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2012 PC Bodycount thread


serves Gnome Master
Kathor, from the Scouring of Gate's pass (War of the Burning sky), charged a dismounted PC named Maroc, a Dwarven cleric. Since Kathor has the mounted feats, the PC took a huge chunk of damage and dropped. Maybe he could have been recovered, but the party had split up (one PC on one side of the gorge, the other on the other side, and two on the bottom of the gorge). Since the PC in question was also the cleric...

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3 dead, 1 stalemate.

@Tequila Sunrise ran a 1st level adventure for 4 pcs. There was an empty room with a pool that had 3 potions at the bottom. Since everyone was being cautious and I wanted to move things along, I jumped in the pool. The moment I reached for the potions, 4 water elementals popped up, surrounding me. 2 or 3 hit me and knocked me down to 1 hp on the surprise round.

Did I mention I was the group healer? I managed to get myself back up to 10, but was prone, so by the time I healed myself and stood up, I got hit in the face again and went down for good. Two managed to take down the warlock. Three direct hits (all at once) for 25 HP obliterated the ranger.

The problem was that our dice were cold (the three strikers could not hit!) and the DM's dice were hot (he rolled max damage for attacks multiple times).

It would have been a full TPK had the rogue not been faster than the monsters. So for a round she ran around plinking them,but probably could not kill them. We called it at that point.
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First Post
1 dead NPC, merry level 3 rogue

Dming my pc through legacy of fire adventure path for pathfinder. IN the first module their is a side adventure you can explore that has a wereleopard that hits pretty hard, a critical claw drove her into the afterlife. She has since been replaced and forgotten about lol since we are several sessions ahead of this and level 7 now. No one really liked her anyways.


First Post
Lost a guest PC today.

He was a 5th level Pathfinder Ranger, only joining us for one session (the player used to belong to the group, moved away, and then came back for a visit last week and played). We had just rescued a trio of NPCs who were being hunted down by the local thieves guild, and sure enough got ambushed by several trackers. The GM declared a couple of shots and called shots from the enemies before our own PCs got a chance to respond, and the ranger took several hits and a critical. He was knocked to 1HP by the time the last NPC was attacking, and a called shot to the knee landed critically.

So... Yeah, he used to be an adventurer until he took an arrow to the knee. >_>


to continue with the PF Serpent Skulls AP. The DM is just going to fit us into the story somehow. So it was almost a TPK,

so where did the team bite it?
we lost 1 PC/NPC per room in the final part of the shiv.

BB. Halls (ranger 3)- climbed onto bridge, ripped to shreds.
PJ (1/2orc Fighter 3) dominated for a week.
jaque (npc) lost channeling fight
Sasha (NPC) eaten by a gibbering mouther.

so where did the team bite it?
we lost 1 PC/NPC per room in the final part of the shiv.

BB. Halls (ranger 3)- climbed onto bridge, ripped to shreds.
PJ (1/2orc Fighter 3) dominated for a week.
jaque (npc) lost channeling fight
Sasha (NPC) eaten by a gibbering mouther.

We were on the Shiv near Red Mountain in the Temple below the waves. We were in the last room fighting against two skeletal guardians and Ieana. We hadn't rested since entering the temple so my cleric was out of all his channeling and we were pretty well depleted on the spells in general. We had a few potions which we used, but the DM's dice were so hot that he was critting us like every round and taking us down pretty quickly.


First Post
Just joining ENWorld, I've got two player deaths to report.

Our poor level one wisdom based monk, Zenus, had so much going for him. Being a fourth edition PC, he was fairly durable, but managed to completely fall flat on his face in his first battle. Charging the kobold horde alone, he "Open the gates of battle"ed, critically missed, and then proceeded to eat two criticals and one max damage roll from the kobolds going immediately after him in initiative. In another spectacular showing of failure, he then failed his death saving throws all in a row. RIP Zenus. As a friend of mine put it, "Being level one... doesn't always mean you get to make it to level two".

The next one was uneventful. In my 4th edition translation of Tomb of Horrors, one of the PCs fell upon a poison spike in the first room and was killed. Not much else to say, unless you count the retrieval and using of her body as a meat sack to test out the room with the magic bolts. Eventually the PCs abandoned the tomb. RIP cleric whose name I don't remember.


I've had three in in the 4E game I run and 1 in a game I play in during the last full session of each. The three were all 19th level and didn't play smart/togther and paid for it, the one was a 16th-level rogue in a brutal encounter.
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I competed in the Iron GM event at TotalCon in Mansfield, MA (under the moniker "DM Falling Damage") and had one PC fatality -- the good Father died in the bowls of a gibbering mouther in the bowls of the Abbey where the Cult of the Whisperer in the Dark resided. Sadly, though much falling damage was dealt (100' deep well) no one succumbed to it.

I had another PC death this week in my regular Pathfinder in-store game and I am non-plussed. It was a combination of bad assumptions on my part and bad decisions on the PCs' parts. The Drow Necromancer was supposed to be a McGuffin Dispenser for a few sessions, but the party decided he was too evil to let live. I let them get too close (he was trying to convince them attacking him was a mistake; he was way over their level and I didn't want a TPK based on a bad decision). In the end, the summoned Bone Devil killed poor Link, half-orc rogue, but the party (with a *much* higher damage output than I expected) also killed the Necromancer.

I lost not only the best played PC in the campaign, but a solid NPC quest-giver.

That's what I get for assuming. On to the next challenge!

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