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4e Battle of Good vs. Evil: Ice Archon & Co. vs. Eye Of Flame & Co.


OOC: ID took a second wind last round, so he has 9 hp left, not 0 before the breath. The breath misses (9+6 vs. 17 Fort), so ID is down to 4 hp. Otherwise the breath gets an extra +2 vs unconscious creatures (+4+2 for CA, not +2+2).

Forced movement does not provoke OA's. Ranged weapons are definitely allowed to flank, but use for OA's is fuzzier. It is supposed be a basic attack, which would definitely be the first attack listed in the statblock, which is normally melee. I would allow the second attack listed if it is a ranged, at-will attack. Keep in mind that ranged attacks trigger OA's themselves, but to prevent a ranged vs. ranged infiinite loop, you can only take an OA once on someone else's turn, never on your turn. Recharge occurs at the start of your turn, so next round. Hiding grants CA.

Round 14: Ragnar has 30 hp. Ombre has -10 hp. Bones has 31 hp. ID has 4 hp, bloodied.

Ragnar chops P1 for another 16+7, teleporting him out. He loops around to 65N50E. If he takes 2+ damage he makes an immediate attack against an adjacent opponent, preferably Hawkeye.

Bones will attempt a healing check on Ombre. 4+3, no luck. He moves to 50N65E.

Ombre starts dying (2).

ID shifts to 30N55E and bites P2 ferociously. 12+10+2, hit for 7+5 damage. He will shift and attack if P2 shifts.

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First Post
Bad Guys:
Norman (Leader): 46hp, full
Captain: 39hp, full
Hawkeye: 24+5hp, full+
P2: 29hp, injured

Norman Osborn recharges his force lance (5). Norman charges to 65n55e and hits Ragnar with a shock staff, 5+8+1 vs. AC. Ragnar takes 2d10+4=17 damage and is dazed until the end of Norman's next turn. Ragnar therefore does not get his immediate reaction, despite being bloodied.

Captain Archer shift northeast to 60n75e and fires the longbow at Bones, 13+9 hits for 8 damage. He grants Hawkeye the ally bonus, though it doesn't help.

Hawkeye shifts south to 55n50e and fires his crossbow at Ragnar. 1+5+2 misses!

P2 has seen ID do his shifty thing, so he's not gonna grant any free hits. He will instead just try to stab with his spear. 13+7 hits for 6 damage. ID is dying.


Norman has to use his boring staff with a charge, not his shock staff (basic attacks only). He can either hit Ragnar with the normal staff (reroll damage) and trigger the bloodied response or he can move instead of charge and miss with his shock staff. I'll let Norman use his AP this round as well if he wants, based on the results.


First Post
Ah, I see the caveat to charging now. That makes sense. The goal was to get a bonus on the attack before expending a charged power, but no matter. Since you've said that ranged weapons allow flanking then the least retconned choice would instead be a double move + AP power. Norman is at 70n50e and has used his AP and shock staff.


Round 15: Ragnar has 13 hp, bloodied & dazed. Ombre has -10 hp. Bones has 23 hp. ID has -2 hp.

Milly the giant centipede (the new leader) appears at 20N50E and uses her AP to bite P2 twice. 17+11 & 9+11, both hits. Max damage, 24 total!

Ragnar will take a second wind and heal to 27 hp, still bloodied and dazed.

Bones will charge to 30N50E. 4+10+2+1, barely hit! 8 damage, P2 is down at -3!

Ombre and ID remain the same (15 & 13).
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First Post
Ouch! P2 didn't see that one coming . . . :eek:

Bad Guys:
Norman (Leader): 46hp, full
Captain: 39hp, full
Hawkeye: 24+5hp, full+
P2: -3 hp, dying

Norman Osborn fails to recharge his shock staff (2). He shifts to the southeast at 65n55e and uses the force pulse on Ragnar (west). 8+7 barely beats (actually ties) Ragnar's reflex (counting the +2) for 9 force damage (pathetic). Ragnar is at 18hp and prone in square 65n45e. "Concentrate on Ragnar."

Captain Archer fires his longbow at Ragnar, with Norman ducking. Natural 1! 1+9+2 isn't quite enough to hit the recovering berserker.

Hawkeye also fires at Ragnar. Natural 20! Man, this d20 is bipolar! Ragnar takes 10 regular damage and then 2d6=7 more for CA. Ragnar is at 1hp and most likely extremely pissed off! Hawkeye shifts north to 60n50e if he can make an OA with his crossbow and it appears like he can?

P2 almost wakes up (18).


OOC: Yes, OA with crossbow is legit. Can't charge with a crossbow, though. :)

Round 16: Ragnar has 1 hp, bloodied & prone. Ombre has -10 hp. Bones has 23 hp. ID has -2 hp. Milly has full hp, 34.

Milly bites P2 for 12 and moves to 55N55E.

Ragnar will attack from prone, 10+6+2-2, missed.

Bones slashes P2 for 10, getting rid of him. He moves to 55N50E.

Ombre revives! (natural 20) He takes a second wind and heals to 5 hp. All of that occurs at the end of his turn.

ID starts dying (rolled 9).


First Post
Bad Guys:
Norman (Leader): 46hp, full
Captain: 39hp, full
Hawkeye: 24+5hp, full+

Norman Osborn fails to recharge his shock staff or force pulse (3). (At least I think I read somewhere that you roll once for all of them. Also, when do I roll? At the end of my turn? If so, this would be for last round.) He shifts to 70n50e and smacks Ragnar in the face with his staff, 18+8+2 for 8+1 damage, max! Who needs a crit? Ragnar is unconscious.

Captain Archer doesn't like the idea of Ombre rejoining the fight, so he fires an arrow into the bat, 16+9+2 for 10+4 damage, another max! Ombre's unconcious again.

Hawkeye shifts northeast to 65n55e and fires a crossbow bolt at Milly, 7+5 misses.

Reinforcements do not enter yet, but I have one down to account for. How many does Good have? Just the one for Ragnar, right?


OOC: Roll recharge at the start of your turn, and roll just once to determine what gets recharged. Ombre was already reinforced, so I only have one reinforcement.

Round 17: Ragnar has -8 hp. Ombre has -9 hp. Bones has 23 hp. ID has -2 hp. Milly has full hp, 34.

DJ the deathjump spider appears at 95N60E, then uses Death from Above to jump to 70N60E and bite Hawkeye, then use his AP for a normal bite. 10+11 and 12+11, both hit. Crap damage, 16 total.

Milly shifts to 60N50E and bites Hawkeye. 9+11+2, hit. Max damage, 12!

Ragnar does not die (17).

Bones shifts to 60N55E and attacks Hawkeye. 6+10, misses.

Ombre starts dying and ID is almost dead (3 & 5).


First Post
Bad Guys:
Norman (Leader): 46hp, full
Captain: 39hp, full
Hawkeye: 1hp, bloodied and in bad shape!

Norman Osborn fails to recharge his shock staff or force pulse (3, yes I rolled another 3). He decodes to take Ragnar out of the fight, doing 8+1 damage. Ragnar is at -17. Norman moves to 80n65e.

Captain Archer switches weapons (minor?) and then charges Ombre to 40n50e, doing 10 damage and teleporting him out.

Hawkeye knows he cannot take another round of attacks and so steps northwest and fires a bolt into Ragnar. 11+5+4+2, 1d8+2=3! Plus 2d6=6. Ragnar is now at -26! Evil is suitably impressed at how long Ragnar wil live (and I'm not really liking the -half hit point while dying rule).

Voidrunner's Codex

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