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[3.5e] Undersea Adventures: "Heirs of Turucambi"


"Heirs of Turucambi", now a mid-level campaign, is recruiting for new blood!

PCs begin with 45,010 XP and must have a natural swim speed as well as the ability to breathe underwater without the use of magic. I allow use of all WotC 3.5e books and supplements, so long as they are intended for the World of Greyhawk. No evil PCs, please.

While the adventure has explored such regions as Turucambi and the Sinking Isle, the party is currently adventuring in the waters beneath The Jungle of Lost Ships, the Weed-Sea itself!

My games tend to be role-play heavy and combat light, with an emphasis on story over stats. Entire game sessions may involve PC and NPC banter and exploration, without an instance of melee.

The main protagonist is Xaetra, a spirit hag now inhabiting an eidolon construct fashioned of ambergris. The party seeks the means to restore Xaetra to life, so that their nemesis might be weakened or destroyed.

The main antagonist is Diadema, the blackwater hag., an undead amalgamation comprised of a sea hag, salt hag, and the deathlock of Xaetra herself.

Diadema seeks to drain the sea itself, awakening three magical maelstroms created to drain water through a planar portal into the hollowed caverns of the lesser moon, Celene. There, imprisoned by Dagon, are the daughters he sired by his union with Olhydra.

The game meets Sunday nights from 9pm-Midnight (Eastern) in an IRC channel (chat room). More information can be found at Squidieval | The Home of Undersea Adventures .

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One contained the slain corpse of a young female sea sprite, perfectly preserved and untouched by time through the magics of the golden seaweed. As the seaweed began to deteriorate, it became clear that one of the remaining wraps contained a brown-scaled fish. The final form revealed itself to be a small octopus. Frantically freeing itself from its cocoon, the blue-ring octopus regarded the party with interest.

As the sentient cephalopod gained its bearings, the party bore witness to a scene of untoward devastation in the shallows above. A large merchant vessel, capsized and in a state of ruin, grazed the perimeter of the weed-sea above. Swiftly and without warning, the Jungle of Lost Ships seemed to spring to life. Massive coils of vine wrapped around the overturned ship and with a deafening snap ripped it to shreds.

Breaking the silence that followed, a voice was heard by all who swam near the crystal dagger.

"The crystal blade was hewn from the altar below. The hilt is made from the bone of a leviathan. The blade will steal my soul.” said a faint yet audible voice “Should it be used yet again to kill, my soul will travel through the blade, into the waiting body."

Taking the initiative, the ephyra Phreb plunged the crystal dagger into the corpse of the sea sprite. As a flash of brilliant blue enveloped the unmoving sea sprite, the dagger dimmed and the waters grew warmer. Seeming almost as an involuntary motion, the sprite held her hand over her heart.

Though disoriented and unsure of herself, the sprite quietly followed the party as they investigated an unseen urge pulling Sakura to the northwest. As the party traveled, the triton called Current wondered aloud at the seeming nature of necromantic magics surrounding the party; an unliving shrunken head, a construct containing a soul, and the transfer of the essence of the Drylander Scia from the dagger to the sea sprite.

Shortly thereafter, the bed of clams was seen in the distance. Their deliberate placement reminded Sakura of rows of headstones in a graveyard. Soon the sea elf realized the siphons of the clams exuded streams laden with blackwater. As the blackwater filled the surrounding seas, wraith-like forms rose upward from the siphons of four clams.

Two of the wraiths transformed into the likeness of writhing tentacles, as the first form pointed a whiplike arm at Sakura. Within the largest of the clams, a scrimshaw-inscribed black pearl was seen. As the runes upon the pearl seemed to swirl and spin, a school of blackskates appeared in the waters above. As the waters grew colder, the bony skates merged into a singular form. At first the form resembled a massive manta ray, before shifting into the likeness of a jellyfish.

Voidrunner's Codex

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