D&D 2E 2E Darksun Observations


20 - The disease remains in the victim while spreading to the psionicist.
20 - The psionicist must make a successful system shock roll or suffer a 50%
loss in current hps and pass out for 1d8 hours.
20 - The psionicist ages 1d10 years.
20 - Excessive blood flow results in scattered bruises and a 10% hp loss.
20 - The character becomes even more vulnerable, and the environment causes
1d4 points of damage per round (a second use of body control halts damage).
20 - The psionicist's weight instantly rises by a factor of 10; he must use
body equilibrium to fix the problem.
20 - The psionicist must make a system shock roll or pass out for 1d10
20 - One of the psionicist's own items decays (no save) - either the first
item touched, or an item chosen randomly by the DM.
20 - The psionicist suffers 1d10 points of damage but the patient is
20 - The psionicist's colorations strongly clash with the background; he
sticks out like a sore thumb. (yes this is from Chameleon Power)
20 - Acid oozes from the psionicist's sweat glands; all items touching his
skin must save vs. acid.

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20 - The power backfires and affects the psionicist for one hour
20 - The psionicist's items become ectoplasmic, but he doesn't. He must use
this power again (successfully) to retrieve them.
20 - The power backfires and lowers Strength by 1d6 until arrested by this
20 - The psionicist shrinks by 50% until arrested by this power.
20 - The power just grows ugly hair over his body, which must be shaved off
or he loses 2 points of Charisma.
20 - The weapon has been weakened; it will break on any attack roll of 1
20 - 0ne of the psionicist's five senses is lost for 1d12 hours.
20 - The psionicist can't stop the power; he maintains it until he runs out
of PSPs.
20 - The psionicist suffers all the wounds which his target currently has.
No one is healed.
20 - The power fails, but the psionicist collapses with exhaustion and must
rest for 24 hours.
20 - The psionicist doubles in size, and stays this big for an hour or until
he uses this power again successfully.
20 - The psionicist loses one Strength point for a day. If he fails a save
vs., paralyzation, the loss is permanent.
20 - The psionicist falls unconscious and only violent slapping can revive


0 - Both the intended victim and the psionicist are banished to the same
place. The other figure bounces back when the psionicist stops paying the
maintenance cost, but the psionicist himself must return via some other method:
teleportation, probability travel, etc.
20 - The character attracts the attention of an astral creature, which may
or may not be hostile, at the DM’s discretion.
20 - The psionicist attracts the attention of a powerful, extraplanar
creature without summoning it.
20 - All would-be teleporters are seriously disoriented. They cannot cast
spells and suffer a -4 penalty on all die rolls for 1d4 turns.
20 - The psionicist attracts the attention of a powerful creature in the
astral plane.
20 - The psionicist is momentarily exposed to the transit dimension and is
disoriented as if he had stepped through the portal.
20 - 0vercome with vertigo, the character can do nothing but retch for three
20 - The dream is nightmarish. The psionicist must save vs. paralyzation or
appear dead until violently struck.
20 - The psionicist is disoriented, and suffers a -2 penalty on all die
rolls for as many rounds as he intended to shift.
20 - The psionicist is rooted to the spot for 1d6 rounds. During that time
his AC is penalized 5 points.


20 - The victim knows that someone attempted to dominate him.
20 - Ejection fails, but the psionicist still makes a d6 roll on the table
20 - Social regression. The psionicist loses 1d6 points of Charisma for a day
20 - The intended targets are aware of the psionicist's efforts.
20 - The psionicist must save vs. petrification or be stunned for 1d4
20 - The power affects the psionicist instead of his intended victim (yes it is mindwipe).
20 - The subject knows about the probe attempt and is not pleased.
20 - Everyone contacted becomes aware of the psionicist's presence and his
desire to be invisible.
20 - The psionicist lapses into a coma for 1d100 hours.
20 - The psionicist is lost inside himself and cannot engage in psionic
activity for 1d4 hours.


20 - All contacted characters view the psionicist as pathetic and
ridiculous (this was Awe).
20 - Further contact with this mind is impossible at this experience level.
20 - The victim realizes someone is toying with his mind
20 - The target senses the attempt.
20 - The psionicist develops a splitting headache and suffers a -1 penalty
on all telepathic power scores for one hour.
20 - The psionicist cannot see, hear, or otherwise sense the intended victim
for 1d4 rounds, except psionically
20 - The psionicist's id is unleashed; the resulting rage imposes a -1
penalty on all his attack rolls and power checks for one turn.
20 - Overwhelmed, the psionicist lapses into a trance until jolted or
slapped - or for 1d4 hours, whichever comes first.
20 - The telepath detects 1d6 creatures which aren't there.
20 - The barrier fails, and the mental attempt disrupts any currently active
20 - The telepath's saving throws vs. the spells listed above have a -4
penalty for one hour.


20 - The psionicist is blinded for 1d4 hours.
20 - The psionicist is deaf for 1d4 hours.
20 - The character has injured himself trying to create static. He
immediately loses 1d20 PSPs and 1d6 hps.
20 - The psionicist has a bitter taste in his mouth, but no other effect
20 - All affected characters experience strong negative emotions toward the
psionicist for 1d6 rounds.
20 - The full PSP cost of the power must be paid despite the lack of
success, and this psionicist cannot alter this aura until he achieves a higher
experience level.
20 - If three 20’s are rolled during the empowering process, the item is a
complete and utter failure.
20 - The character passes out for 1d6 turns.
20 - The initiator must save vs. paralyzation or die. If he lives, he loses
the use of all his psionic powers for 2d6 days (Ultrablast)


20 - The character loses 1d4 Constitution points, but can regain them by
20 - The participant loses 1d20 PSPs.
20 - All power scores in the chosen discipline are reduced by one for 24
20 - The psionicist must make a system shock roll or the ability he intended
to boost decreases by 1 point for 24 hours
20 - The affected power becomes inoperative for a day.
20 - All ranges/areas of effect are halved for 1d4 hours.
20 - The psionicist cannot recover PSPs for two hours.

Disintegrate and Ultrablast can cause death to the psionicist and some others indirectly if he is injured etc, but these two are the worst.
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There are some more in Dark Sun specific material. Here are a few from "The Will and the Way" below, and you can also check out "Dragon Kings" as it has psionic powers as well. Probably a few more exist here and there.

20: The psionicist is over-whelmed by the amount of information being pumped into her brain and must save versus spells or be struck deaf and blind for 1d4 hours.
20: The character imagines a concentration of what he is looking for in a random direction.
20: The psionicist contacts a malicious entity that attempts to magic jar the psionicist out of his body
20: The psionicist sees through everything he looks at and believes that everything is illusionary for 3d6 turns.
20: The psionicist angers the spirits. The DM should determine the exact effects

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