D&D 2E [2e] Monster Mythology Update Project


Meriadar the Patient One

Like Stalker, Meriadar the Patient One is an outlier amongst the goblinoid deities. However, unlike that spiteful power, Meriadar has a race to call his own: the oft-enslaved mongrelmen. Through patience, tolerance, and understanding, he hopes to bring all the goblinoid races out from the shadow of evil. Enjoy!


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Nomog-Geaya the General

The last member of the goblin pantheon is the patron of the hobgoblins, Nomog-Geaya the General. A merciless combatant and commander, he is the perfect epitome of the ideal hobgoblin warrior. His priests are brutal and belligerent fighters, leading forces into battle at any opportunity. They are so well known for their rigid discipline that Nomog-Geaya has been known to punish those who show excessive emotion, even if it is from such spells as Tasha’s Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter. Enjoy!



The EN World kitten
A bit of minor errata: the third sentence in the first paragraph reads "He exercises his tyrannical authority with nothing by a grim..." This should probably be "...nothing but a grim..."

Also, the spell deaden senses, in the first sentence of its description, refers to itself as ray of maladroitness.

That said, another great entry! Presumably now it's on to bigger and better works?


A bit of minor errata: the third sentence in the first paragraph reads "He exercises his tyrannical authority with nothing by a grim..." This should probably be "...nothing but a grim..."

Also, the spell deaden senses, in the first sentence of its description, refers to itself as ray of maladroitness.

That said, another great entry! Presumably now it's on to bigger and better works?

I've corrected both of those items in the published document. Deaden Senses is the wrong name, Ray of Maladroitness is correct. Thanks!

And yes, we'll be looking up to some new entries soon!



Baphomet, Demon Lord of Minotaurs

Baphomet, Demon Lord of Minotaurs, like Yeenoghu, is a tanar'ri lord who has gained enough power to become a full-fledged deity, adopting minotaurs as his followers. As he believes he is the master of all beasts, he spends a great deal of time creating and modifying new monsters; similarly, many wizards with a desire to do the same are drawn to his service. Enjoy!



Refnara the Moon-Biter

Refnara the Moon-Biter is the old Gnoll goddess of fear, mentioned solely in the adventure "To Bite the Moon" in Dungeon #48. There was quite a bit in that adventure to extrapolate from, and I drew upon a bunch of ideas I had floating around to make quite an interesting deity, I think. Enjoy!



The EN World kitten
Another great article, Auld Dragon! Glad to see you've returned from dancing with dinosaurs.

One request I had (really more of an idea than a request) is, at some point, for something on the American Indian and Aztec pantheons. I mention this because I recently realized that - possibly notwithstanding Maztica, and a few other isolated instances (e.g. southern Oerik), for the Aztec pantheon - these deities have been near-totally ignored since they were published in Legends & Lore. Even On Hallowed Ground doesn't list them, for how otherwise-inclusive it is.

It'd be interesting, I think, so see them updated and expanded upon...after the monstrous deities, of course.


Another great article, Auld Dragon! Glad to see you've returned from dancing with dinosaurs.

One request I had (really more of an idea than a request) is, at some point, for something on the American Indian and Aztec pantheons. I mention this because I recently realized that - possibly notwithstanding Maztica, and a few other isolated instances (e.g. southern Oerik), for the Aztec pantheon - these deities have been near-totally ignored since they were published in Legends & Lore. Even On Hallowed Ground doesn't list them, for how otherwise-inclusive it is.

It'd be interesting, I think, so see them updated and expanded upon...after the monstrous deities, of course.

Yeah, the dinosaurs turned out to be *another* big project, so I'm working on it off and on. I definitely plan on working on the Native American and Central American mythos eventually. I know they talk about the deities being on alternate prime material planes or demiplanes, which I imagine was why they were not included in On Hallowed Ground, but it seems like most of them would live on the planes like the other deities, especially considering the Beastlands are called the Happy Hunting Grounds, which is from Native American mythology, I believe.



Skoraeus Stonebones, the Living Rock

Skoraeus Stonebones, the Living Rock, is of the same generation as Thrym and Surtr, and like them, has become the patron of one of the breeds of giants. Unlike his brothers, he is not evil; but their evil has cause him to turn away from the wider world to focus solely on his followers. As a god of crafts and artistic creation, he is still venerated by the other giant breeds, however.

I’m trying something a bit different with this post. I’ve noticed that the PDFs come up on Google much more often than the blog posts, so I’m making the deity entries in-line so they come up instead. Feedback is appreciated. This will not be the end of the PDFs, but I need to think about how to make them easily available but not have Google searches end up on them rather than the blog itself. Enjoy!



Skoraeus Stonebones, the Living Rock, is of the same generation as Thrym and Surtr, and like them, has become the patron of one of the breeds of giants. Unlike his brothers, he is not evil; but their evil has cause him to turn away from the wider world to focus solely on his followers. As a god of crafts and artistic creation, he is still venerated by the other giant breeds, however.

I’m trying something a bit different with this post. I’ve noticed that the PDFs come up on Google much more often than the blog posts, so I’m making the deity entries in-line so they come up instead. Feedback is appreciated. This will not be the end of the PDFs, but I need to think about how to make them easily available but not have Google searches end up on them rather than the blog itself. Enjoy!


The PDF for Skoraeus is up now.


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