2 Questions Healing Spells/ Exploit requirements


I have two rather disparate questions.
First, does the rule that no creature can benefit from a given source or type of healing more than once per day mean that only one healing spell per day would work on a creature? For example, a warrior is injured and a mage casts a cantrip to heal him for 1 Health. Then the warrior gets injured again, and the mage casts a 4 MP cure wounds on him. Does the 4 MP spell count as the same source or type, thus failing to work?

Second, if an exploit gives you other exploits do you have to meet all the prerequisites for those exploits? Like the curriculum exploits in various martial arts. I'd guess you have to meet all prereqs, but want to be certain.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
The first question is a good one. I'm going to take a lead out of D&D 5E's book and say "rulings not rules" on this one. How mean are you feeling, as a GM?

I would personally allow it.

The second, no, you get the exploit for free. You can avoid the pre-reqs that way.


Excellent! Magic is as awesome as a GM allows and dedicated martial artists are more awesome than I thought.
Thanks for info.


An option slotting between "just one spell per day" and "any number of spells per day" is that a recipient can always be affected with a more powerful spell. Does make optimizers go cantrip, 1MP, 2MP, but who cares.

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