ZEITGEIST 1001 things PCs are totally allowed to do in Zeitgeist campaign


70. Making Ottavia doubt her loyality and Bluffing through confrontation with her on Isle of Odiem. As a result, the party, Luc, Ottavia and Bree are on joint dungeon crawl through Crypta Hereticarum, with Ottavia undergoing ritual pilgrimage. I have a feeling that she may be promoted to "recurring ally/villain" role...

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71. Shoot two (!) critical bullets through Cillian Creed's head the first time they fight him (abandoned temple). The man with two guns is, indeed, god.


72. Ask Ashima-Shimtu to use her magic well to send them to Whore Island.
73. After hearing that Ashima-Shimtu can send them "anywhere within 200 miles", immediately asking for "Bree's anus". (Bree is right beside them and is possessed by Nicodemus)


Y'all have weird games.

Well, you don't say. I decided to up the ante a bit, summoning Nicodemus via needlewire into Bree, because with the way things are going now the party has a real chance of closing the operation before Vendricche, and I wanted to introduce him one way or another. Cachalot is scheduled to carry them back onto rails, with Nic telling the party his plan of Ob's wonder-of-tech battling Risuri fey titans and freeing the land from their menace forever.
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74. Travelling to the last bridge of Stanfield canal, beating some shadow trolls into submission and obtaining Ob wand of "bond person to this plane"... Three days before the "official" start of adventure 5.

75. Making inquiries about "whether any Fey are looking for passage into Bleak Gate" three days before that. Yes, they got to talk to Ekossigan even before Asrabey showed up in Flint.

This is going to be a weird adventure.


76. Raiding the subway tunnels before Zubov and his comrades have time to prepare the bomb. Now they're thinking about taking the bomb with them into the Bleak Gate.

If you want to end your campaign early, and just do 5 adventures instead of 13, blowing up Borne with the bomb is a great way.

Otherwise, if they do use the bomb, I'd show how invincible the machine is by just having the bomb blow a hole in him without actually disabling him.


77. Convincing their DM that a random legend they once heard about ruins in the jungle is totally connected to the quest at hand. That sounded much better than the thing I had in mind.

Did anyone end up using The Perpetual City in the jungles of Elfaivar in any way or form? I get "Made in Abyss" vibes from the description, although I'm half-sure the adventure was created way before that story was written/aired. My campaign just got... weird, as my half-random descriptions of the legends surrounding Perpetual City made the party conclude that it holds the keys to controlling ancient Tarrasques-like creature in the heart of Ushanti. We're on the way to the place literally called "megadungeon" and I have no idea yet how it is tied to Thuuga-el-Shembul the Worldshaper, Kasvarina Varal, her attempts to make a god out of Born, Etherkai Tempestborn, ongoing peace talks at Yerasol Archipelago being consumed by [REDACTED] or the fact that party casually ignited the civil war in Ber and is likely to do so in Crisillyir. Oh, I almost forgot Vicemi Terio partially usurping the control of Obscurati. So I definitely don't want to introduce any more plot-threads...

Voidrunner's Codex

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