D&D (2024) 2024 Spell Changes

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I'd totally missed the earlier comment about how they buffed Spirit Guardians.

So, enemies need to make a Wisdom save or take the damage 'whenever the Emanation enters a creature's space, but only once per turn'. So the Cleric should be running around the battlemap to tag every enemy once, then your party should grapple the Cleric and drag them around the place on their turns, to hit everyone more times.

'People said playing Clerics was so passive and centered around Spirit Guardians... so we'll make that more active!'
Optimal Cleric 2014: SG and Dodge
Optimal Cleric 2024: SG and Dash

Really they need to remove the 1/2 speed thing at least. But the good news is that a lot of other spells (like summons) act like SG so at least there is some decision making involved.

I played a forge cleric from 5-13. So i had wall of fire prepped by default. Used it 2x that whole time. Once on rare stationary mobs, another time on an enemy ship which obv was amazing. Other than that, Wall of fire hits 1x, and zones out your allies too. SG hits over and over, locks down enemies, lets allies pull enemies into it etc. Just too OP its not fun when you feel like you nerf yourself whenever you concentrate on something else.

I also think if polymorph and banishment have saves every turn, but the subsequent saves were at disadvantage they would be more interesting. They are just win buttons too often.

Voidrunner's Codex

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