D&D 2E [2e] Monster Mythology Update Project


Kostchtchie, the Demon Prince of Wrath

Kostchtchie, the Demon Prince of Wrath is another tanar’ri prince who is a true success story. Once a mortal human, he has risen to the rank of Abyssal lord and beyond, to become a true divinity. He is a hateful power of violence who lives in a realm of harsh ice and snow. He has attracted worship from the most violent and power hungry amongst the frost giant race through promises of wizardly magic, power over dragons, and priestly magic. Enjoy!

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Gorellik the Loner

Gorellik the Loner was once the primary patron of gnolls and flinds, but as those races have turned to other gods, he has languished and lost power. I’ve always thought Gorellik was an under-appreciated deity in the game, and a pretty interesting individual. I’ve tried to embellish his history a bit with some additional speculation on his origins, and set him up to be a more useful deity to DMs who want to make more varied gnollish cultures. Enjoy!



Thrym, the King of Ice

Thrym, the King of Ice, is of the same generation of giantish deities as Skoraeus and Surtr, and like them, he has chosen to be patron to one specific breed of giant, the frost giants. His narrow focus on just one breed of giant, evil nature, and obsession with Freya and the other Aesir and Vanir have made him a disappointment to his father Annam. Enjoy!



Surtr the Black

Surtr the Black is the patron of fire giants, and of the same generation as Thrym and Skoraeus. Like his brother Thrym, he has also become obsessed with the affairs of the Aesir, in part due to his hatred of the god Freyr. He is much more patient than his chaotic brother, and is willing to wait until the right time to make his move and lead his armies against Asgard, and slowly builds the strength of his warriors. Enjoy!



Memnor the Deceiver

Memnor the Deceiver is one of the more interesting of the evil giantish gods. As patron of evil cloud giants, he is directly opposed to Stronmaus and Annam, and in myth, is often said to be brother of one or the other. His worship is fairly complex, as it is subtle and focuses on charm and deception. In my research for divinities in other sources, I stumbled across an adventure in Dungeon #16 that offered a perfect opportunity to craft an alternate persona for Memnor, as not all of the giants know of his evil; the adventure “Palace in the Sky” by Martin & John Szinger included a very brief mention of a deity named Vilya in an evil cloud giant castle which I was able to incorporate into Memnor’s description as a false god of the openly evil cloud giants (as opposed to evil cloud giants within larger giantish society). Enjoy!



Hiatea the Huntress

Hiatea the Huntress is one of the most powerful members of the giantish pantheon, having taken over Annam’s responsibilities with Stronmaus after their father withdrew from active leadership of the pantheon. She is a dual aspected deity, representing both community and wilderness, and has adopted the firbolg and voadkyn as her primary followers. Hidden by her mother upon her birth, she worked to prove herself worthy of her parentage, and appearance before Annam as a masterful hunter triggered his revelation that his extreme preference for sons may have been the cause of so much evil in the race of giants. Enjoy!



Karontor the Deformed One

Karontor the Deformed One, with Grolantor, is one of the two “runts” of the Ordning—the smallest and weakest of the giantish pantheon, and the most degenerate and disappointing to their father Annam. His pursuit of dark magical powers corrupted his body and spirit, as well as those of his followers, the fomorians and verbeeg. For his crimes against the Ordning, he was banished by Annam and stripped of his magic, and so now he seethes in anger, hatred, and jealousy, waiting for the day he will regain his power and return to wreak “justice” upon the other giantish gods. Enjoy!

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Iallanis the Tender One

Just in time for Valentine's Day is the giantish goddess of love, Iallanis the Tender One. She is one of the youngest members of the Ordning, born after Hiatea's acceptance by Annam. Her long-term goal is to bring all giants into the fold of good, including the other members of the Ordning, even Memnor and Karontor. She is patron of love in all forms, and the mercy and forgiveness that comes from it. Enjoy!



Grond Peaksmasher

Grond Peaksmasher is a relatively minor deity from the Forgotten Realms setting, playing a part in the novel The Druid Queen, by Douglas Niles. He received a handful of mentions in various other supplements, but the most significant information on him was published in Polyhedron #111, containing some additional details about him in the aftermath of the novel. Unfortunately, his specialty priest class was a direct mirror of Hiatea's, which I felt really did not suit him at all. I have endeavored to write up a full entry on him that incorporates information from the novel and the Polyhedron article, as well as how I think his personality would direct his priests (with an eventual goal of being known outside of just the Moonshaes), so he can be of use even to those who do not have campaigns set in the Forgotten Realms.


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