D&D 4E 4E Disease and Sickness Collection

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The Black Itch!

The Black Itch Level 8 Disease
A dibilitating fungal infection that causes painful itching Attack: +11 vs. Fort
and blackens the skin. Endurance improve DC 18, maintain DC 15, worsen DC 13 or lower

0 - Cured!
1 - Itching Becomes less severe. Black marks, if any, fade slightly but remain. -2 to only CHA based skills
2 - Initial: Severe Itching around wounds. -2 to all skill checks and dmg rolls
3 - Black marks appear. Skin begins to bleed and is painful to move. Speed reduced by 1.
4 - Tiny mushrooms begin to sprout. Eyes turn yellow and crusty, vision is milky. Fever and confusion sets in. Slowed.
5 - Final State: Delirium. Victim is mad with fever and large mushrooms sprout everywhere. The victim attempts to bite anyone that goes near. Tries to run into the mushroom forest where it will try to spread the disease by biting. Within the next month the victim will die and rot and produce large mushrooms from the corpse.


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Suggestion Sensitivity Syndrome Level 7 Disease
Those who acquire this disease do everything
They are told to do, regardless of what is,
Or who is telling them to do it.
Whether they want to or not.
Attack; +10 vs. Will
Improve; DC 20+
Maintain; DC 15+
Worsen; DC 14-

Curing stage; the target is cured.
Initial stage; the target receives a -1 to will checks and each turn must perform any 1 command it received during the encounter in a language the target understands, priority to commands given earlier than others.
Stage 2; target must perform any command it is told to do so in a language the target understands, if one command contradicts another; target receives a +5 vs. disease saving throw modifier and must perform a saving throw, on a success, the target takes 3 damage and follows through with the command that was given first, on a fail, target takes 10 damage and falls unconscious.
Final stage; target’s Will becomes 0 and it becomes dominated by the nearest creature within earshot that speaks a language the target understands.
Special; after any extended rest or when the target awakens from being unconscious, this disease no longer has effect on the victim, an is treated as 'cured.'


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Hmmm, how would one stat out a few real world diseases?

Like, dysentary, the black plague, pneumonia, and cholera? I intend on running an Emberverse campaign that involves those very same diseases.


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Stereotypical zombie epidemic level 21 disease

Those with this disease slowly become mindless
Undead beings with an unsatisfiable hunger for
The brain matter of the living, and another for
Spreading its illness to as many as possible.

Attack; +24 vs. Fortitude
Improve; DC 39+
Maintain; DC N/A
Worsen; DC 38-

Curing stage; target is cured
Stage 0; Target cannot be improved past this stage through normal methods, while the target is at this segment of the disease the target only needs to make a DC check for this disease at the end of every 2nd extended rest, at any other stage the target makes checks normally.
Initial effect; target’s alignment becomes unaligned. And will not attack any undead or any unit with this disease, any creature adjacent to this target that takes damage receives this disease; a saving throw may prevent it.
Stage 2; Targets’ speed gets -1. When the target receives damage form a creature, that creature must make a saving throw, on a fail, they receive this disease.
Stage 3; target is permanently dazed, receives a Will modifier of -3, and an intelligence modifier of -4.
Final stage; target falls under DM’s control and attacks strongest creature that does not already have this disease, target is labeled as undead, it’s intelligence becomes 0, and any unit that takes damage from the target receives this disease, the defender is not able to perform a saving throw to prevent this.
Special, when this disease worsens; it worsens 2 stages.
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First Post

I think this might be a little complicated.

Incremental Amnesia Virus Level; (Player’s level) disease

Over time, those with this disease forget everything
They know, even how to speak. Even how to think.

Attack; +(X +3) vs. Will
Improve; DC (X +15) +
Maintain; DC (X +10) +
Worsen; DC (X +9)-
X = (player’s level)

Curing stage; target is cured
Stage -1; target is unaffected by the disease.
Stage 0; target is unaffected by the disease.
Initial effect; target is unable to use, or remember having any feats or powers it received at its current level.
Stage N; target is unable to use any feats or powers it received at its current level or from N levels preceding its current level, nor is it able to remember any events from its long-term memory within N levels back.
Stage X+1; target forgets how to speak. The target can still communicate telepathically if it were already able to do so.
Stage X+2; target forgets who his allies are treating any creature that damages it as an enemy.
Stage X+3; target forgets who he is, and anything else it knows.
Stage X+4; final stage; target forgets how to think, collapsing into unconsciousness.
Special; whenever the target ‘improves’ to a better stage, it improves three stages instead. Whenever the target ‘worsens’ it worsens 3 stages instead. In any circumstance in which case the target is currently surpassing stage X+1, the target improves and worsens normally.
Special; if the targets’ hit points are dropped to zero or below as a result of a critical hit; this disease is cured.

also, would one be able to post curses in this thread? i read in the new "The Book of Vile Darkness" that a curse is like a disease except it doesn't cure itself at it's...'healthiest' stage, it just becomes dormant. untill it worsens again that is.

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