2019 Pogre's Miniatures and Models - Printable Scenery Winterdale Water Mill

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Slaad and New Dungeon Pieces

Painted a couple of more Slaad. I intentionally painted the death slaad deep blue to allow it to be used as a blue slaad.

The next pair of models are special dungeon pieces I made for a small convention here in a couple of weeks.

This one is a bizarre chaos gate for an A.L. module I am running at the convention.

Models Completed in 2019: 52

The Orc Slayer, a Cage, & chains

The first miniature up is a Games Workshop mercenary follower of Sigmar who has just slain an orc. It is an old finecast model, which thankfully GW does not use much anymore.

The next three models are Wizkids dungeon decor I cranked out.

Models Completed in 2019: 56

I should still try to get my hands on some of those Wizkids dungeon traps. They are perfect for D&D, and I already have several of the other dungeon-deco sets.

Tabaxi Ranger, Rat Catcher, Knight, & Rock and Roll Mindflayer

First up is a Tabaxi Ranger. This actually an old Alkemy model from their skirmish game from a few years ago.

Next is a Rat Catcher from Other World miniatures. A necessity for every WFRP campaign!

Third figure is a foot knight from Black Tree Design.

The final model is a Dad brag. My son took a Reaper bone Tiefling, cut the head and tail off, and sculpted a mindflayer head. The rock and roll Mindflayer!

Models Completed in 2019: 59


Was looking through some of my unpainted miniatures and came across an old GW swarms box. Decided to paint up the critters as individuals for D&D. It was missing one rat - I think I used it for a sewer project back in the 2000s.

Models Completed in 2019: 78

I painted up a couple of the GaleForce 9 figures for the Mad Mage's dungeon. First up is Captain N'gathrod a rogue mindflayer captain of the Scavenger.

Next up is the man himself -the Mad Mage Halaster:

Finally, a female warrior from the Frostgrave Soldiers II by Northstar Miniatures:

81 Models painted in 2019.

I know I have not posted here for a few weeks, but I have been busy painting. First up, a friend of mine was in a bind and needed a lot of soldiers for a convention game he is running. He just wanted the miniatures painted to a tabletop standard and specifically asked for no basing. They're not beautiful but they are done!

Next up is a Sobecki crocodile hero I picked up from the WarGods booth at GenCon. I have a bunch more of these guys to paint.


Some treasure markers I picked up from GenCon:

Models painted in 2019: 156

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