level and win fairly easily.

But you don't want to make it too easy on your player ;)


Manticores, owlbears, and griffons are fun monsters-but-animal-like opponents. Minatours (including the half-fiend variety) are good humanoid combatants.

Agree with the idea to ramp the opponents up after each victory.

Boss could be a 7-headed Hydra!


First Post
a cleric hidden somewhere with Shield Other (sharing the damage), a debuffed critter and/or buffed gladioator etc etc. The PC could in theory take on a creature that originally has a CR 2 higher than his own level and win fairly easily.

I like that idea! Shield Other on an unreachable cleric or oracle to give the creature an unreasonable amount of hitpoints for a low CR creature to get the multi-round combat you want.

I ran an encounter with Shield Other a while back, where the PCs neglected to take down the person giving their main target the Shield Other effect. It was very, very effective at extending the fight against a single target, even against focused fire.

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