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2010: Is it Dragonlance? (hint)


As far as I'm aware, that's not true at least for PS. Planescape sold pretty well, and made a profit.

I could be wrong, but I recall someone from Wizards mentioning it, a couple of years ago (here, I think). I may misremember, or it might have been that the collected settings didn't make any profit.

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Maybe it is a new setting, one never done before...

I thought early on (pre-release of 4E) the schedule was FR, EB, then a new setting for 2010 that was designed for 4E. I know they've changed their mind a lot of times. It also might be part of their gateway toward gaining gamers (remember the timeline was D&D veterans first, then try to hit new guys) with a new setting that can be experienced on its own without an internet or table of veterans making things un-fun* for new players with their decades of knowledge from books and supplements.

It'd be kind of nice to see a fresh take on things without the board posts of "omg, they're totally breaking _________" and "they aren't changing the fundamental flaws.... I never liked _______ and this doesn't change that. Sorry wotc, you just lost my monies"

* = I understand this isn't always the case with majority of players, but seriously as someone unfamiliar with Forgotten Realms would you ever ever ever want to DM a group of people who are familiar? Even as a player it could be daunting to come up with a story and character concept only to find it's quite unbelieveable because remember in book X when...

Keefe the Thief

I thought early on (pre-release of 4E) the schedule was FR, EB, then a new setting for 2010 that was designed for 4E. I know they've changed their mind a lot of times. It also might be part of their gateway toward gaining gamers (remember the timeline was D&D veterans first, then try to hit new guys) with a new setting that can be experienced on its own without an internet or table of veterans making things un-fun* for new players with their decades of knowledge from books and supplements.

It'd be kind of nice to see a fresh take on things without the board posts of "omg, they're totally breaking _________" and "they aren't changing the fundamental flaws.... I never liked _______ and this doesn't change that. Sorry wotc, you just lost my monies"

* = I understand this isn't always the case with majority of players, but seriously as someone unfamiliar with Forgotten Realms would you ever ever ever want to DM a group of people who are familiar? Even as a player it could be daunting to come up with a story and character concept only to find it's quite unbelieveable because remember in book X when...

Do you remember the "OMG ZBBQ! Dinosaurs & Halflings LOL! Wotc go away ruining it!!!1!!!" thread? I reread it not long ago. It happens with EVERY setting. Even the new ones.


I think that just may nail it.
At this point, if they announce anything different, the greatest fans of the Dragonlance setting are going to be pissed and out for blood. You just don't invite people to a show where you are going to announce the new D&D setting and turn around and kick them in the Jimmy.


Well if it is, it will be the first 4e setting I'll buy. It isn't my first choice (Al'Qadim, oh how I miss thee), but Dragonlance has always had a special place in my heart.


First Post
So it is 90% likely that the setting is Dragonlance, huh? Count me amongst the disappointed. I was really hoping it would be Planescape or Dark Sun. Of course, an entirely new setting would've been even better.

I will stick to my Eberron, I guess.


why...not the tinkering gnomes, and the theif kenders, and the gully dwarf, and the kendar lier that destroyes games....NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO:.-( :.-( :.-( :.-(

please be a night mane please be a nightmare :.-(:.-( [/sblock]

Ok, now that I got that out of my system... I just hope they update a few things. I hope/pray/beg the delvs...please don't keep kendars as is. Please make them a feat for haflings. or something.

[sblock=just so you know]I like tasselhoff, in the stories I read he was great. I even laughed when in the beggining of time of the twins someone stoped him and made him empty his bag...he was never a major detmaint, nor was he a spoiled brat. HOWEVER I have never seen a kender played that way. [/sblock]

infact change the feat thing...lets start a letter righting campaing Kenders NPC Only...all the fun and frolic none of the PVP...

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